Ky'ran the Wishing Star

Started by Electrohydra, February 27, 2023, 02:01:41 AM

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The following story was shared with me by my father when I was a young girl who spent too long watching the night sky and wondering what the stars meant. Now, I live in a city with hundreds of astronomers who spend years watching the stars but appear to see them as nothing more then cold points of light in the sky, formulas and theorems with no soul. I share it with you, reader, so that the spark of passion that this particular star ignited in me might perhaps one day be mirrored in you. To know that the lights above are so much more then just points, or burning rocks, or whatever other theory is in vogue at the moment among astrologers.

There was once a great hero by the name of Ky'ran, who lived long ago in a place far away, but who slept under the same sky as you and I. Ky'ran was but a man, but not just a man - He was the perfect man. Never before him had there been a soul so pure, and any that came after could only look up to him. This man was a warrior, a sage, a friend and a guide, fighting evil with both sword and tongue, with arm and heart. It is said that everywhere he walked, the world got a little brighter. He suffered many setbacks, as the wicked could not tolerate his presence and always they conspired against him, but his commitment to helping others and standing for truth and justice never wavered and always he rose again.

But Ky'ran was just a man, and like all men he was to die. But he was not just a man, and even death would not stop him, and so when death took his body, his spirit ascended to the heavens and joined the stars among the firmament. There he travels across the night sky, a streak of light for those lucky enough to catch his yearly passage. Each year he falls across the sky, but as in life his fall is never the last, and the next year he returns to fall once more, from where he takes one of his name : The Falling Star.

Ky'ran is a bringer of hope - to catch his passage across the sky is to be filled with courage and determination, to know that heroes really do exist, and that we are never truly alone. When looking up at Ky'ran, one should make a wish, and profess their heart's greatest desire. Should the desire be pure and noble, and the need true, the Wishing Star will make it real. To do so is to form a bond with the star, and to forever be touched by Ky'rans spirit. It is a great boon, for as long as they walk in his footsteps and like him fight against the forces of evil and never falter, they are granted great blessings. But it is also a great burden, for who can truly live up to perfection?

The most we can do is try.

By Shae Winterbloom.