Sermons of Wanderer Lynneth

Started by Moonlighter, April 14, 2023, 12:05:25 AM

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Delivered in the Plaza of Ephia's Well, beneath the Pilgrim.

QuoteMany of you know of Warad as the Wanderer, the spoke of the Roads, and that is true of him. But to one who studies the tenents well, it is obvious that he is much more.

Warad is the message of joy, brought by courier to you to announce your newest of kin.

Warad is the vigilant scout, who travels a great distance to warn your leaders of impending invasion.

Warad is a great stone wall, impervious, that keeps them out when they would come.

Warad is the guard atop it, spear in hand, who watches for thieves who would prey upon the innocent.

Warad is the wagon, laden with goods and gold, alleviating famine and poverty in a stricken village.

Warad is the coin, earned in honest labor, that buys the medicine that heals your ailing lover.

Warad is the shrine, dutifully kept, where you might find succor and protection from the storms.

Warad is the spirit of the law, good and just, that keeps fickle men's hearts from treachery.

Warad is the blade, keen and true, brought down with great force upon the back of a bandit's neck.

Warad is the shield, held proudly, in service of protecting those you love and you do not even yet know alike.

Warad is the tavern, where you rest your weary soles at journey's end.

Warad is justice, hospitality, he is trade, he is word, he is the guardian, he is song, he is kindness, he is truth, he is unyielding, he is mercy.

The Wanderer, my dear friends, is society. For it springs up beneath his footsteps as on his great journey. Like seeds stuck to the bottom of his boots, law, safety and prosperity all follow in his wake.

As we follow his path, we etch his likeness into this world. As the very same sand and loam coats our boots that once did his, we build his empire.

He proudly carries aloft the torch of progress, into the darkness of night. All we must do in return is to sincerely and dutifully follow afterward.

These are the words of Warad:

Protect your home. Fight it's enemies for those who cannot.
Bring with you words and messages, tell others of the ways, and where they will find safety. Share your wisdom.
Share the road, and it's burdens, and protect those who walk it alongside you. Greet them with open hearts.
Blaze new paths and trails, face adversity, conquer the unknown, for it falls upon we to be the bold seeker.
Suffer not thieves and traitors, for he wards these least of all. Guide back to the road those who you can.
Tend the temples and shrines of the Wheel. The wheel is the very foundation of this world, and it is at places of worship most of all where peace and sanctuary ought be found.