[To Lieutenant Vardgul; Formal Complaint of Fraudulent Job Postings] (DM)

Started by Nazey, February 15, 2023, 01:12:21 PM

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Esteemed Lieutenant,

I must bring your attention to fraudulent job postings currently proffered at the Krak de Roses establishment.  A posting by the title of 'The Quicksand Caverns', of which in no uncertain terms states that the work will be compensated with good coin, has in fact no such dinari valuation associated with it.

We ventured into the canyons and overcame many difficulties, scraping flesh on coarse quicksand and making use of clever stratagem to toil for the security of Ephia's Well (though, I fail to see the true danger that these Pot constructed machinations could have possibly posed towards the settlement).  But we prevailed, myself, Hammad and Egruit of the Order of the Manticore, Kara Fields, and one Mia Dae.

And upon our long march and return, eager to celebrate the hard won strife with our owed share of dinari - shock and horror to find not a pittance in award.

I consider myself a moral citizen of Ephia's Well, Lieutenant, in spite of the fact that as a voiceless I am afforded none of the privileges - I am glad to contribute to the security and upkeep as a matter of communal responsibility.

But this is fraud, good sir!  Erroneous literature that would surely chaff at the conscience of the scribes of the Palatial Pyramid, to know such misleading use of the term 'good coin' exists within the intellectual sanctity of Ephia's Well.

I hope the perpetrator who is fooling innocent and well-to-do folk towards that 'job' is quickly apprehended and fined, for it is a very, very cruel task they set them upon for absolutely no compensation.


-Arterian Lunesco,
Abjurer, Scholar, proudly badged with the White.



Point me to that law in the Penal Code, or else stop wasting my time.

Lieutenant Varghul Skarn
Sultan's Janissaries, 4th Legion