The record of Azim al-Rashid

Started by Dremen, February 16, 2023, 04:00:36 PM

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Day 4 since Arrival.

There has been much chaos since I first stumbled into Ephia's Well.

The only screaming I was accustomed to was on the wind.. the only crowds I remember were the quiet desolate groups of wanderers around the shrines I passed.

I did not ever consider how much I could miss talking to someone, or how much I would end up longing to return to the sands alone to enjoy its quiet.

I have met wonderful people.. I think I would like to make a record of these friendships. However long or short they last, I wish to always remember these moments.. in the event that I must wander again another 10 years and lose my mind.



Varin is a good friend, easy to talk to and is comfortable outside of the city like me. He has a fondness for the world, the very world that I wish to explore more deeply.
I will be his friend for a very long time, I imagine, and beyond.


The Club of Groknaks seemed to me at first quite silly and passionate, but I admire that passion now. There is something to be said for following ones heart, when inconvenient or otherwise.
She is possessed of good strength of character, and I would be grateful to have her friendship for a long time.



A strange and in no small amount frightening sort of person. They seem straightforward, and admirably inquisitive... but I sense something mercurial underneath their  actions.
For good or ill, I won't deny them my ear.. they have certainly brought forward many interesting things already.


A Waradim priestess, how wonderful! I am quite taken with the road and wandering in general, how fortunate I am indeed to be able to call one of Warad's own my friend. They are person of such kindness I would be a fool to ever upset them.  I will be their friend for as long as I can, and I hope that they may be an ever present part of my journeys.


A strange sort, I feel like there is something venomous under his smile.. but perhaps I am simply caught off guard by how gentle sounding I find such a rough looking man? He speaks of things that I am curious of, but I would be remiss to lend my ear too him overly long..


Nadiri Estellise,

I have little patience for the dismissive or arrogant, I am here to collaborate and promote equally a shared understanding of the Celestial Disc.
When I hear Estellise speak, I hear the sound of an insecure woman who is desperately trying to prove something... Time will tell if they have it in their heart to be friends with a peer who is not interested in being under heel.

Nadiri Tallariel

Finally, a Nadiri who seems just as interested in collaboration and research as I am! I've had a very wonderful chat with him and look forward to a future together in the Tower where we promote each other's study. I can imagine I will be his friend for a long time indeed.

Nadiri Cosine

I have never met a man with ooze for a spine before. I can mark that off my list I suppose. He seems paradoxical to me, both an abused wretch and confident statesman.
He seems at the very least, interested in being a good person.. but I am no good judge of character and it would seem to me  to be as likely that he'd be as dangerous as Skaldorr if he grew a spine..


Much has busied me of late.. I look through this now and I wonder who wrote it. I suppose that is the point of why I began it in the first place. So much can change, so many events will transpire and perceptions will change.


Itaja the Cursebreaker
I suppose the Curse crafter now, nine times as long as he has drawn breath in the well will his curse affect us. Nine times as heavy does my heart grow knowing I had shared bread with this man on the road. The Bashmukar frighten me, I saw their temple and it made my skin crawl. Yet how many of my would-be friends have been seduced by the Wyrm and are now dead? "Ai-yat," I would scream.. then perhaps cry into the sands.