More electricity spell options

Started by KreShar, December 14, 2021, 01:34:48 PM

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Playing a crimson storm, it would  nice to have more options for electricity type spells for circle 1-2. Currently there's only 1 electricity type spell in both circle 1 and 2 , gedlees electric loop. 

Currently gedlee is very weak compared its circle 2 evocation peers like scorching ray, combust, or acid arrow.  Perhaps it could use a buff to make it more viable? I would suggest increasing its range at the minimum. Also, even though it's AoE was buffed to medium , it's target selection is very very random. Sometimes when I cast in a big group it'll only dmg 1-2 of them.

Maybe infusers and crimson storms could get a electricity version of combust or ghoul/vampiric  touch ?  Could represent like a long lasting electric shock or shocking grasp.

Having a burning bolt / magic missile equivalent for electricity types would be great. Maybe crimson storms could also get the buffed  horizikuals boom that adds electric dmg as well? I think crimson storms also getting the buffed electric jolt would be a nice buff.

Just in general, feels like I am casting only one electricity spell (besides electric jolt)  which is scintillating sphere.  Cold and fire elements just have way more options rn.

Also side note, maybe looking into the gsf evoker electricity bonus, it seems to be the weakest out of all 4 element types. Maybe increase the extra dmg or increase the chances of the electricity bouncing .

It would also be cool if electricity spells could have environmental dmg effects like how fireball does with grease/web. Maybe you could electrify grease puddles with scintillating sphere which would cause a short stun? Or electrify stinking cloud / cloud of bewilderment.