Little Leaf is Dead

Started by -UnholyWon-, October 06, 2022, 05:56:55 AM

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LIttle Leaf's history: Raised among the Pond Dwellers, Little Leaf has always seen more aloof then the other children. Granted, she has always looked a bit different from the other children with slightly pointed ears, green tinged hair, pale skin, and golden irises (sorry, I pulled the app for the character appearance changes, she did actually have those). Often she would be found talking to her imaginary friends in a tree, in the pond, in a badger hole, or hiding in the small hut she lived in with her parents. She was nicknamed Little Leaf by the Old Ponds Caretaker long ago before he disappeared, but most people know her as Fiona. There are also those who know her Sylvan name, Lassiel Silivithenniel, translated as Little White Leaf on the Wind. Today the voices of Pzatharun speak to her, and help direct their divine will.

Thank you, Bearic for tolerating my PMs, ideas, and everything else, I jest. I really appreciated what you did for the character early on, and giving her some unique perks and insights. Glyph, the relationship between Little Leaf and Solomyn is something I cherish so much, and you are also the best partner to quest with. Diablo, thank you for tolerating Little Leaf's quirks and lack of insight, but also giving the character a view into the plots and schemes of others. VP, my god how you tolerated the character as Valmoira, and I thank you for not killing her early on. I have no idea what you would have done to her if Winter prevailed, but it would have been interesting.  If I missed someone from the Winter Crew (Guzz, Jaxx, Ivyndr, etc...) thank you for letting Little Leaf ride along.  Merrychase for letting Little Leaf in even after she immediately threw it back in your face, I wish we could have more interactions. If I forgot you or didn't mention you here, please know you affected the character greatly, positive and negative, there was change in how she approached things.  Oh my god! I almost forgot someone very dear! Oda! I was always excited OOC and IG when I saw her roaming around because I knew we would have some wild adventures.

Was Little Leaf a part of the Summer Court, yes and no, she never had any interaction with any of the NPCs of the Official Summer Court, and she only met one Summer Court PC, who retired shortly afterwards.

Little Leaf was aware the Summer Court required blood, for what I don't know, but she did get some blood through PvP, Hijinks, and good old persuasion.   

Little Leaf was a changeling in the loosest of terms, but yes, she was.

Did she have plans to get some Velstra retainers drunk, and have them drink polymoprhing potions to turn themselves into a deer, Yes. Was she planning on having Orza hunt those deer, and then cook and eat them, yes. Did it actually happen, I made several sendings about Orza eating deer-humans.

Were there some Summer Court plans in the future, perhaps, but you'll have to see who takes the lead from here on out.

[hide=Summer Fey Rituals & Prayers]She was always busy trying to spread the word.


[hide=The moment where one little push would have changed a lot of things, j/k] After getting to know Haggahwhisp, Little Leaf had a lot of trust in him, and felt that he would have her back in some things. Even if it was an utter failure.

[hide=The End] I'm actually very proud of this character's ability to withstand some brutal PvP. I honestly thought I had a chance against DrD, and toe to toe it was a lot of fun to burn through that many potions. That's it for Little Leaf.
Discord - Howlando: UnholyWon, an Elder Thing that has crawled from the depths of Chapter 1, many a nature-pc and adventurer played in the past... a rare sighting IG in recent chapters, but perhaps less rare than we realize. Beware his professional insight into the minds of the mentally disturbed.


Little Leaf was great.

As an ally to Fernando early on! And I thought a fun rivalry was about to start with Rosewood, so I'm a bit sad that was cut short.

Excellente podcasts, very annoying!

See ya on your next!


That talk we made once was i believe the only RP wehad and was great, you are a rock! Keep rolling!


Haggahwhisp was always rooting for her, and im sad hes not around anymore to avenge her. You had the whole world against you and you kept on going anyway.

Also, stop calling me old man!

Empress of Neon

She was amazing.  A+++. Hit me up with a loonie-twin-sister concept sometime and we'll see what madness we can stir together  ;D