Ren's Diary

Started by bizzybee, March 12, 2023, 04:49:11 PM

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The Twelfth day of the Third Month,

I'd forgotten what it was like to have a home. My young childhood memories are a blur, it is not a time I seek to recall.
Still, it pained me for Leiah to ask my leave to sell the house she's been allowing me to stay in. I put on a brave face, of course. I can't let her on to my feelings.
Why did I even bring that sister over to her, after she expressed interest in joining? I'm out to get myself.
She probably would have joined eventually, anyways.
'Tis how it always goes. People move on... and I'm left floating in the wind.
Well, that's the way I like it. The way it should be.

- Ren