Wesley Madoc, Scarbeak.

Started by Juglar, May 08, 2022, 12:43:42 AM

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Wesley died.
Holy shit those were three intense months.

Obligatory screenshots and I invite you post your own, if you have any.

Thank you to all his friends, his enemies and the DMs.

His First day as a Moonspear.

Early Wes was an idiot, late Wes too.

Aldstan was the reason I rolled up Wes, I wanted to play with that character and be a thorn by his side.

Early Wes

Rocking that new Moon Drip

Early adventures

Being a thorn at Aldstan's side.

Duel at Stone Island

Being attacked by Zhou Fenxian was definitely a turning point for the once child actor

Aldstan was killed and Wes was thrusted into turmoil from which I learned much about PVP.

Wes killed the Mongrel Shaman Gore Tail, The Tiefling Liv Signe, The orzan Sergei, The Orzan Szarlej, Danebluff and her half orc guard and the Orzan Vratislav.

And after so much death and zealotry from House Moonspear, he had had enough..




And so Wes had a bunch of enemies, even in his former house. I remember he even fought a duel that night,




Then he had more adventures, he started ringrunning with purpose and his story ended in a fantastic way.






And some tiefling boots.

Thank you for reading.


The time I got to spend with Wes was short, but fun.
I wish it could have last longer.
To the next adventure I shall see you <3


wes was a king... i will miss him  :'(


Every minute with Wesley was a blast. RIP, the City lost a real one this day.



What do you mean your boy?



A really touching portrayal of a young man

Don Nadie

Thank you so much for it all. I loved how the relationship between Isaiah and Wes developed... From their meeting while Wes still used a flail, to Isaiah helping him get his armor in Moonspear, to their conspiracies against Rhowan, to his joining the Guild, to the biologically impossible but still rather heartwrenching father-son dynamic, to the sad, sad, end.

I've got a ton of great screenshots of chats, but I think I teared up with the last ones ... One one of which I managed to screenshot in between all my crashings yesterday...

Another one of your PCs breaking my heart =_=


This is so sad. Alexa, play Emil - Sacrifice.

Seriously though, Wesley was great. Only got to speak to him a few times, covertly, but each time was incredibly interesting.



Big swag lord, good times were had with Wes, Elijah and the gang.