
Started by Coldburn, May 04, 2022, 07:34:43 PM

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Soulhunger was born in the body of a dangerously ill man, well over a decade past his prime. His weakened body traversed the cobblestones of the city, delusional in his disease-adled mind and frail from an empty belly and a draining sick bed. It was in this state he was set upon by Bandits, Dweeb and in this hour of need his sorcerous powers manifested, and with their deaths strengthening him became a hungering Lifestealer. His personalities split, and within the fleshy vessel lurked the Soulhunger, ever ravenous for the moment of death that would feed its insatiable appetite. Now, until his final moment, he sought that nourishing moment between life and death, and wished to savor all its tastes.

While traversing the Peerage, saying very un-Knightly things while cackling and scaring the locals, Soulhunger managed to find a merchant who, while concerned about Soulhunger's behavior, agreed to sell him a sorcerous tunic which would be paid, in full, at a later date. He needed groats, and so his use of the Bronze began in earnest.
Little snacks to find, hunger to sate. To the sewers below, where we will end lives. Soulhunger awaits you at the Ratcatcher's Guild.

Squeeze a throat, crush the windpipe. Watch the eyes glaze over, and drink deep! [A mad cackle follows.] A FEAST!

Ser Adrian Velstra
I don't know how a Tchunite survived the righteous purge by Saint Egbert, but House Velstra will pay five hundred groats to whoever brings in that lunatic for hanging. Alive, so that he can be properly identified by his hideous, evil screaming.

Level 4, and already bountied. Nonetheless, his extermination campaign of all things both soul-containing & sewer-dwelling had given him the Groats he needed to repay the merchant.

Merchant, I have the groats. Come to the Pond's fire, and bring more of those goods. Your sack will be heavier, ohh yesss.
[A mad cackling erupts.] But they think I follow T'chun. [Raspy phlegm is audible dislodged and spit out.] Now I have a bounty, a big bounty. Well, the same bounty on the head of the Velstra! 500 for him!
They are WRONG! I simple want your spirit, to feed on your strength! Now I exile myself from the lands under the sun. The sewers are mine, drip, drip, drip! My domain! The FEAST BELOW!

Isaiah ibn Hazr
A pause. When the man speaks, his tone is severe Speaks Isaiah ibn Hazr, Master of Jewelry of the Most Worshipful Guild of Metalworkers. 'Soulhunger' he says, pronouncing almost with incredulity do not call again for one, nor for any of his Guildsmembers. All deals and debts ended when you revealed your madness.

Exiled and alone, now only I sit upon my throne. [A mad cackling ensues, followed by a few sniffs and his tone turning sad] My little snacks, who will love me for who I am?

Ser Adrian Velstra
The bounty has increased to a generous 600 groats.

The situation is getting out of hand. He contemplated how to best handle such a delicate affair.

To the Velstra, I will always match your MISPLACED bounty on my head. 600, was it? 600 for both our heads! Or 0? [A mad cackle.] My purse is full, but the merchants say yours isn't!

I fed enough on scurrying little rat. I hunger for more, something exotic, something TASTY. A little whiff, a little lick, a little taste, a bite, A FEAST! To the Ponds, and gorge with me!
The hunger demands sustenance. Come, COME to Sewage below the Ratcatcher's Guild, and find treasures and delicious souls to gorge upon. We feast, feast, FEAST below!

Peer pressure had ostracised Soulhunger from companionship. When society turns its back on you, you can only find kinship with those whose backs are turned against society as well. He fraternised with a Mongrel and cultist of the Nothing, and felt hope that they would go on to slay many things. Then, the Mongrels attacked the Peerage, Ser Adrian was dead. The problem was, the Skratti had seen him with the Mongrel, and Soloym molested Soulhunger into luring Gore-Tail into a trap. Soulhunger, whining and begging quickly agreed to this betrayal.  Now, without an active bounty on his head it was time for Soulhunger to repay his debt, because he desperately needed a merchant.

Merchant, with the dying of Ser Velstra, the bounty on me is VOIDED. My purse clink, clink, clinks! Trade with me at the Ratcatcher's Guild!

Isaiah ibn Hazr

Speaks Isaiah ibn Hazr, of the Most Worshipful Guild of Metalworkers. A pause, when he speaks, his tone is severe To the madman calling for one in the Whispers; one must alert you. It is holy to forgive one offense, for it may have been the fruit of good intentions. It is good to forgive a second, for perhaps it was but an error...
...There is no need to forgive thrice. Call again for one and one shall find you, but not to negociate. This was a statement, so please, heed it.

To the slanderous merchant, who calls Soulhunger mad. [A tone, vicious and corrosive.] Any merchant who refuses groat should look only into a mirror to find the madman. [A mad cackling.]
If both of us were knights, you would find me upon that Bridge - if you could stop looking into that mirror where the madman looks back.

Alas, it would turn out that he would never shop more than once. Still, that was 50% reduced price so not all bad. But with a full purse, what else can you buy? Perhaps a different tasting soul! Variety, after all, is the spice of life!

I hear them daily, vain fools with bloated ego. The thought gnaws at me, and keeps me ravenous with hunger. [A mad cackling begins.] I want to EAT one's soul.
Bring me a Retainer, one with pomp and arrogance, bring one ALIVE. I will consume its soul, have a little lick, a TASTE.
5000 Groats for a Retainer, alive upon arrival. It will be a FEAST! Come to the Sewers, or deeper, and deliver me a little snack.
In addition, I need an artifact to remove fear with. [The cackling begins anew.] Can't spoil my snack!

There is a pale, deranged figure stalking the streets claiming he will eat our souls. We think that this is a sign that Myrd will soon die of snake venom if he is forced to continue sharing his blanket cape with Aveline.
Please help.
Hello, maddened soul-eating demon that we believed to have hallucinated. We, two mudworn children of the Pauper Ponds, have entered the depths.
We definitely have a retainer for you and this is definitely not a trap. You should meet us near the Rat Raft.
Myrd wishes to clarify that we are not doing this for drugs.

Well, as it turns out, lies were being told, though ultimately by all parties involved. Soulhunger fell at their mercy.

Ringrunner. We have captured the hunger demon after a long and heroic battle.

The hunger endured, though gank upon gank on lone passers-by failed.

I am left unsated. Bring me a LIVING Retainer to feast upon! Yours will be 5000 Groats, mine will be a life, a death, and the MOMENT IN BETWEEN! [A mad cackle follows.]
You guard the pantry well, but Soulhunger will feast upon the dying! That Retainer-morsel looks NOURISHING!

During his hunts in the King's Commons, he was beset upon by a bovine herd, an evil occurance best not discussed should you wish to sleep tonight.

Tough-meat Oxen herd, your dying is my FEAST! A bovine bounty of 100 Groats!

And the merciless attacks continued, for he was ravenous for Peerage souls.

Sam Perkins
There's some moron in the Commons attacking decent folk and yelling 'hunger'. Don't worry though, he's weak as shit.
Right, twice he's attacked me. I repeat: he's weak as shit. Do not be afraid.


No need to take the top-shelf in the pantry. As I feed, I grow, then I will pluck you, my little snack!

But finally, after having been subdued close to a dozen times, he struck out. A Velstran Mage, alone in the sewers.

[A voice, giddy with glee and mad at its core.] I caught one, I CAUGHT ONE! A plump Retainer-morsel, all dressed in purple and so, so scared. It SPOILS the taste! [He sneers, angrily.]
I buy an item to Remove Fear for 200 Groats, come to the Bonecollecter's Guild and HURRY. I am HUNGRY with anticipation!

While he waited impatiently for the last ingredient, the Bonecollector's Guild fell under assault from Oliver and Rajani, intent on saving the hapless Retainer. Their attack, both swift and decisive while braving sure death yielded them their desire, at the expense of Soulhunger.

My snack, MY MORSEL! [A voice full of fury rages.] It was mine, mine, MINE! YOU STEAL MY SNACK? I WILL DRAIN YOU TO THE LAST DROP, POMPOUS FOOLS!

Oliver Merryweather
Consider it a victory 'at I didn't just end your wretched life you monster-. Try 'at 'gain an' I'll gut 'at faceless bitch 'at tried t' kill me with drowners as well.

And perhaps he was right, it was a victory that his life wasn't ended, for now he could find more souls to consume. As it turns out, his zest for Retainer souls did not go unnoticed.

Knight of the Mushroom Court
[Another very official-sounding clear of the throat, wet with phlemg & spittle.] Leal Eukaryotes & Wallflowers: tis I, your Marquess de Fungi, Bearing EDICT from the Imperious Courts of His Myceliusness;
The SCURRILOUS KNAVE, the LOATHESOME being known as 'HUNGER' is an escaped pennant of the Ever Shroomgaol, with it's Benedictine Stalks of Mildew akin to Adamantine, and I have hereby been ORDERED to engage him in Surprise Duello; to which the TERMS shall only be Named, and it's locale,
Declared solely by Myself, the Marquess de Fungi; rest well, leal citizens of the underways. Perhaps, in due Services to His Myceliusness, your Drip may be restored to your Dropways.

Not long after, while trying to gather those elusive friends needed for a daily banquet of murder, he got tricked again and was set upon most wickedly.

Knight of the Mushroom Court
SCURRILOUS Soulhunger; twas I - the Marquees de Fungal - who claimed venerable rites of SURPRISE DUELLO against thee; how foolish to assume it not a mere ruse. Yet; consider what was shown -- you are given chance to REPENT for thine CRIMES againt Mine most Shoomnificent domain; and to -join-...
Me in the UNION from which you witnessed before rites were claimed; come again, to me, and tell me what thine eyes WITNESSED within those auld halls ... and I shall LIFT thine Sentence ... To join me in my CRUSADE.

Soulhunger's trap for Gore-Tail couldn't be sprung on account of him being dead, which was a thorn to Solomyn.

Solomyn Sykes
Hah. Leal and valiant Knight of Shroom and Hedge, I had given the so crudely self-named Soulhunger much the same deal long ago... and for a time, 'lo, there was quiet from the hungerer. Imagine my surprise to see him once more, and hear his ever more delusional shriekings over whisper.
I had, given his lack of repentence and reform, intended to snip his strand from the Manypath Web... but I supposed if you have seen fit to grant him this mercy I will abide. However! Know this.... if he falls to his base nature, then it shall be a competition between you and I as to who can feed him a blade
soonest. So sayeth Solomyn Sykes, Speaker fo the Wyrd and Seeking Fang of the Sratti.

The Mushroom Knight wanted a leal squire Sporemonger, and though Soulhunger had fled at first, the notion that he could pretend to care about balance and Druidity while  murdering and devouring appealed to him. They soon became fast allies.

Knight of the Mushroom Court
Petulant and IMPUDENT Soulhunger; trust not in the frailty of the mortal acumen, nor the tongue of flesh -- but in the permeability & eternalness of the -Slimeshroom-, that whose Fungus extends beyond the realm of material, pollinating Flesh and Heart, to bring true Union to all creation. You have ...
Passed mine Teste of SURPRISE DUELLO according to the Codes; and are henceforth offered my Protection... You are to find us again, come time or Mine Shroom-Knights shaall pursue thee, verily, to the ends of Thine world; nay the ends of the Great Shroom upon which we lie, on His Fungality Polyporus IX

Though sadly, interesting and unique characters aren't appreciated within the Peerage.

Fendrel Heoboldt
Ahem-...a three hundred groat reward for any who brings me the tongue of either of these annoying little cretins.
You may claim your coin at the Endless Feast of my Lord Norbert, mm!

Soulhunger wants dinner guests to dine WITH, not ON. Come to the drip, drip, DRIPS and we'll GORGE on the dying!

Alas, the complexities of Soulhunger's thoughts were not fully understood, thus leading to misunderstandings between the Ser and his leal squire.

Knight of the Mushroom Court
Ho! Tis I, recently parted by way of unintentional Ambduscade by fair 'Tainers; yet breathing, yet virile, yet effervescent and tingling with the spore of life itself; come to render message to the perfidious SOULHUNGER. I pursue you once more; know that nary a darkened corner nor nook shall be safe!
Thou shalt be brought before the Judgement of what thou hath witnessed; his Benificence, His Magnanimity, his Unbounding, unrequited love for even such scurrilous villeins as yourself. Turn thineself to me, lest you be taken to a pyre of Mulch & Flame-Cap!

He returned to his Ser, and the gentle Knight forgave him. But forgiveness lies not in the hearts of many a man, and his unrepentant ways remained offensive to Sweetgrass. Though a young teacher, in morality and understanding he had the wisdom of an older man, and both gently and confrontationally, educated Soulhunger in the woe he caused not only himself, but others.

Soulhunger is REFORMED! I have gazed upon myself and been taught the Wisdom of the Willows. No longer will I kill, slay, MURDER Humans! No, no no no no no!
The life  drawn from them, their soul gobbled up. No, Humans are off-limits for Soulhunger! Fear him no more, Humans of the City.
Now, Humans of the City. Soulhunger awaits in the King's Commons, to kill, slay MURDER non-Humans! Goblins, Kobolds, Lizards and Wolves, Fae and Angels and Elves!
We drain their LIVES and - [He pauses, contemplating, then fills in weakly.] fill pockets with groats? Yes. Groats. [He adds with little enthusiasm.] King's Commons, bring spell and steel and bloodlust!

Never again, hunger demon. Or you will yourself die.
This small improvement is the result of multiple hours of meditation on lessons of empathy and introspection.
He has been reborn an honest man, slightly less respectable than the retainers of the Peerage.

Sweetgrass, satisfied with Soulhunger's improving morality let him go.
Soulhunger, satisfied with Sweetgrass' gullibility, set out to murder again.
Well within the hour, he was caught red-handed doing precisely what he swore never to do again. Now, both the Mushroom Knight and Sweetgrass claimed dominion over Soulhunger's fate.

Knight of the Mushroom Court
Prithee, dear Sweetgrass; a most engaging game we have met in afield -- and yet, there is no ill will. Perhaps we shall enjoy it again once-more, given time to gestate and enjoy what has came hence. If the misguided one yet lives; rejoin me, where you were once bought, and you ought to be cured.

I have defeated Soulhunger, after his unsurprising but somehow still disappointing and instantaneous betrayal of his oath to me.
It was my intention to execute him, but the Mushroom Court has taken him away for some other purpose... intervention I do not approve of.

Soulhunger turned into a new path, was was identical to his old one.

After the Wisdom of the Willows, Soulhunger is RE-REFORMED! But, the Wisdom took all his Groats, [He says nonchalantly.] but not my HUNGER!
Now, I pay not 5000 Groats for a Retainer-morsel, alive and kicking and POMPOUS and VAIN! A 1000 Groats I give, and Royal Beads. [The sound of the audible moistening of lips.] I prefer Velstran, but I am not PICKY!

Elain Winespill
[An indignant, flippant tone, resembling that of a pompous brat's] A thousand groats for whoever captures this bumbling fool parading about, calling himself a hungerer of souls, and brings him to the Vale... /ALIVE/!

Fear not the Soulhunger, keep me FULL, keep me NOURISHED! Bring him the living and the DYING. Kill, slay, MURDER with him and you are my dinner-guest. And it is bad manners to SLAY your dinner-guest!

Knight of the Mushroom Court
Hark; ye noble fewe! His Majesty's Shroomspensary is soon to begin before the Commons; come, supp upon the table scraps, and enjoy the banquet of VIOLENCE! that we hath prepared as tribute for His Majesty. Come one, come all; and partake in games most magnificent; featuring ye goode Squire ...
Sporemonger and a -SPECIAL GUEST- of Renown!

[A mad cackling erupts.] Join the banquet, be my FEAST!

The Shroomspensary was underway, squire Sporemonger and the Druids had an infamous Werewolf lurking nearby. We weren't playing by the King's rules, and Soulhunger was out for murder.

Knight of the Mushroom Court
Hark, gentiles; tis I, beloved Marquess de Fungal, whose voice ye all yearne to hear forthwith! Soon, the KING'S GIFTS shall arrive -- shall you be so cowardly as to resist partaking? Beholde; the King's Ultimate Promise -- violence!
Hark! The King's Gifts hath arrived; yet none have came to claim them?! What of those loud-mouthed Winespills? Those braggadocious Glitts? The venerable Moonspeare, who art of such an upstanding moral calliber?! A crime, I saw -- a crime against His Majesty is underway! Lady Amanita save us all.

There's the calm before the storm, until the storm descends upon you. Swept away by vengeful Rajani at first, Wulfric of Orza swept through with an onslaught. Soulhunger surely would have met his fate earlier had that Champion not been the conquerer.

Knight of the Mushroom Court
Hark! Tis I, Marquess de Fungal; here to announce thine Champion!!! Wulfric Wolfsbane of Hosue Orza hath claimed the King's Gifts -- a round of applause! He has even lain low our -Special Guest-, and Squire Sporemonger; the perfidious beast knowne hence as Child-Stealer!

His appetite unsated, he returned to his wily ways.

PLEASE! Bring Soulhunger a Retainer-morsel, I have 1350 Groats, bring it FRESH! I just need a little whiff, a taste, a bite, a FEAST!

But old enemies don't forget old slights, and set out to vanquish the hungering blight. But after nearly 2 dozen attempted murders to and fro, he returned to his tried and true method of fleeing. The coward's way out is still a way out.

A CURSE upon you and yours, Solomyn Feastbane! I turn RAVENOUS when denied NOURISHMENT! I hate, hate, HATE you!

Solomyn Sykes
Soul, buddy, you sound quite famished! Come take a nibble or two off my soul, I'm sure its tasty... I'll be in the commons here waiting.... if you dare!

Fool Soulhunger four times, shame on YOU! Fool him five times, shame on HIM! He will not walk into your pantry, FEASTBANE! I will nibble and pluck from the bottom shelves! [He cackles]

Solomyn Sykes
Seeing as that slimey soul-weasel managed to slip my grasp again... I shall divert myself with a foray against the tribes of Woods and Weald. Gather beneath the Oak, this was Sykes.

Though, with dedication, perseverance, level 7 and now DM loot, Soulhunger  ascended to heights before undreamed off. The Scourge of the King's Commons found another success!

Soulhunger snatched a Retainer-morsel, but it is WRONG COLOR! Ignatius, from the House Blue, not the House Purple, and I HUNGER FOR PURPLE! Trade me Purple and he lives. Don't trade me purple, and I have a sad SNACK!
You have ONE DAY! One day of restraint. ...Maybe just a whiff, a little LICK. HURRY!

Soulhunger is PECKISH! Bring him a Retainer-morsel of House Velstra, or Retainer-morsel of House Moon's Pear will be DEVOURED! You have two-third's of a day!

Hurry, or I will MURDER and DEVOUR his SOUL, I WILL! Be quick and bring Soulhunger a VELSTRAN, and he will let the Moon's Pear LIVE, I PROMISE! A third of a day left, or I turn RAVENOUS!

Perhaps because he was just a guy wearing blue, or because he's too low level, or because he never logged in for the hostage exchange, but no one seemed to care about Ignatius' survival. It's safe to log him in again.

Soulhunger invites friendly guests to dinner. I am an upfront man, passionate about KILLING and MURDER and feasting on SOULS. Would you like to MURDER things with him? Send word to the Bonecollector's Guild!

Now, with his strength gathered the level 7 fully buffed Lifestealer became a danger for unprepared characters. Those who had once mocked him for weak, now found out otherwise. He became hungry for a new taste, and wanted the soul drenched in fear.

Sam Perkins
Oy! That bastard hungry for souls let me live! ...Perhaps he truly is reformed...

Slanderous words! You only live so I can season your SOUL WITH FEAR. [He cackles madly.] Variety is the spice of life, and I want to TASTE IT! I will be the last thing you see in this world!

Sam Perkins
Shut yer trap, you bastard! I'll never fear ya! Ahem! Oy, folks! I've left a couple of suits of armor in the town's chest, for your Soulhunger protecting needs! We'll get ya, ya hear!

He tried to taunt the Peerage Retainers, to engage him in his own domain, but the knights felt too important to bother with him.
The 'enemies of the Ward' live BELOW you, Retainer-morsel, down where it drips, drips, DRIPS with your blood. [He cackles madly.] Every day I kill, slay, MURDER and GORGE UPON YOUR DEATHS!
Citizen of the Peerage, your Retainer Imogen Thorpe would not serve her soul up for my substenance, and took her morsel-Retainers far away from the threats to the 99, to the safety of the 96.
While I MURDER you and DEVOUR YOUR SOULS, the Retainers hide away in their POMPOUS KNIGHTLY BUSINESS.
Anyone who brings me a LIVING thing to MURDER and SLAY, will find a friend in Soulhunger. There will never be a NEED TO FEAR him, as MURDER makes him happy. You WANT Soulhunger to be happy, don't you? [A mad cackling.]

His old mentor, disappointed though he must be, reached out again.

Lesser demon, word has reached me that you have not actually murdered anyone. I hesitate to say that I am proud of you. I am not proud of you. I am disappointed that you have outwardly returned to mindless indulgence. However, as you have not fallen completely, I shall resume your lessons in empathy.
Demon, I demand that you come out of that crypt of ancient evils, and return to the violence of this compassion.

Demon, though you showed much trickster cunning in entering my home to search for me while I entered your home to search for you, it will not avail you. You SHALL sit among the willows and heed the lectures upon redemption. Even if I need to shatter your legbones, then drag you.

It is IMPOLITE to talk DURING DINNER! [He cackles madly.]

They circled and chased after eachother's trail, finding it cold again and again. Hungry for the death of the Wisdom of the Willows, when they finally found one another not a word was needed to understand the situation. They engaged in mortal combat. Quick to take the upper hand, Soulhunger pressed Sweetgrass to the brink, but at the brink he held. Regaining lost ground it became clear that Sweetgrass wasn't weak enough, and that he was too big of a risk to fight. He fled down the Drips into the flooded waterways, with a determined Sweetgrass doggedly persuing. Inch by inch, Soulhunger lost more ground and cowardly fled to safety behind gates of iron. There, an angered Sweetgrass taunted Soulhunger, vowing never to allow him out again. An angered and ravenous Soulhunger, tricked into lashing out attacked again, but found himself overcome with danger frequently. Breaths held and lungs screaming for air, a fell strike finally overcame him and he awoke, soaked, bloody and weakened on dry stone.

Sweetgrass afforded him a final chance, to repent truly. Soulhunger was eager to trick his old mentor once more. He took his time, thinking over the words he needed to speak so he could live.

Soulhunger apolagises to ALL the people. Soulhunger has regressed. The Wisdom of the Willows made him see error in enjoying MURDER and SLAYING and KILLING. These things are BAD, though Soulhunger enjoys it MUCH! He will stop enjoying.
Like a fat man with cake. I know now it was bad, bad, BAD! Soulhunger needs guidance, GOOD GUIDANCE by the Wisdom of the Willows. I am VERY, VERY sorry if I murdered your loved one.
To all the people I MURDERED a brother, father, mother, sister, child, dog, neighbour, enemy or Retainer from, I AM SORRY! Bad, BAD Soulhunger!
Soulhunger wasn't enough re-reformed. I know that now. There must be a next re-re-reforming! SO SORRY! For the SLAYING and the SOUL STEALING!
[He clears his throat.] I apolagise to the rats, I slayed by the hundreds. I apolagise to the Kobolds, that I snacked on. I apolagise to the Wolves, that I ate. I apolagise tot he Retainers that I stole. I apolagise to the Ringrunners who were in the wrong place.
And to all their loved ones.

And with those words spoken, Sweetgrass looked on sternly and made him complete his apolagy. As the words formed on Soulhunger's tongue, the sharp, cold steel of Sweetgrass' sword erupted bloody from his chest, the hilt thrust up against his spine.

Now, Soulhunger's soul is where all souls inevitably go. His spirit will seek to gorge upon those that passed along with him.

I want to thank Halfbrood for the batshit crazy overpowered item needed to make a dual-wielding melee Sorcerer viable.
A thank you to the +/- 15 alts and mains in the Bonecollector's Guild who got Soulhunger to level 6.
A special shout out to Adrian Velstra for putting me on the map at level 4, to the Druids who somehow adopted Soulhunger, the Mushroom Knight for making me a leal squire and Sweetgrass, who saw the best in me and found the worst.

Also Bert & Gert, who make me laugh.


Soulhunger was a masterpiece.

Don Nadie

That madman XD It was fun to hear him (and try to hunt him!)


A magnificent lunatic.

Scumlord Spiffy


i miss him so much bros
had so many more werewolves in store


I wonder if Bert "saving" soulhunger that one time is what eventually lead to his death. :(



pouring one out for a real one