Journal of Alexander Bestworth V

Started by I love cats, March 20, 2023, 05:47:02 PM

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I love cats

I arrived to this so called city built by giants and ruled by pacifist halflings. There was a tower of mages so I quickly banked on my family name and impressed some totally idiots to recruit me in under an hour. I was amazed how easy they were to let me into their tower. It is far better than paying to sleep in the Krak or sleeping in the filth of the tablet or the Hope.

Cosine - is a very curious fellow an incompetent man with a stutter. Oddly his thesis is the opposite of what magic he is actually good at. I am far more capable than he is in his chosen thesis in so many ways. What does banishing Djinn have to do with divination or changeling magic? Nothing at all. Why is he turning into a Minotaur all the time? So annoying!

Mae Stern - She is really trying to be coated in  acid again. She seems so incompetent I don't even think I could trust her to even make something  as simple as a sandwich. It is only a matter of time before she is bleeding on the floor again.

Estellise - I have no idea how this woman is anywhere outside of a kitchen. She makes a fool of herself at assembly and needs Azim to give her orders. She also does this absurd form of magic where she draws tarot cards. I have no idea how she managed to defend her thesis. In addition she has no skills to even take down an insubordinate Nadiri. Yet it is important I keep her favor.

Oro - A very skilled mage why would a man as capable as him join this tower? It is a shame he no longer wishes an apprentice.

Q'tolip- For the first time in my life I looked up to a halfling. I mean this in the literal sense.

The Fourth Legion - The fourth legion like everyone in the well were intended by our Sultan to die in some ash storm. I find it amusing many people seem so quick to forget this. 

Machine focused elf - Another comedic magician with tarot cards known as a Astrologian this one is obsessed with a machine. Either a total idiot or a blatant cultist of this Pra'raj.

Nadia  - Very capable made me useful scrolls. Seems to not be a total idiot far more deserving and qualified to be an Apothar than Estellise.

Other idiot Nadiri - Many of my fellow Nadiri I wonder how they survived the world before the ash storm. One of them is even begging for dwarves or a random archaeologist to murder him. One idiot girl did not even know how to work an alchemy table and wasted a valuable ingredient. 

Mirit - She needs to die a horrible death.

Scribes of the Sublime Garden - A bunch of idiots who will lose their jobs. How do they get paid more than me? It is nonsense. 

Sultan - How does a pacifist ash folk get Ogres to serve him? OGRES TO NOT TALK! HOWl!? HOW!? ENCHANTMENT'S DJINN? WHAT IS HIS SECRET? 

Leagues - All of them pointless and idiotic at least the gold league will pay me dinars to support their efforts. My research and experiments as well as scrolls all cost money. Supporting poverty or a Sultan who wants me to die seem all like stupid choices.

My work thus far have been brilliant my magical rituals conducted suppressing their works. Even my experiments run circles around all of them. Why am I denied my epochs? How is Cosine work deemed more valuable than my own?

I love cats

I love cats

I grow tired of pointless service to the Well. I grow tired of its people who bite the hand that feeds them. I grow tired of idiots trying to kill me. I fail to see why the High Zenithar does not simply parley with another settlement and leave these people all to die. It is clear the Rose has no care for us and the fourth legion willing to yield the city to the Rose and every other cult they are too cowardly to fight. 

I love cats

My familiar Owain has done more for this city than many of the voiced and yet they deny him his wishes? They deny him his right to rise to power.

I love cats

I cannot stand these stupid Apothars. Between Azimi doing the Rose's bidding and emotional tantrums. She will hate and love someone in the span of a day it is best to just ignore her and not take her seriously today she fired Cosine and rehired him in under an hour. Vergal gave me an absurd order that turned my name over to a Djinn.  Al Rashid is hardly around and when it is we contend with pure idiocy it is a wonder Konthraz has not killed him yet.

If I am not given my chance to defend my thesis soon I may well just consider my resignation.  I tire of serving these idiots.