
Started by Random_White_Guy, April 05, 2023, 05:07:54 AM

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The Creep is a realm to many of danger. Danger of sickness, danger from a blade, danger from the addled. While it is common for the Kulamet and White League to come and go, there has forever been another staple: The Stonefolk.

Said to have built the place long ago as a laborers passage to spare the precious Gates of Ephia's Well from their presence, they forever come and go to and from their Tablet. Sol Auk is no exception, for while he has always some business above so too has he come and gone often below for one reason or another. This time though it was not to dispense Narcotics as day of old, nor any business otherwise.... It was to drop a 100 pound slab in-front of the dilapidated and decayed watering hole outside the shrine of Kula below.

"Bottomswell. Is Tavern. Bottom of Well"

These words sit plainly etched. A cadre of men and women can be seen coming and going with the Stonefolk before an Acolyte of the Sybiline Sisterhood bearing sigil of Kula is seen joining them on a final trip in the evening. Negotiation is had in talk of shipments. Of Food, of Liquor, of amenities for turning this place once more into proper tavern. In human hand is written the word "Management" in the offices of the back.  Tables are uprighted, chairs of wood raised once more.

Bottomswell is open for business. Call rings out beckoning would be "Management", offering an alternative to the Krak de Rose.

After all it is widely said - Stonefolk take no sides, and the Lumbering figures for the most part seem uncomfortable in the noise and racket above. All seek refuge, why would Taverns be any different?

QuoteSol Auk
Many have asked Sol Auk - What do you, the Gold League, do for the voiceless? The refugee? Sol Auk tells now: We build.

New Tavern has come to the Well. A place where any and all may come for respite, for relaxation, but so too for community. A Job board for laboring. A place for entertainment. For drink. But so too employment for any who wish aid management.

For those wish alternative to Krak de Rose, Sol Auk in negotiation for shipments of food and liquor to be shipped to Bottomswell. It is tavern. At bottom of well, located in Creep. Blessed by Kulamet Amelie.
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips


As Candidacy chosen and politics swirls, many things can be lost in the fray, but in a quiet corner of the Creep at the tavern of Bottomswell a new duo sit in Management over the Creep's dilapidated watering hole. Time will tell what will come of such a thing...

QuoteKhizr Deadeye
The Bottomswell be under new management. Come crack a bottle and get loaded to the gunwall with rum. Speak with Deadeye or Halina if ye have business. Cheers to Sol Auk the Golden.

But similar to the now bustling Library of Palm Heights, Sol Auk once more builds new business, offering it for another to tend.

Far he has come from selling his water business, now tangible and growing presences rise by his Candidacy's hands.
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips


News comes of a change in hands as one Voiced is replaced by another Voiced as the owner of the Bottomswell Tavern's deed. Halina and her ilk still to sit as Management as Bellows come from the old and the new Owner.

QuoteSol Auk
Sol Auk brings further word. As the Water Business, and the Perfume business, Sol Auk has sold his Liquor business. Voiced Magdalena D'auberline, newly risen to Toga and prominence, has come to Sol Auk. She has from the Scribes secured Deed to the Bottomswell Tavern.

As she rises from Voiced to Land-Holding Voiced, may she enjoy the profits of generational wealth and all the status to come being one of the elite few of Ephia's Well who own their own property. A portion of proceeds to the Ex-Candidate Spehidra for her swift recovery.

The Torchbearers may seek him for their share of the profits from sale.

QuoteMagdalena D'Auberline
Aye. Tha's right. Halina, Dead-Eye, I'll be meetin' wi' ye soon to discuss t'ings, but essentially same as 'afore. Y'jus gotta deal wi' this ol' bitch. [A wicked laugh.] Bottomswell now belongs t'me, so tha' White League wench whassername ... Lynette? Any'ays, she can sto' harpin on' about it now.

Business's business. An' we love t'see it thrive.
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips