Refugee Relief Usury Program

Started by Random_White_Guy, March 24, 2023, 06:06:17 PM

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In the wake of one of the largest trials to date - with not one, but two criminals sentenced. With words spread of protection rackets, with words spread of murder, of threat, of extortion, with words spread of Ophelia Whitmore pressured for funding from the Purple League...

Late in the night a member of the White League, one famed "Elaine of Harcourt Manor" is seen in the Krak in debate with many. Voiced Cyrille, Senior Magistrate Sol Auk, Magistrate Sephidra, her Captain of the Torchbearers, Balladeer Domergue of the White League, and more. As ever the topic floats towards Asterabaldian Principle. 

Of... Once more half-pricing Voiced status.

Come the next afternoon over the bellows, a new program by the Office of the Senior Magistrate.

QuoteSol Auk
In the wake of the tragedy of friend Ophelia, Sol Auk spent much of the night in stoic and pensive reflection. The situation of our Well is one most unfortunate. There are those who suffer unduly, burdened by the most woeful and grueling tragedy. Sol Auk speaks of course...

...Of Poverty. Baladeer Domergue, Voiced Cyrile, and so many last evening were championing once more the fabled 'Let us make the Cost of Voice Half Priced'. More and more, Sol Auk hears this. Know and understand it is heard. To that end-

The Office of Senior Magistrate Sol Auk introduces its Refugee Relief Usury Program. Any man, woman, or child in search of Voice may seek Sol Auk for a one time payment of 2501 Dinar to secure their Voice. As Senior Magistrate though comes such a contract... a price.

One week will be had to repay the sum with the interest to a sum of 5,000 dinar to the repayment of contract, or formal charges of Capital Theft will be raised. And in such, brought before the Halls of Jurisprudence. May the White League have its half priced voices... seek Sol Auk. For such charity.

Though the Flyers of the program's announcement are spread, so too begin to circulate "Forms", drafted by a strung out looking scribe. More than a few left in Hasheema's Hope

[hide=Program Application Request]
Political League:
One witness of lawfully binding agreement:

This parchment is signed with full awareness of what contract entails and is to be filed on record with the Janissary of the Sultanate's Fourth Legion of Baz'eel. All terms, agreement, and likewise confirmed with witness under no duress, pretense, or otherwise with full intention of being honored and understood as lawfully binding contract. Repayment must be given by midnight of 8th day or be found in violation of contract resulting in charges of capital theft. Failure of possession of sum to repay is no excuse and equally valued supply stripped, sentencing of debt bondage or forced labor, or your papers of Voice will be forfeited to Senior Magistrate Sol Auk for distribution to another of his choosing per his partial ownership of said parchment. The sum of 2501 dinar will be dispensed on signment by both witness and program participant. Senior Magistrate Sol Auk cannot be held accountable in matters of jurisprudence upon failure of payment nor any official actions resulting from failure therein. May this sum afford you generational wealth and a life of most pleasant worth as Citizen of the Sultanate. Live and Drink[/hide]
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips