The Board of Unsung Heroes

Started by Disorder, April 04, 2023, 06:07:47 PM

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A series of announcements booms  across the wind:

My dear friends and companions, I am proud to bring to your ear the word of the Board of Unsung Heroes. For those who have woefully underutilized talents in need of gainful employ or opportunity, make yourself and your talents known upon it!
This idea was brought to my ear by Lady Murphy, and I have seen it done. This is what I would be like, as your Legate. Your concerns heard, and action taken on your behalf. Not empty rhetoric or promises, but truth in action. I am still gathering signatures, in the Krak des Roses, as well.

Within Krak des Roses travelers and regulars can easily spot a stone board that seems to function as a place for those from the public with telents underutilized in search of gainful employement,  and opportunity.  Scattered and disorganized notices upon it are staiend with wine and smoke from the bustling tavern.


A fresh note is added.

QuoteMurphy Angley. Field medic. Leave a word at the bar in the Krak.