The Wilted Few - Propaganda spread about the Well, in the darker corners

Started by VanillaPudding, February 19, 2023, 06:30:12 AM

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We are the Wilted Few
We are the Voiceless Many

No ballad nor song can make right of the wrong,
No star in the sky can fool a wise eye.
No veil, however thick, no blade, however quick,
Can hide a true Pilgrim in lands so dry

Yet we applaud your little trick,
Your artful ways and cunning wit
For in this world of shadows and deceit,
Your courage and resolve we gladly greet

She made a promise to us all,
A king to rule the land
And in her heart, she knew it true
Our destiny at hand

But with that promise came a cost
A burden to be borne
For every step along the way
Left her feeling torn

Through three leagues she pressed ahead
Her determination strong
But with each falter came a loss
A price for being wrong

Her voice was stolen, taken now
Her words no longer heard
For in the end, she stole our choice
With nary a single word