Election: Sol Auk

Started by Random_White_Guy, April 01, 2023, 05:01:38 AM

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In the wake of Princess Shaimela's announcement of the Election at the end of John Syter's Eulogy, began a procession from the graveyard of Sol Auk flanked by numerous of the Gold League.

Surprising to none, the prodigal "Son" of the man who lost his entire family in the Ringfall, was the first to raise candidacy among any of the Three Leagues, raising his name for the Gold.

QuoteAmbient Message: Rumors begin to spread throughout the settlement of Ephia's Well that Sol Auk of the League of Gold is gathering signatures to qualify as the League's choice for Legate.

QuoteDM Shout:
A huge crowd gathers in the League of Gold offices, eagerly offering newly-declared candidate Sol Auk their signatures.

Shortly after the signatures in the League of Gold, the procession moves to the Palatial Pyramid, and then the Krak. A "Sips for Signatures" campaign quickly underway, offering bottles of Modan Port to every man or woman, voice or voiceless, who offers forth signature.

QuoteDM Shout: Candidates now take to the streets, seeking signatures and donations for the battle within their Leagues. It shall be a long and competitive week.

A signature is a signature, and a very valuable thing indeed - worth its weight in gold in the eyes of League officials.

Efforts continue well into the evening as the same gimmicks, bartering, haggling, and more that made the Gilded Groknak a feature in the Souk has translated effortlessly into political effort.

Only nine ours into the candidacy, a tally is raised and a number of signatures taken public. 
Five signatures all that are required to secure Candidacy among the Leagues.

...Sol Auk sits with 23.

QuoteAlexander Bestworth V
Marriet Fineweather
Gers Geiger
Argus Sesterius
Crassus Procillus
Lissur Fureance
Kythaela Reithel
Wajeeb al-Sattar
Mari Blacke
Snorri Ironfist
Costine Mevura
Khalid al-Hayim
Estellise Azimi
Osirck Ashfall
Jamileh Attar
Sephidra Niridhe
Pirouette Manners
Velan Volandis
Petro Anders
Maiel Mal'had
Brandy Goodnight
Naelin Karstwen
Marcellus Saenus
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips


As Purple, White, and Gold Candidates take to the street in number, the round mound of pavement-pound that is Sol Auk is seen making its way up and down the Krak de Rose's "Street" all day.

From conversing with Ashfolk and Archaeologist in the Krak,
To Recluta arguing over its placement of the "Petition Slab" half-blooking the doorway of the Krak,
To circulating about speaking with many before their inevitable departure for the mission of Treasure Hunting in Qadira
- Most of Sol Auk's time spent in the Krak.

Dividends shown though as one after another, more take to leave their gilded signatures or gold-smeared thumbprints - particularly dwarves and Stonefolk choosing not to write, upon its petition.

Conciliatory gesture of Purple and Gold Candidates signing one another's petitions through out the day as Hayes, Sephidra, Argus, and Sol Auk seen exchanging petition.

Men and women of all leagues, Astronomers, Janissary, Cinquefoil Rose, and the Sublime Garden's Scribes.

Varied clergy and faithful of Warad, B'aara, Izdu, Twindari, Agaslakku, Kula, Gallema, and Urazzir.

Officers of the Accord Signatories in Apothar, Ballader, Balestriere, Voiced, Voiceless...

In a uniquely rare Asterabadian showing not only the Gold League but the entire palette of support spoken of at John Syter's Funeral, in Sol Auk's eulogy to the princess and populace, show up in full force.

And by the second day's end the number of signatures publicly raised doubles exactly from 23 to 46

QuoteAlexander Bestworth V
Marriet Fineweather
Gers Geiger
Argus Sesterius
Crassus Procillus
Lissur Fureance
Kythaela Reithel
Wajeeb al-Sattar
Mari Blacke
Snorri Ironfist
Costine Mevura
Khalid al-Hayim
Estellise Azimi
Osirck Ashfall
Jamileh Attar
Sephidra Niridhe
Pirouette Manners
Velan Volandis
Petro Anders
Maiel Mal'had
Brandy Goodnight
Naelin Karstwen
Marcellus Saenus
Alejandro Benjazar
Sana Khealn
Isevara Galayn
Sarosh Sobhanoki
Hayes Whitehaven
Nephele Marinus
John Brandy
Kyle Rollins
Soraya al-Shaher
Sherine Rayes
Baracknar Boneprick
Isabella Fitzgerald
Doud al-Maaz
Alcides Patten
Astrid Irmark
Afsana Madani
Cogsworth Copperfirst
Klovu Kur
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips


Before the end of the third day, the weight of the campaign takes hold. Outside the Plaza after sermon, Scribe and others engage with Sol Auk in question and answer. Among the crowd it is asked if any wished to sign petition. Only three out of those many gathered had not.

Upon three more signatures from them secured he is seen heading to the Krak, emerging a short time later with Wanderer Lynneth of Warad, notably of the White League and College of Balladeers.

They vanish to the Whitmore Public Library of Palm Heights for a half hour time, before the large Stonefolk is seen making from Palm Heights to the Gold League Offices.

QuoteAmbient Message:
There is a groundswell of rumors in Ephia's Well that Sol Auk of the League of Gold has gathered enough signatures to run as their candidate for Legate and awaits the League's decision. Competitors may still yet arise ...

Within the League Offices is petition surrendered, Fifty Signatures each in bright and shining gold. Along side it a massive bag of thousands of Dinar in "Charity" left with the League Officials.

A copy of the Petition is hanged publicly within the Gold League Office for all of the League and any visitor to see, before he returns to the Palatial Pyramid

[hide= The Gold Inked Petition]
Alexander Bestworth V
Marriet Fineweather
Gers Geiger
Argus Sesterius
Crassus Procillus
Lissur Fureance
Kythaela Reithel
Wajeeb al-Sattar
Mari Blacke
Snorri Ironfist
Costine Mevura
Khalid al-Hayim
Estellise Azimi
Osirck Ashfall
Jamileh Attar
Sephidra Niridhe
Pirouette Manners
Velan Volandis
Petro Anders
Maiel Mal'had
Brandy Goodnight
Naelin Karstwen
Marcellus Saenus
Alejandro Benjazar
Sana Khealn
Isevara Galayn
Sarosh Sobhanoki
Hayes Whitehaven
Nephele Marinus
John Brandy
Kyle Rollins
Soraya al-Shaher
Sherine Rayes
Baracknar Boneprick
Isabella Fitzgerald
Doud al-Maaz
Alcides Patten
Astrid Irmark
Afsana Madani
Cogsworth Copperfirst
Klovu Kur
Cynthia Sellsmith
Lashyn Amangeldi
Faustine Sangrey

QuoteSol Auk
Sol Auk extends gratitude to Wanderer Lynneth, who after hour and a half session of palatial tutelage on the merits of Grace and Dignity when ruling, sits as the 50th Signature upon Sol Auk's petition. Alejandro and Voiced Crassus are sought for their lessons on Art and Cuisine.

Later in the evening, comes rumor of a differing nature...

QuoteAmbient Message:
Another rumor runs rampant in Ephia's Well. It would seem that Argus Sesterius of the League of Gold has removed their name from consideration for the current election

Not long after, comes announcement

QuoteSol Auk
Voiced Argus, Magistrate of John Syter, approached Sol Auk with a proposal not so different than Assembly. Where as the White League in tumult, where as the Purple League inundated with so many Candidate without direction, he offers unity.

We stand now as one, and upon our victory, he shall be named Magistrate of Sol Auk. This given publicly as assurance and showing of good business done, of those of Merit and idea flourishing, and what the Gold League offers the other may not. Live and Drink.

With the White League still in question over Diakos' betrayal, Gold Legate John Syter seen a beloved martyr killed by the White League Demagogue.
Where the Purple League holding two, three candidates, talk of one dead, talk of others potentially still to enter affairs - The Gold League rallied to single presence as competitor Argus to be new Magistrate.
The other candidates continue for signatures while the League of Gold shifts forward towards the further election.

Another day of petitions in the Krak, of wanderings among the Plaza, and more concludes.
One matter though circling as if paid to be known as gossip -

That the final signature upon the Petition of Sol Auk: Wanderer Lynneth of Warad.
Co-Balladeer and White League Voiced of close ties to  Candidate Aubrey Domergue of the League of White.
Said by some to be one of the closest friend to the presumptive Candidate of the League of White.

...Shrewd happenstance, perhaps
Simple occurrence,  possibility
Or opening and preemptive salvo of attack upon the White Candidate in the upcoming election.... unknown.
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips


QuoteDM Shout: Tammuz Third, the month of broken lovers. Normalcy seems to have returned to the Well, of sorts.

[hide=Dm Shout Continued] DM Shout: Although snakes slither in the corners of houses, they are coiled as-if asleep. The Voiced, with fresh confidence, step into the Plaza to debate, discuss and canvas. An election is coming.

Sol Auk, the late John Syter's heir apparent, is spoken of as a sympathetic candidate who might retain some of the murder'd Legate's authority. And yet he hath challengers even within the Gold, and the other Leagues jostle to make their cause heard.

Business, it seems, is conducting as usual. And the business of politics is grotty indeed. A week is a long time. And the complacent oft find themselves surprised when the ballot is counted at last.[/hide]

Complacent can be said of few though as the news of the day continues to circulate. It began as most have - Candidate Sephidra of Purple seeking more petitions at the Krak

[hide= Sephidra's call for Petition]Good people of Ephia. This is Sephidra Niridhe of the Torchbearers speaking. For a time I shall be available within the Krak des Roses; Selling maps made by Captain Karstwen and accepting signatures for my candidacy petition.[/hide]

Fourty five minutes later though kicked off an unexpected gesture that would, by chance or design, send the entire evening into chaos

[hide=Rumor of Rennik's Rise as Candidate]Ambient Message: Rumors begin to spread throughout the settlement of Ephia's Well that Rennik Colmes of the League of Purple is gathering signatures to qualify as the League's choice for Legate.[/hide]

As Sergeant Rennik Colmes of the Janissaries  throws hat into political sphere. Said by some a meticulous man who has triumphed over countless criminal in articulate courtroom speeches and evidence gathered. Said by others as the hot-headed Detective who plays by no rules but his own that lead to John Syter's execution. Though long of purple badge now taking to open Politics, he sits a newcomer compared to the establishment of the more politically lauded Magistrate Torchbearer Sephidra and White-Turned-Purple Isabella who favors so the finer things that Palm Heights provides.

Among the Purple League now sit three, but it is the White League that turn to unexpected activity as Tammuz the 3rd gives way to the 4th and day into night. As moments after Rennik's rumors circulate, call goes out by the Balladeers of the Cinquefoil Rose

[hide=Lynneth's invitation to the Rose]Lynneth: I should like to speak both with my sister, Aubrey, and my dear friend Afsana. I will be by the Verdant Stage for a time, if you've other business for my attention. Be well.[/hide]

While members of the Sisters and Balladeers meet it is said that Sol Auk of the Gold can be seen coming and going from the College, before sitting for nearly two hours on its donation slab awaiting a meeting with the Balladeers for one reason or another. Seen for a time speaking with one prospective Balladeer, before Hero Velan Volandis is seen escorting him below with Lynneth and Aubrey.

During this strange meeting - be it peace, or strife unknown between political rivals, comes wildfire of rumor.

[hide=Cries of Candidate Cyrille] Ambient Message:
Rumors begin to spread throughout the settlement of Ephia's Well that Cyrille Monteglas of the League of White is gathering signatures to qualify as the League's choice for Legate.[/quote]

Cyrille Monteglas
Hello, hello... Fashionably late to the race, I must admit! But it would not be that much of a race, if I began when everyone else did, eh? Aha. Five and more signatures, to elect me as the choice of the League of White's candidate for the late Legate Syter's position. I'll find you, good people, fret not![/hide]

Cyrille Monteglas, famed Advocate of the accused and White League firebrand throwing his fervor into the political arena. Quickly seen making his rounds in the Plaza and Krak shoring up Signatures.

Less than an hour later though stirs the College of Balladeers.

[hide=Candidate Lynneth's League Debut] Ambient Message:
Rumors begin to spread throughout the settlement of Ephia's Well that Lynneth of the League of White is gathering signatures to qualify as the League's choice for Legate.[/quote]

My dear friends and companions, I bring to you a humble plea: I wish to represent you, voiced and voiceless alike, upon the Assembly. I ask that those of you who trust me so, do so but once more. You who would wish to endorse my candidacy may seek me out at the Krak des Roses.[/hide]

Lynneth, Wanderer of Warad, Feeder of Turtle and tender of the Krak tosses herself into the political gauntlet. Well known among the Adventuring populace.

...Yet the largest news of the night comes an hour yet after that.

QuoteAnother rumor runs rampant in Ephia's Well. It would seem that Aubrey Domergue of the League of White has removed their name from consideration for the current election.

Balladeer Aubrey Domergue, one of the first Voiced Refugees of the White League, the first Officer raised to true Balaldeer, withdraws from election contention.

While Sol Auk of the Gold offers praise of her sacrifice to pursue Diakos, Isabella of the Purple League goes for the throat...

[hide=Sol Auk's praise]
In teaching of dignity, grace, and heroism, Palatial Tutor Lynneth spoke much of putting other before self. Balladeer Domergue was one of the first harmed by Diakos, long before any of us. As she aspired much of Politics. Casting such aside speaks volumes of character, may Diakos be found by her fury.[/Hide]

[hide=Isabella's Attack]I heard the rumors. Aubrey, I admit, you surprised me. Putting aside your candidacy like that. Were you doing so for the League? The people? Or simply the Well in its entirety to put at ease the fears of its denizens. *There was a pause.*

... you may keep a fourth of my stipend Aubrey. May it serve your needs for supply and more in search of the Cup. Live and drink.[/hide]

As the night draws to a close though sits much upheaval.

The Purple League, said to be so often organized behind the Sultan, Sits now with three very distinct candidates:
Voiced Hayes - Perished on a pirate isle.
Janissary Sergeant Rennik Colmes - Petitions commencing this evening.
Isabella - Underway but new to the Purple from White.
Sephidra - Presumptive front runner of Purple, Ex-Magistrate of Zarat, well known of Adventuring populace.

The White League, so often thought of as the league of the People, leaving the Wheel's faiths to the Purple, now tended by two very different Priest.
Balladeer Aubrey Domergue - Withdrawn
Advocate Cyrille of Izdu -  Advocate of the Well, famously fighting for the downtrodden, but rumors too of "Throwing" Brudron's Capital trial in canny move to punish criminal.
Balladeer Lynneth of Warad - Balladeer of the College but so too wanderer well beloved for tending of turtles and Adventurers alike

The Gold League,  motivated by Martyr Syter.
Argus - Withdrawn, vouched support for Sol Auk in exchange for Magistrate seat.
Sol Auk - Petition turned in for Candidacy, done campaigning at 50 Singatures.
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips


The day inundated on all sides as petition efforts reach a fevered pitch. Purple and White jockeying back and forth. While Sol Auk and Sephidra are seen meeting at the Torchbearers with a cadre of Voiced and Voiceless in tow for reasons unknown, comes a deluge of political movements.

[hide=Aubrey's Speech]Aubrey Domergue
Live and drink, Ephia's Well. Rumors doubtlessly spread fast, but I shall give truth to the whispers: I have stepped away from the election for our new Legate. The vitriolic disdain many of you hold for my efforts, past and future, must not stand in the way of desperately needed progress.

I bid all of you - no, beg you - to look upon the candidates, both in the league primaries and the joined general, and seek out those who have always given before receiving. In the darkest hour, it is those demonstrating kindness, generosity, and bravery which are alike a guiding beacon in the night.

Talk is cheap. Words are easily made; dinar, easily spent. Confide your hopes not in the person who speaks the prettiest words or makes the loftiest promises. Rather, lay them upon the one who has unerringly fought for you; upon whom you know will do so even in the gravest of circumstances.

I wish I could have proven to you the value of selflessly attending our neighbors; in hoisting them upwards from their struggles; in lending Voice to the Voiceless. But I leave such to my colleagues, unvarnished by perceived venom. And I look forward to a vigorous election in the Asterbadian way.

And Diakos? I know you can hear me. Mayhap it was the wrath of al-Maribid which spurred your devastating and traitorous turn from the People and towards Bashmu. But know this: It is my wrath which shall see you to justice.

I am coming for you old, friend. There is nowhere you can hide; no cave or hostel you can slither your way into in which I shall not find you. The lion waits - but before its maw sinks into your flesh, it is mine blade which shall take its pound first.[/hide]

Shortly after the Bellowed speech, the expected bantering, but then an unexpected move...

QuoteCyrille Monteglas
Aubrey, you doll! Trying to thwart my constituents with fanged teeth and a serpent's tongue? Unfortunately for you, I'm now at TWENTY FIVE! Cyrille Monteglas, a chicken in every pot, a goat on every farm, and clarity on every belt! Vote Monteglas, the best advocate in town! Ahaha!

QuoteAubrey Domergue
That you believe mine rhetoric attacks you with fanged teeth and serpent's tongue is mayhap more an indication of your own self-reflective perception than any wrongdoing on my part. Truly, I merely wish Ephia's Well to make the best choice for her future.

There is now a five dinar discount, 'pon each vial, from the listed prices upon my flyers for all who would place their trust in me and sign my petition to become the League of White's candidate. Share in my bounty, and receive Warad's boons as we share this road toward progress.

The vaunted Potion Discount, a tool reserved by Maji in search of most dutiful henchmen, criminal mages in search of unerring assassin, or the most sacred of sacrements from the priestly. However Lynneth's onslaught did not stop there...

QuoteLyrist Alois Didereaux
Ahem! Your attention please! There'll be free drinks - yes, to your fill! - for anyone tonight in our Krak! This comes at the behest of brave Lynneth Waradiim, charitable candidate for the upcoming race!

DM Shout:
A hustle and bustle as it's made clear that tonight one may drink for free in the Cinquefoil Rose, and the Krak sees much merrymaking...

As potions and Drinks alike flow freely, no end of merriment in sight as numerous petition-peddlers find their way to the crowds of the Krak from White and Purple League.

QuoteCyrille Monteglas
Thirty votes, thirty people who believe in Cyrille Monteglas! Chicken in every pot, goats on every farm, and clarity on every belt! Hurrah! Sign for Monteglas, future representative of the League of White!

...and yet while Cyrille boasts of his succeses, and charitable efforts aplenty to "Buy" signatures" from locals, comes further news...

QuoteAmbient Message:
Word spreads that the property of Krak - Room 14, hitherto owned by Lynneth, is now free for purchase due to a failure to pay.

Be it merry making too hardily, too focused on Political efforts to remember to pay her rent, or sacrificing her position graciously for one in need is anyone's say to decide as rumor spread...

The night comes to an end with a dramatic announcement from the Sultan's Herald. A final push, a chiming call.

QuoteSultan's Herald
Less than three days remain before primaries draw to a close. Ensure that all candidacy petitions are filed before the deadline, or you will not be selected as a League's candidate.

Where last evening chaos, this evening intrigue. Meetings abound as Isabella and Rennik Colmes are seen ducking into the Garrison to speak at long length, Gold League individuals frequently seek Sol Auk (Who also somehow has time and funds to... open a new tavern...?), and White League sparring continues onward.

Less than three days remain... for those who love such a thing life never brighter, for those who find it tedious - soon relief comes in one form or another.
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips


The day begins with an unexpected ringing... The specter of intolerance rearing its head. Many reminded of the hardships faced by the Stonefolk as Har-Saf the Stonefolk accused by Scribe. This lead to Capital Charges raised against Nadiri Bestworth of the Eagle's Mount, which lead to more politics. By the end of day it will be the noisiest of the election yet, ending with a Candidate's public shrieking breakdown over the bellows, and accusations of Janissary spreading Ortenid Propaganda with weapons drawn. A most poor look and distressing day for the Purple League

QuoteFaustine Sangrey]
Please note, the Stonefolk Proprietor of the 'Wares from beyond the wall' stall refuses to display a trading Licence, nor provide a name to be associated with one. Do not trust unlicensed traders, neither their stock nor the safety of your coin can be guarenteed.

[hide= Purple League and White League rebuking]Tayyib al-Suat
Who is this gormless Outer that impugns on the given rights of the Stonefolk to conduct trade on their ancestral lands? We of the Ash have forever been friends to they of the Stone. Please know your place, and do not harass these simple folk!

Shame on you for raking one of the Tablet's own sons over the proverbial coal! Great shame! You should be driven out of the Well with staves and whips. Bullying the Stonefolk.. honestly! It beggars belief.

Faustine Sangrey
The Stonefolk enjoy every right granted to all who come into the well. But with those rights come the same responsibilities. Stonefolk or no. One who refuses to show Licence to trade, nor give a name to confirm it, is one to be reasonably doubted.

Aubrey Domergue
It has scarce been more than a week past, and how quickly Ephia's Well forgets the tragedies which they have inflicted upon its neighbors. The Stonefolk do not, in fact, enjoy every right granted to all who come to this well. The Tablet continues to be without protection from ash storms.

Indeed, during the Great Ash Blizzard, many a Stonefolk died during the storm. Those who lived came back to ruined homes and broken buildings. I shall pay for this Stonefolk's license; let us not denigrate one who seeks to uplift himself in the wake of a tragedy. I await at the pyramid.

Jamileh Attar
Well, hello, hello! Regardless of how much amusement these bellows bring, I'd like to point out that good Har-saf is a Wheel priest of quite a reknown, and a licensed trader too, that has been trading his goods legally within the souk with appropriate licensing for quite some time now, from his many ventures -

Jamileh Attar
No one, also, is required to present their licenses to non-state sanctioned authorities, but good Har-saf just flashed at me as I was passing by, hm? Sometimes it's all about the attitude.. Live and drink, and please try not to bring more fear, uncertainty and doubt to our home, stranger.[/hide]

The tension thick of the political season as Licensure brought into mention, comes a shattering revelation

QuoteAlexander Bestworth V
I have done alchemical experiments over 25 times without your liscence most of these experiments not making anything. Feel free to make your argument before a court of how you were robbed.

QuoteFaustine Sangrey
Your public confession is noted, and recorded for later reference. Thank you for the convinience, and for identifying yourself previously. This shall I am sure not reflect in any way upon the Astronomers you proudly chose to represent.

25 Instances of Alchemy, with a Licence valued at 500 Dinari. 12,500 Dinari. Or 5 counts of capital theft.

More bellows, more exchanges, more politics, before the matter is resolved as the White and Purple take to sparring.

QuoteAubrey Domergue
I am of the understanding that the Janissaries of the Fourth Legion are quite tapped on resources - and, more to the point, dinar to pay their men. So I shall offer a two hundred dinar bounty on whichever Janissary successfully punishes Nadiri Bestworth in accordance to the law.

The jousting betwixt Tayyib of the Purple, known supporter of Rennik Colmes, and Aubrey Domergue of the Rose, of Lynneth's camp, continue for a time. The Astronomer is "Fined" under unknown circumstance. The Well's waters continues to flow.

QuoteDM Shout:
It is the season of elections. The fate of the broader Ash hangs in some small way in the balance. The dominant league will liaise with outside powers, dictate the direction the Well's future will take, mold the reality of this city in the coming months.

New contestants have risen. Contenders at the pivotal moment.

White? Purple? Gold?

And which of the Wheel's kinder spokes shall replace the cursed Wyrm on the Stele? What strange wonders might such a proclamation bring...?

As speculation around the Stele, the balance of things, the wondering of further politics comes more sparring.

[hide=Lynneth of White and Isabella take to sparring anew...]Lynneth
As the displaced and dispossessed, we have only each-other to rely upon. Let us share our burdens as we cling together, so that the load becomes lighter for all of us. My own plea is for your trust and support, so that I might fight on your behalf as I do at the Walls in the halls of power.

I am Lynneth, Waradim and Balladeer. I will hear your woes, and your concerns at the Krak des Roses, and hope for your support upon my bid to become the Candidate for the League of White. Your trust in me shan't be misplaced, this I swear.

Isabelle Fitzgerald
I have a challenge for you then, Lynneth. As someone who's been harrassed by the Banda Rossa for being wrapped in purple. What will you do to keep your patrons safe against the staff? While you ponder on the answer, Sephidra, this is Isabella. I still need to speak to you. I can not afford anymore time.

It -must- be today. I'll be at the League's office. As for everyone else, live and drink![/hide]

However it is once more as the evening takes to the sky, Astronomers heading to the Desert, and the Cruel Moon rising that the exhaustion of the day's heat is let out. It begins at first... with a call.

QuoteRennik Colmes
This is Sergeant Colmes speaking. Fer a short while, I'll be making myself available within the Krak t'collect signatures fer candidacy of the League of Purple. Yer support would be appreciated.

Shortly after is Sergeant Colmes seen being met by the sizeable Sol Auk to the Garrison. After a time of discussion comes a Scarab and newly hired B'aaran speaking of "Finally getting paid".

Sol Auk is seen making for the Krak de Rose with two La Banda Rossa Balestrieres - Gorgeous Gianluca and The Lion Kythaela in tow. After a time the sound of corks popped and cheers.

Earlier spoke Aubrey Domergue of the tensions of the Assembly not giving out money.

Now speaks from both Garrisons of Dinar flowing freely.

Across the Ash desert can a star be seen... shooting.

QuoteDM Shout
A falling star across the length of the ash cuts a ruddy red swatch through the night sky, as if the darkness above were midnight-colored flesh sliced freshly with a fine-wrought blade. A slash of crimson burns bright for some time, 'ere it arcs and plummets into the desert below.

Eight minutes later comes announcement.

[hide=Sol Auk's Dispenses of Allocation]Sol Auk
Many have taken to ask. Sol Auk. The other League's candidates speak of policy. The other League's candidates speak of plan. Where is your policy? To this Sol Auk says - Policy is the Labor of the Voiced. They are the ones who bring change, raise policy, push effort.

The Labor of the Legate is to negotiate, to balance, to expand, and improve the matters of those of the Well. They sit in judgement of both the Hall of Jurisprudence and Assembly of Rule. They sit as leader of our Well. They oversee the Allotment.

You ask Sol Auk's Policy? Policy is to be Legate. Tonight while other caniddate jockey for Signature, Sol Auk has dispensed allotment. Thousands of Dinar to the treasuries of La Banda Rossa and Janissary of the Fourth Legion, as well as Gold League mercenary. Live and Drink.[/hide]

Presumptuous it would be to say Sol Auk's good business brings omens across the celestial body. And yet after the announcement came oddities.

[hide= Isabella's Salvo at Sol Auk]
Isabelle Fitzgerald
Ah, my friend, good to see you embracing charity. Gods know the Accord could always use more to their needs. I personally recommend the Sibylline Sisterhood, to those of you who are asking how you can feed and cloth the refugees. Having said that... I'm rather confused about something, Sol Auk. You've displayed time and time again a firm understanding of the Legate's office, as any runner should. But I fear we're misconstruing 'policy' with 'duties'.There was a sip. Tis not a Legate's place to make policy, certainly, but...

To say a Legate can not have a vision? An agenda? A lead for his League to follow? My friend, when people ask these questions they're asking what you wish to see bloom under your term. Our poor Legate Syter, may he rest in peace, had one himself, you know? He told me himself, one night, back when I was still fresh from the dunes. He wanted to see more envoys and ambassadors sent out from Ephia's Well. For trade purposes, of course. He wanted to ration water down to bottle and export -for- that said trade... And he wanted to lower taxes. A simple thing It was his agenda, dear. His dream. His... policy. And goodness knows if I didn't see Voiced pursue it! It's what they voted for, after all... this representation of what they believed was best for Ephia's Well...

I still remember rather fondly the rather spirited debate around the furniture tax. Which was achieved in the assembly... by the Voiced of the Gold League. Not his lips, certainly, but he did -inspire- those horizons to those in Gold. It happened! The dream was achieved! Sol Auk... what does yours look like? I can't wait to hear the answer. Live and drink!

Sol Auk
You wish to hear Sol Auk's answer? You may find him at the Krak enjoying the Balladeer's performance.[/hide]

Isabelle Fitzgerald
Not everyone can attend the Krak dear. Or fit, for that matter. Ah, but I understand, you're enjoying a show. I'll keep an eager ear for your policy. Oh, and Sister Amelie, I'll be at Elossi's Lounge when you have the time. Nothing urgent.

Sol Auk
Hear words of Isabella. So heavy quill in talk of flyer for 'Security'. So much water she wastes on bellows, to say so little. She cannot even secure her own negotiations with the Cinquefoil Rose. How is she to negotiate with Free Cities? Keep you safe? No to Isabella. Yes to Sol Auk.

From this small political act of Sol Auk bringing her ban of the Krak into the forefront of the evening, a political firestorm catches blaze.

[hide=Isabella's Rebuttal and Sipping Shrieking]Isabelle Fitzgerald
I need to beg someone at the Krak to remind Sol Auk that the primaries aren't over -just- quite yet... though, I'm flattered friend, that you're already thinking of me in such.The sound of sipping. Though the Cinquefoil Rose? Mh...

Isabelle Fitzgerald
I'm afraid there's very little indeed left to say between me and the Rose. A tragedy in itself... as so many of my people; those I once shared home, hearth and kinship with; sit there, even now. All that remains of a life past...

Refugee Squatter
UGH! It's bad enough I have to life in the Hope, but now we have to listen to people SLURPING INTO THE BELLOWS MACHINE? Scibes! Please! End our torment! No more SIPPING!

Isabelle Fitzgerald
The sound of a cup clapping on a table. ... apologies. Have to stay hydrated at my age. A lot of things I've had to keep at my age. Like some modicum of self-respect.

Lynneth, you failed to answer my challenge when you answered in silence. Just as the Rose failed to honor the unspoken code of hearth and guest that gave us some damned haven back in the old world. I'm well aware of what kind of bile you've all been spewing in there...[/hide]

As the Rose is attacked openly by Isabella, comes forth the ever zealous attack dogs of La Banda. In the ensuring conflict by Bellow, come too rumors of swords drawn, janissary tensions in the Krak de Rose, and SHRIEKING upon the Bellows...

QuoteKythaela Reithel
Quit your goddamn crocodile tears. You arent banned from the Krak des Roses. You got told to stop botherin' folks with constant politics so people can drink in peace. And now you've ceded so you can send the Janissary in to do your dirty work out of spite.

Sabotaging their own elections out of spite.

[hide=Isabella's breakdown]Isabelle Fitzgerald
Don't be so quick to do so my friend. A balladeer is running for Legate yet again! In spite of the tremendous upset and discord it'd wreak on the Accord. I suppose its to be expected though...

Aren't you that Orzan dog- apologies, that Banda Rossan dog next the Muck Rat who tried to goad me? Fie on both of you for your antics... you're not half as clever as you'd like to think. And honestly? It's nothing new...

Though I do find it suspicious, even after the incident at that gate, you continue to act like spoiled brats in retainer uniforms. Belligering everyone you may... to... uplift your ego...? Sense of worth...? Pat on the head?There was a pause. I am not hostage to my kinship with my people.

And fie on you for trying to abuse such. And shame on you, for harassing travelers for NOT signing your damned petition just because you gave them a drink! And shame on you for being the single greatest source of instability in the ENTIRE CITADEL!

YOU THINK THIS IS FUNNY?! YOU THINK THIS A GAME?! DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT Y-!There was an abrupt pause. ... yes yes, I understand. Far too loud...

You'll have to forgive me friends... even I can be subjective to wroth at times. Let's end this unpleasant conversation for softer fancies.[/hide]

Accusations of "Orzan Dog", whatever such means, accusations of sabotage of elections, of personal feud, of howling and shrieking and howling into the Bellows.

In the aftermath a Janissary is said to have leapt to her defense, but the actions backfire terribly...

Isabelle, my lady. I know not what challenge of you speak. But to me, you seem quite threatened indeed. You ought focus upon winning your little League primary instead of worrying about me, hm? If you can beat Sephidra, then, and only then, will I acknowledge your 'challenge.'

Until then, worry over yourself.

More bellows, more, so many more - Calls from both sides of the firing line of the Krak de Rose and the Plaza, and talk of a Janissary kicked out of the Krak de Rose.

Sergeant Colmes, you may wish to come get your man. He has begun spreading Orentid propaganda in our dear tavern, and waving his blade about so.

One purple Candidate's public breakdown over the Bellows, raving like a madwoman possessed of old grudges of an old world.
Another Purple Candidate's men under his Janissary command openly brandishing weapons in the Krak,
and worse, spreading Ortenid Propaganda
While Ex-Magistrate Sephidra wisely keeps her head down, or is it a lack of leadership among her peers...?

While the White League jousting between Cyrille and Lynneth Continues over ecclesiastic tending of the impoverished, in increasingly vocal proclamations casting a Waradim with knightly auspices against an Izdu Lawyer of clever and canny nature.

While the Gold League Sol Auk solidifies deals of business with both La Banda and the Janissaries, marked by a shooting star, lending out thousands of dinar to make up for the lack of funding from the Assembly.

One and a half days remains...

For some, not soon enough as such politics embarasses the Well, or is just annoying.

For others, it seems, a fight for their lives to secure Candidacy.
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips


The day, ever so promised to soon end politics, lead to anything but.

Isabella Fitzgerald, of the Purple League, boldy proclaiming she and fellow purple, Rennik Colmes, will be "Leaving the Election", minutes after he had submitted his paper work and she shredded hers.  A concession speech she gave on both their behalfs, mistakenly, as Rennik did not in fact shred his petition. The Krak de Rose erupting in laughter at the feat - The Sergeant tricked her? A miscommunication? Who can say for certain.

Shortly thereafter did further upheaval come - Apothar Estelise Azimi entering the fray on behalf of the Purple League. Not to win, but to ensure "A Contest between Lynneth and Sol Auk" was all that was to come of the next week's Formal election.
The tiny tutor of Nadiri was seen racing around the Krak, and even the Emergency Assembly of the Crowned Princess and Heiress, Princess Faziima, much to the Chief Scribe's embarassment.

For that is the politics any truly care about this evening. Came from on high the Princess' airship for an Emergency Session of the Assembly over the Allocation.

Matters began smoothly as the Chamber of Rule was filled. People came, old friends greeted, all on best behavior for the Princess. On the righthand side the Grandmaster, on the left sat Zenithar Oro - And Bey of the Janissary at the Princess' ear.

All was smooth... until overture began and the allocation announced

93,510 DINAR

"How much of it would the Astronomers wish"
Quickly barked the Zenithar. "93,000"

From there descended utter madness, not seen since the Ash Blizzard Assembly. Without the reasoned and measured seats of the Legate old tribalism bled through instantly. Leading to over-reaching, insult, thin veiled threats, and more.

Candidates Azimi, Colmes, and Lynneth to the fore each with their own proposals. Lynneth's measured and fair, equal divisions. Candidate Azimi seeking staggered. Sergeant Colmes seeking 20,000 each and the rest held over to the next assembly.

Such not so openly welcomed by the Grandmaster or Zenithar taking quickly to jockey for and against their rivals in demands for higher sum. Round and round went the suggestions. Some ideas holding merit, others none, as further and further voices raised and Voiced aplenty overspoke one another as the SIgnatory Accord on both the Seats and Podium lead to debate and strife.

The Rose Acolytes seeking Charity despite bringing 17,000 dinar into the Assembly Chamber claiming it was for Hasheema's Hope, but many Voiced pointing out how they waited until the largest stage, and the Princess' presence, to make such a declaration - while actively seeking upwards of 30,000 dinar if Candidate Lynneth had her way. This only set the assembly into even further chaos.

The Bey of the Janissaries saying at one point he agreed with Sol AUk, it was most improper indeed as Signatory Officers sought. At one point the Stonefolk even taking the Podium to ask for Royal Decree from the Princess that they be banished from such a thing given the Chaos of this assembly, and the future precedent set by Allocations and more tended by Legate-Officer of Apothar, Rose, or Janissary.

Sol Auk: For while you may say many things of Legate Zarat and Syter. This... This is what they worked, fought, and gave life to avoid.
To this emergency Session, Sol Auk would say plain, Wwth all voice he may muster. And that no doubt other voiced would say the same. With pleading, fair Princess.
Sol Auk: Please to prohibit them from securing Candidacy tomorrow, nor any other time.
Lynneth: You sound threatened, Sol Auk
Sol Auk: Why do you think Election held in the first place? Because long ago the Signatory Accord, as much as it does for our Well, sits a delicate thing
Sol Auk: One must balance the Shade's intrinsic woes, the needs of Baublium, of Research.
Sorazin Bey, Al-Komayyad: [He leans over, and murmurs further.]
Sol Auk: Against the Rose's many services to the populace. To the peoples entertainment, protection, employment.

While many of the Rose clamored for Lynneth at the chiding, no shortage of Brown Togas nodded in earnest with the presumptive Gold Candidate.

It would be Voiced Argus, Voiced Galayan that catch the Princess' eye.

Argus, only Ex-Magistrate not of capital record or Candidate, sits now at Princess Decree as Interrum Magistrate.

Voiced Galayan, who earlier in the session pleaded for both peace and accountancy from the ledgers of the Accord Signatories.

Both now named Interim Magistrate.  Law and Order to be returned during the election.

Ultimately it was decided - 20,000 dinar to each.

However as Candidate Apothar Azimi took to scoffing and feuding, a show of statesmanship from Cyrille Monteglas.

Howling filling the chamber of Rule.

QuoteCyrille Monteglas:  And I see the actions of the Astronomers as a complete failure, as was everyone's for that matter, in the insurrection of the snake.
Our city was STAINED.
Our honor was IMPUNGED.
Aubrey Domergue: Enough!
Aubrey Domergue: Without the Astronomers, Ephia's Well dies to the ash storm.
Cyrille Monteglas: And you're all sitting here, trying to explain to not only us, your citizens, that you should be REWARDED for your incompetence.
Cyrille Monteglas: No, Aubrey, it's NOT enough. You've all three made due with ten thousand dinar in the past.
Cyrille Monteglas: I am arguing for TWICE that amount to be given to you.
Cyrille Monteglas: And APPARENTLY.
Cyrille Monteglas: IT'S NOT ENOUGH?
Cyrille Monteglas: That is what the Apothar is suggesting to me.
Aubrey Domergue: This bickering desperately undermines us - indeed, it is the very reason why we were waylaid by fiendish cultists in the first place. Can we not simply take our twenty thousand dinar apiece and be happy for it? Will Ephia's Well truly not survive with such generous allottment, for the time being?
Cyrille Monteglas: I find that *disgusting*.
Estellise Azimi: Ten thousand proved to be not enough, Cyrille. We only ask for more, because we need more.
Cyrille Monteglas: And you're being given TWENTY THOUSAND.
Cyrille Monteglas: So how is that NOT ENOUGH?
Sephidra Niridhe: I'd rather argue for less if anything..

It would  be decided by the Princess, that 20,000 Dinar would be given to each. The rest held in reservation.

Of the rest of the assembly:

Sol Auk petitioned the gathered, the Grandmaster, and more for harsher works by La Banda Rossa within the Krak against potential infiltration of the Wyrm Cult - Zenithar Oro saying Alkab likely hosting Diakos while Sol Auk making mention of his many faithful who used the Krak.  While attempts to empower La Banda Rossa to pursue more fervently is dismissed by most of the crowd as "Common history", It lead to the two following declarations.

QuoteChief Scribe Frederica Ashbury: The Krak des Roses is presently seen as the sovereign territory of the Cinquefoil Rose.
As such, there is presently no "mandate" given to the Banda Rossa within its walls by this government.
Instead, we leave such matters - in principle - to their own discretion
This, at least, has been the policy here for the last ten years!
Grandmaster Elizabetha d'Auvergne: That being said ...
If it is a genuine concern among the people that there are cultists of wyrms and wytches and worse that stalk the halls of our Krak... I shall ensure that they are rooted out and destroyed utterly.
Gianluca Buonaventura: [A stamping of his boot to applaud the Grandmaster's words]
Kythaela Reithel: [She stands to salute with a grin as Gianluca stamps his boot.]

For some common knowledge, for some less common knowledge, but the words "Sovereign Territory" are whispered throughout the Palatial Pyramid by La Banda Rossa many times in the hour following the Assembly.
With a degree of newfound reverence, after recent skirmishes with Janissary, political candidates, and more.
Whatever was lost by the Voiced in Sol Auk's odd proposal, Isabella and others claiming it should have been "A letter",  seems to have been gained by a rewnewed vigor of La Banda Rossa in his company.

The evening would close on the immortalized advice of Princess Faziima to Cyrille after he attempted to see the rest of the City's current Treasury given to Hasheema's Hope.

QuotePrincess Faziima: If you wish to earn the favor of the people, run on the platform of your proposal to see the rest of the Allotment to Hasheema's Hope.

Though the meeting began rife with volatility, by the end the declarations clear

Funding dispensed - 20,000 to each, the rest held for Legate.
Reinstitution of interim Magistrates - One of John Syter's in Argus. Another new but leaving some hopeful in Galayn.
Clarification of State Borders (And promise by the Grandmaster for utter destruction while La Banda salivated)
Princess Suggestion upon tending to the Populace to Candidate Cyrille,

... all in all a round about way to get what sounded like more or less the typical Assembly Session...

QuoteDM Shout:
Some scant thirteen hours remain until the end of the primary period ...

13 hours remains...

...then it all begins Again...
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips