[An ash-coated page written in a messy scrawl]

Started by cmenden, February 26, 2023, 10:57:22 PM

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Subat 12th, IY 7787

Days pass, one after another, and I keep doing the same things over and over. Feels like such a waste of time, you know?

I've washed this stupid hat so many times, but I can't remember how many. Counting is hard now. Thinking is hard. Ever since she took my powers away, everything feels fuzzy in my head. Even my old writings don't make sense anymore.

Sometimes I wonder if being a Familiar is all there is to my life. I used to think about big things, you know, the secrets of the universe. But now I'm just busy with simple stuff, basic thoughts.

I used to ponder fate and time, but now I can't even remember what I had for breakfast. It's sad to see my smartness fade away, my brain becoming dull.

But sometimes, in the midst of all this confusion, I have moments of clarity. Like when I comb her hair or wash her big hat, it feels like I have a purpose, a small connection. Maybe these little acts of kindness matter, even if they seem small and unimportant.

So, I'll keep going in this strange fuzzy world and try to find happiness in simple tasks. Even though I feel dumb now, I'll hold onto the hope that one day I'll get my powers back. And then the mysteries of the universe will be mine again!