
Started by Pandip, February 25, 2023, 08:24:18 PM

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To whom it may concern,

I wish to make a formal report and complaint about the public actions of Ellanher de Veend -- a known prosecutorial associate of the Janissaries within Ephia's Well -- within the Krak des Roses this past evening.

As you have no doubt already heard through verbal channels, Ellanher thought it wise to publicly shame a Nadiri of Eagle's Mount on the second level of the Krak. He drew his blade and enspelled himself mightily whilst slinging insults, provocations, and promises of assault. When the Nadiri fled to the downstairs area, he was heard by innumerable witnesses shouting scurrilous profanities and threatening promises at her.

While I no doubt understand that the Janissaries have a tenuous jurisdiction over the Krak save for the most grievous of crimes - and, indeed, even in creating such a garish public display, Ellanher has arguably done little actionable legal wrongdoing - I am nonetheless concerned about future actions of a similar tact. This is another incident in a growing list of other altercations that have swelt in number since Shane Gallows' exile. He has had similar such accusatory encounters with Voiced citizens of Ephia's Well, though none so public and violent as this most recent altercation with the Nadiri.

Knowing that the Janissaries have worked closely in tandem with the Uzzarii as a prosecutor in the past, I would be deeply gracious if you could express to Ellanher the severeness of his social faux pas and discourage him from further harassment, both of the Nadiri and of any other wayward citizens, in the Krak and otherwise. In mine eyes, it would be a deeply disturbing circumstance for this man to strike a person of import and means with the violent intent many saw in his eyes just the other day. It would be especially unfortunate if this strike was laid upon a person entrusted with the future maintenance of the Shade and safeguarding of the Well.

Should you wish any aid in your endeavors, you are welcome to reach out to me at the League of White to discuss this and any other matters.

Thank you dearly for your consideration!

  -- Aubrey Domergue


*A Janissary Jane is seen coming into the garrison,checking the front desk for mail, after a moment she opens it, skims it and tosses it in a stack of papers marked "To do later" *

I love cats

Our ability to enforce the law or even apprehend criminals is extremely limited in the Krak due to the presence of  a certain mercenary company  the only ones in the rose worth a damn known for looting and murdering commoners unfortunate enough to be in their way.  I am sure all the dinar they took from Gallows went to voiceless refugees,  If they tolerate such actions in their bar that is their problem. I recall my first day in the city I attempted to drunkenly brawl some cur who had the audacity to look stupid with a shield and was quickly stopped by them. I find it strange they would not have done the same, Perhaps with enough Dinar they would be willing to ban him from the Krak for his bad behavior? 

We will keep eyes on him if he acts with thuggery in the well he will be stopped and there will be order.

-Janissary Scarbork