Clowns part 2

Started by Damien, January 12, 2014, 04:09:20 PM

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The keys don't open the chests. The quest also needs a looking at. Right now the risk is crazy and the reward is completely non-existent. The spawns could do with being shuffled around instead of standing on places you transition.


I think the loot is fine, I got two garlic, one use of camouflage, one potion of Health and an abjurer's nightshade.


Having checked it, all should work as intended (?), with a small reservation that I could have missed something.

However it is difficult to be sure as I cannot review the actual run and how everything was done.

I'll try and keep an eye on it.

Lootwise there seems to be quite fine stuff out there.

Mass Transit

I know at one point the keys did open chests, just not the ones they are colored to open.


The keys open the chests, but different keys for different areas. This is intentional. Another reward for completing the whole quest.