-- Sendings of the Stars --

Started by Dinars to the Moooon!, February 16, 2023, 04:47:52 AM

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Dinars to the Moooon!

QuoteWith his tattered but trusty star-chart, a horologium that is his most prized possession, and a new SEXTANT, Tallariel has devoted himself to offering daily (unsolicited) guidance to the inhabitants of Ephia's Well...

Dinars to the Moooon!

QuoteIyar. Thirteen. The Star of Warad burns brightly, the choir of hours in the celestial weave are drawn to merriment about the Celestial Disk. The portent is of weal; strike boldly forth, and riches shall shower you. Live and drink, children of Warad.

Dinars to the Moooon!

QuoteIyar. Fourteen. The Star of Warad continues to burn brightly at the perigee of its heavenly dance, while the constellation of the Burning Falchion blazes in the aetherial dark. The portent warns caution, so tread with great care. Live and drink, children of the sands.

Dinars to the Moooon!

QuoteIyar. Fifteen. The Shade shelters. The Star of Warad begins to drift from its perigee, but its procession is slumberous; seize this opportunity to strike off into the wastes, and dinars shall shower those who boldly wander. The constellation of the Blind Hierophant wraps about the Celestial Disc, a portent of both weal and woe. Tread with caution even as you do so with courage. You shall find friends aplenty if you try to seek. Remember to grant unto the disciples of Q'tolip the baublium and dinars needed to maintain the Shade. Live and drink, friends and strangers alike.

QuoteIyar. Sixteen. The Shade shelters. The Star of Warad begins to wane, but its celestial influence still glows brightly. The constellation of the Silver Drake spirals through the aetherial abyss and wraps about the Celestial Disc, a portent of great fortune and wealth for those who are bold enough to seize it.

But beware, for the horologium warns that this portent is fleeting, and those who hesitate will find their opportunity lost. The Warad had led my warband to lay down the Tyrant of the Chasms low, the dreaded Whu-Ru-Tet itself, and saved a shepherd's goatherd from an abysmal fate; but the serendipitous opportunity to perform this heroic deed was a fickle one, and would have been easily missed if we had not been so greatly moved by his plight. Live and drink, and may the stars guide your every step.

Dinars to the Moooon!

QuoteIyar. Twenty-Five. The Shade shelters. The constellations continue to be charted, mapped to the Incarnums that serve as blueprints of our creation and cosmos. The Star of Warad dims while that of Izdu ascends towards the apogee, signalling a day of troubled quicksands, where danger lurks amidst the sands even as opportunities gleam their beckon. From my horologium have I gleaned that the Constellation of the Sublimate Sultan burn brightly, exhorting us to duty and service betwixt our fellows.

Meanwhile, the faithful Disciples continue our own obedient inquest of a worrying phenomenon that plagues the Well. Report any sightings of the unnatural or otherworldly to the Eagle's Mount, and do your part in keeping us all safe. Live and drink, and may the stars illuminate our path.

Dinars to the Moooon!

QuoteIyar. Twenty Six. The Shade shelters. The Star of Izdu strays towards its apogee in the high heavens, drawing the choir of hours in a merry dance around the Celestial Disk as they sing the song of Want. We Disciples of Q'tolip continue to labor diligently, to maintain the thin shroud that is all which stands between Ephia's Well and the cataclysm of an Ash storm. Remain vigilant and watchful, for there have been rumors of those who would hoard their baublium to spite our survival; report any such improper activities to the Janissaries. Live and drink, people of the Well.

Dinars to the Moooon!

QuoteIyar. Twenty Seven. The Shade shelters. The Star of Izdu reigns with iridescent glory as it streaks towards the apogee of the Cosmos, while the Sublimate Sultan gazes down with beneficence. With this new SEXTANT I have earned through diligent labor, I have charted the portents evinced upon our Celestial Disc and gleaned from the mathematical principles or our creation that we must remain most vigilant against the baleful influence of the Djinni. It is waxing, and that heralds danger most dire. Report any such sightings of Brooking to the Eagle's Mount, or any phenomenon that should be suspicious and otherworldly. Keep an eye out, my fellows of Ephia's Well, and live and drink.

Dinars to the Moooon!

QuoteIyar. Twenty Eight. The Nasaru preserves! The Shade shelters! The Star of Izdu burns towards its ascension in herald of a new month that is in the days to come, a new month of opportunities and possibilities! Behold, behold, the constellation of the Wandering Moon, as it gleams above our Celestial Disc. A word of reminder! Spare no hesitation if baublium you should uncover, remember ever to bring it to the Eagle's Mount. Live and drink, live and drink, a Djinn is banished!

Dinars to the Moooon!

QuoteHziran! Second! The Nasaru preserves, and the Shade shelters! The dawning of a new month, with the Star of Izdu upon its apogee! The constellation of the Resplendent Empress burns across the heavens, her gleaming beneficience illuminating a month of glorious opportunities for the ambitious and grasping. Stoke your songs of want, and coax it into deeds that impel you to valor! And now a reminder, that any baublium you should find ought be handed to the Astronomers, that we may yet hold off the apocalypse that seeks to bury us in ash. Live and drink, friends, and let us together, through diligently labor by the grace of B'aara the Mother, defy the Ash Storms.

Dinars to the Moooon!

QuoteHziran. Fifth. The Nasaru preserves, the Shade shelters. We continue to reside within the shield of the desert, warded against the Ash Storm, while the Star of Izdu warms in the apogee to beckon us to explorations. As I delve into the into the principles which undergird our Celestial Disc and the secrets of our Cosmos, I find my inquest ever hungry for more resources to its aid. I shall pay handsomely for archaeological scraps, rune-fragments and the likes, and deliveries of baublium can now go to me as well as Apothar Cassandra. Furthermore, those seeking the mantle of Legate may seek me, that we can speak of a legislation that shall go for the betterment of Ephia's Well. Live and drink, this has been Nadiri Tallariel.

Dinars to the Moooon!

Quote from: Sadie WellJanissary! I seen them star kissin' astronomers personally dressin' and undressin' ladies of the Rose, and whisperin' with map makers on the side too. They be makin' schemes against you, I know it true. Sayin' they seen it in the stars.

Quote from: LynnethHeed not the words of that fork-tongued slattern. There are no shortage of odd cultists, rumor-mongers, liars, and the like in this Well. You can find one more charming than her to poison your ears.

Quote from: Sadie WellSlattern? Ye learn that word fropm some calendar in an astronomer's bedchamber? The Jannisary heard what you be doin', plottin and such, blowing sand in their eyes to hide yer uprisin'. But we good folk can see it true as the dawn that you be trying to overthrow the Well, taking it from the Sultan. Hope them good Legates of ours put a stop to your wild sproutin' of thorns.

Quote from: Tallariel GalaynHziran! Nine! The Nasaru preserves, and the Shade shelters, without discrimination nor cruelty, for it shelters even the vile-tongued, lying, wretched serpent who would rail against we who labor diligently to keep Ephia's Well unburied! The Star of Izdu burns brightly at the apogee of the heavens, lending its celestial brilliance upon our Cosmos, and perhaps a /FRACTION/ of it might go into that thick-skulled noggins of your head! We dress and undress the secrets of the Cosmos, we unearth and whisper the principles of Celestial Gravitation, and we make schemes to but procure more of the knowledge that even now wards all the peoples of Ephia's Well against the cataclysm of the Ash Storm! Live, drink, and LEARN, fool!

Dinars to the Moooon!

QuoteHziran. Fifteen. The Nasaru preserves, the Shade shelters. The appointed hour nears, those whom I had spoken with in the spirit of collaboration; let the Star of Izdu shine with beneficent brilliance upon our endeavours this eve. Live and drink, I wait at the Krak.

Dinars to the Moooon!

QuoteHziran. Sixteen. The Nasaru preserves, the Shade shelters. Let it be known that Apothar Azimi's counsel upon myself had once went unheeded, only to be proven true, to my rue; and for my ignorance, I offer apologies sincere. The star of B'aara shines with beneficent upon the spirit of forgiveness, and the star of Izdu upon the humility and contrition of we who yet ever strive to cure our errors, and both shine bright this eve. Live and drink, this has been Nadiri Tallariel.

Dinars to the Moooon!

QuoteHziran. Twenty-seven. The Nasaru preserves, the Shade shelters, and Ephia's Well endures. Despite the chaos and tribulations, the Ash Storm had not bested us. Nevertheless, our stores of baublium have been depleted, and I now seek to lead an expedition to the dunes of rust and ruin that we may unearth more of this precious fuel for the Nasaru. Come, I bade those who would join me, to gather at the Krak. We shall have to tread cautiously, for the agents of Qa'im are ever afoot. Live and drink, and remebmer ever to provide what baublium you may have found to my master, Apothar Permithan. You have seen, most of you, with your own eyes, the dire necessity of the Shade. Be grateful, and diligent, in maintaining it.

Dinars to the Moooon!

QuoteTammuz. Second. The Nasaru preserves, the Shade shelters. Nigh forty of us ventured forth to distant Luca Ferra, and twelve of us returned alive. Into its shadowed depths we ventured, and great were the evils we braved and vanquished, yet our failing strength could not be mustered to face the last of the ancient horror that dwelled within. Be wary, those who travel the Sea of Pearls. Be wary. My heart breaks and weeps for old friends, for the likes of Hayes and Brandy were amongst those who did not live to see the dawn of Tammuz the Second. Live and drink, and may the Twindari guide you. A full accounting of those who fell would have to be undertaken, but not this eve, not by I, for I am weary...