
Started by tinfoilhat, March 20, 2023, 03:06:59 AM

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I know not if this will reach you. For many days since my arrival I have sought servants of the Divine so that I might refill my Fortune's well with their patron's favour. Many times have I heard of you upon the Bellows. Many times have I heard our guests speak your name in equal parts disgust and fear. My guess is that it was you who left that wine-stained message - that offer, on our doorstep some days ago.

The Assembly gave grave insult in not simply assigning the contract to the Banda Rossa, instead choosing these would-be heroes in some spectacle to bring you in for justice. I would clash steel and words with you, if you've not tired of dancing with the more flowery parts of the Rose. Worry not about aspirations of headhunting, until they realize their error this is a strictly personal matter. Let me know by word or Bellows, and I will come alone.

Isotta Delmare
Recluta of the Banda Rossa

Minoan Vilekin


Fools and the false foment in the Well.  I will take you to be neither.  My associates were very kind to your commander.  The same courtesies can be extended.  Blood, it always comes to blood with your company.  Innocent blood more often than wicked.  I will give you a taste of wicked, then we will talk long into the night over wine.  My kylix is well-forged, with a leering snake on the bowl.  Do you have one?

It will be necessary for the drinking, IO! I drink much these days.