A Letter to Legate John Syter (DM)

Started by Mari, March 20, 2023, 02:27:16 AM

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Honored Legate John Syter

I am Mari Blacke, Gellemede of my Lady Between the Stars. Voiced. Speaker for Gellema on the Wheel.

I have grown to admire the passion and merit of the League of Gold, and your leadership of it and have, inspired, joined it. It shines and you, resplendent, reflect its glory.

I would see its ambitions fanned and would lend the support and counsel of my Lady, to see that her gaze is directed most auspiciously, and that she might hide that which needs be hidden in the gulfs between. I would speak to you of matters ecclesiastical and judicial. I understand that Legate Zarat has appointed a second magistrate. One from amongst the clergy, Lurgan of the Twindarii. An action that might be mirrored if you yet deliberate on a second appointment. I have an interest.

You would find me a shrewd and able hand. I am known to Magistrate Sol Auk, who tells me to write of its recommendation with its blessings for me to this position.  Through Sol Auk, this most long-serving magistrates, one would learn of my fitness and my finesse. Your interests, the Well's interests and the interests of our League of Gold would be well served were I to take on the mantle of Magistrate.

Mari Blacke, Voiced of Gellema.