Paradigm - Theory of Everything

Started by Walrus Warwagon, March 22, 2023, 05:09:13 PM

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Walrus Warwagon

Before you is a series of scandalous books. Widely regarded as blasphemy and heresy, these texts have caused quite a stir in academic and religious circles, as they challenge long-held beliefs about the nature of the world and the afterlife.

Many have accused the author of being a charlatan and a fraud, claiming that his theories are nothing more than wild speculation and pseudoscience. Despite the controversy, however, whether they are the work of a visionary or a madman, books have garnered a small following among those who are disillusioned with traditional beliefs.

Each volume is compact and bears the distinctive imprints of various printing houses, as if the author was eager to share each fragment of his vision without delay, and swiftly move on. These books were never published in large numbers, and many of them were destroyed by orthodox scholars and priests. They will appear in this little library as they are discovered.

Walrus Warwagon

Paradigm - Theory of Everything
Tome I
Threads Unbound

Do not mistake my boldness for arrogance, you who are content with the crumbs of knowledge that have been thrown your way. I speak not to persuade you. The limits of our capacity for knowledge do not constrain reality, but rather the limits of our perception of it.

The universe is not a mystery to be embraced, but a puzzle to be solved. The key to understanding the world lies not in the hands of gods, but in the hands of those who dare to seek the truth. To those of you who have been deceived by the veil of ignorance, let me peel it back.

This theory is capable of explaining every object, every event, every law. The Paradigm. Culmination of centuries spent in study and observation. It is the product of a mind unafraid to question the status quo, to challenge the assumptions of those who came before me.

The world as we know it is not what it seems. It is not simply a collection of matter and energy, but a complex web of information that governs all things. From the smallest subatomic particles discovered by magnification sages to the largest clusters of stars. Everything is connected through this web of information, everything woven of information, and determined by information. The Threads.

Everything is the Threads, including your body and soul. In interaction of Threads born laws of our world. We born. Clusters of information, combination of our creators' features. The soul... A topic for a separate tome. We were born limited. Our potential, our informational capacity is predetermined. The Treadwidth.

New Threads are formed by informational exchange. Then follow a process of decay. I'm not talking about such primitive forms of "information exchange" as talking, or reading. Your "knowledge" and "memories" is simply due to the property of ours to write experiences and contain them in our core. They do not make us more significant in the grand scheme of things.

Threads are not malleable.
Threads are malleable.

Xon Dhoten

Walrus Warwagon

Paradigm - Theory of Everything
Tome II
The Soul

This, perhaps, will be my most massive tome.

The soul. The very essence of who we are, a major aspect of our being. It is the aspect of ourselves that transcends the physical world, the part of us that exists beyond the limits of our material bodies. Or so repeat the pious fools without giving it enough thought.

No. Transcending the physical world is impossible for the simple reason of the physical world being a nonsensical, imaginary concept. For now just accept it, if your measly mind is capable of such, for I will explain the nature of space in the following tomes.

The soul. The soul is not a vague concept, but a tangible and measurable object. And as any object, it is given properties predetermined by the content of Threads. If we will ignore the details, for a moment - do not make a bad habit out of it, and instead look at the principle of Threads itself... Soul is not that different from a pebble. Or a bench. Or watermelon. At this point you understand why. If not - close this book and give it to someone else.

Now we return to details. The properties. What do we know already? Souls can propagate. Souls are mostly hosted in bodies. Souls are mostly inseparable units. Souls are we. But most importantly, it's the configuration of the soul that determines our Threadwidth.

Our true potential. Our informational capacity. Our capacity for informational exchange. You can call it an ability of true interaction, of channeling our will. Being born limited we are confined by the constraints of the nature of our existence. Some beings are different. For example...

Gods - receiving subjects of faith. Faith is a form of informational exchange, a sort of a contract, or non-invasive pact. Part of believers Threadwidth is dedicated to certain receivers. These informational streams serve as an extension of Divine reach. Imagine it as a form of mass added to the core of their being... As an example for the most stupid of my readers -  You are a boulder. Shard of yours is rented to the mountain. Mountain is made of rented shards.

In the case of priests it could be a major part of their Threadwidth - this is how a feedback loop for divine miracles is created. We will talk about magic in the following tomes. Point is - with great informational mass these divine parasites achieve, their very presence could distort reality, affecting the fundamental laws of informational exchange around them... in predetermined ways.

Then we have special classes of beings, starting from true beholders and gradually raising to Elder Gods. Unconditionally great Threadwidth they possess is an explanation or so-called supernatural phenomena surrounding them, distorting our perception and understanding of causality and normality. Why, this phenomena is quite natural.

Seeing the importance of Threadwidth... Can we affect ours? Certainly. Natural expansion of our Threadwidth occur with reaching maturity. Certain gifted individuals, depending on their actions in this period of growth, end up with much higher capacity when compared to their peers. Then you can form an imitation of divine parasitism. After all Pra'Rajians are not entirely wrong - the soul shares nature with divine entities, or rather they are not very different from us. Aside from that...

Soul does not possess properties of our bodies, like shape or physical mass. What it possesses is exceptional protection. You must understand that the soul is a nearly indestructible unit. The fact is so easy to prove. For if altering Soul was an easy task then beings like fiends or djinny would not need our consent. Of course there are still methods of tampering with it, the risk of which is too high... Each of you ingrates deems themselves a genius and will rush toward suicidal attempts if I'd provide an examples of such, so I won't. For safer options...

Without consent the soul is near impossible to alter, even harder to destroy. In case of success energy gained will barely cover energy spent. Making the process itself pointless in most cases. But let's imagine you gave consent and partook in brooking. New threads added to your soul... I will let you figure out the rest.

Do you know why brooking is forbidden? If done properly there are no drawbacks. No catches. No tricks. It is forbidden because it's just too sweet.

Soul is near indestructible.
Lamp is allegory to the soul.
Shapeless can be inverted.
Outside will be inside.
Slave of the lamp.

Xon Dhoten

Walrus Warwagon

Paradigm - Theory of Everything
Tome III
Infinity of Emptiness

Now I will teach you to envision infinity.

One of the most mind-bending concepts in cognition is the idea of infinity. How can you possibly grasp the notion of something that goes on forever, without end, you'd ask? And yet, when it comes to space, infinity may be the only logical conclusion.

Your perception of distance, shape and mass, concepts that you take for granted in your everyday lives, is based solely on the information you receive from your senses. Information that is not telling us the whole story. Shape, mass, distance are merely convenient constructs that help us make sense of the world, perception of Thread-defined sentient in Thread-defined world.

A trick of the mind that allows us to create the illusion of separation between objects. Information in its purest form (I already established that Threads is the purest form of information) takes no space, it defines and describes space. Informational exchange could be, depending on circumstances, transmitted instantly. For example, a pact of divine parasitism, no amount of so-called physical distance would affect the feedback loop, unless interference is achieved.

And since information takes no space at all, unaffected by constraints of distance  - universe, fully consisting of information, is a singular point, singularity without dimensions, something infinitely small, merely describing something infinitely huge. Therefore is our advantage, for we are innately trained to deceive ourselves with false concepts of space. Take any amount of it. Imagine a tiniest amount of emptiness. Void, deep beneath the world of atoms, smaller than whatever is postulated to be the fabric of the universe at the time you read this book.

And it will fit an infinite amount of infinities.

Another consequence of this conclusion is the destruction of the concept of dimensions. Dimensions are merely your perception of Threads properties - three-dimensional just happens to be more practical. Fourth-dimensional perception advantage of near omnipresence described not by reality of dimensions, but by capability to step out of what is your comfort zone, acting more in line with the nature of infinite lack of space.

Indeed. True lack of space is devoid of dimensions. Even remaining in the realm of limitations - theoretical perfectly empty space will lack dimensions as it lacks objects to perceive, no matter how developed is your understanding. Unless the fact of your observation will affect the perfectly empty space - a topic for another book.

Simply in the form of understanding this knowledge is meaningless. World as you see and know it is an adaptation of preset rules. Rules we must abide by, and so forced to be content with distance, shape, mass and such. But who said these rules are infallible?

With each step no steps taken.
Immovable is omnipresent.

Xon Dhoten

Walrus Warwagon

Paradigm - Theory of Everything
Tome IV
Mundanity of Magic

The most exquisite ritual, the most powerful spell, the most incredible miracle. All of this is trivial and expected.

In the true world of information every action, every thought is reflected by informational exchange. State of the world changes and so we struggle to perceive. Everything is part of this world. And so is an array of effects we call magic.

There is nothing ultimate and marginal about magic arts. Magic does not change the world. Just alters it in predetermined ways, on a grand scheme of things not that different from throwing a pebble upon the water glade. Rules of informational exchange, and results of such exchange are set firmly. We are merely monkeys, who learned to perform certain patterns of thoughts and actions, invoking combinations of predetermined results. You strike the flint and gaze in awe at the sparks.

Wizards and astrologists achieve magic through review of empirical studies and performing manipulations according to resulting data. Threads of sorcerers' souls form a macro giving them an easier access to invocative thread pattern instructions - somewhat similar to runic forms of magic. Clerics manage to turn divine parasitism to arguably symbiotic relationships, utilizing artificially enormous threadwidth of their patrons. Truly blessed are we by these patrons being bound strictly by concepts, their parasitic links are their binding chains... Bearers of true pacts - very complicated topic for another time. It will sound banal, but bardic magic takes roots in imagination and inspiration - both as viable in the world of information as any other form of action. In a way they synchronize listeners and temporarily subvert Threadwidth limitations by forming an intertwined pactless network of souls. Principle similar to ritual or hedge magic.

Plenty of interchangeability between all of these forms, none is pure and all encroach partly into another. Any form of magic, in the end, is playing the ape. It takes just one True Beholder, their enormous Threadwidth distorting the informational exchange, to humble even the mightiest of archmages. Be wary of Beholders for they are not what they seem to be.

Informational forms of life.
Informational forms of lies.
Ultimate is demiurge.

Xon Dhoten