The Tragedy of the Grognak

Started by bizzybee, March 05, 2023, 09:32:26 AM

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I, the bard Ren Riles, am remiss to say that a great tragedy occurred just outside the gates of Ephia’s Well. On my way back from adventure, I thought I was witnessing a giant beast attacking fine folk, and lept into the fray to help defend them.

Only after the battle did I realize I had contributed to the slaying of a great, gentle giant, and created an orphan of the child she was simply trying to protect. My heart aches and my guilt is endless, and thus, something must be done.

I propose that the mighty Grognak is to be made the animal symbol of Ephia’s Well, and I will stop at nothing to make this happen, so that this noble creature may be protected by every means. I will soon write a paper on the Grognak’s many wonderful qualities, and why it is suited to represent the Well, as well as a song for the lovely creature.

I hope to find others who will support this endeavor. Please send for me, or find me at the Krak or Hasheem’s, if you would like to collaborate in making this happen.

Ren Riles