Tobit Azrander, Elderly Rebel

Started by goate, January 05, 2014, 02:00:01 AM

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I regret to inform the EfU community that Tobit Azrander is no more - he has
disappeared.  He has not retired, he is just gone.  I will greatly miss
playing Tobit.  I much enjoyed experiencing the numerous relationships he formed over his relatively long tenure in the Dunwarren.  As a player, I am very reactive (lazy might be a better word), as opposed to proactive.  I generally allow other PCs to drive the plot, and I react to it.  You guys were spectacular.  You took a nice elderly man, and put him through hell to see if you could destroy his friendly disposition - it was a blast.  And, in the end, it was his curiousity and trust in people that sealed his fate.

I am sad to think that I will not again be playing Tobit, but it was a sweet, sweet ride.  Thanks to the PCs and DMs that defined the story of Tobit and Seldin.

[hide="The Story of Tobit"]
Tobit hailed from Neverwinter.  In his youth, he was a student who received poor marks - he often didn't follow rules or read directions.  In one such instance, he attempted to utilize Limbo conjuration in a transmutation lab exercise involving protoplasm manipulation, and Seldin came to be.  The two quickly become the most notorious pranksters in the Neverwinter Wizarding Academy's history.

Tobit joined Neverwinter's "Office of the Dataphage" (non-canon), which placed agents in various reasons to live among the populace for the purpose of collecting large amounts of seemingly innocuous data that could be aggregated into something more useful than targetted intelligence.  He retired at the age of 85 after a long and enjoyable career.

At the age of 111, Tobit experienced the Night Serpent's consumption of the Sun.  The peoples of Neverwinter were driven into the catacombs beneath the Blacklake district by the Dread Armies.  Tobit returned to his job, and was sent through a Spellguard Portal in a desparate attempt to collect information about Dendar's awakening.

His darks in the Dunwarren were by far the most taxing of his life.  On one of Engineer Wonderbringer's expeditions, a man named Slyd Radke and a Cleric of Tyche mugged him for his ring, and then turned around and saved his life.  A girl by the name of Mouse whispered ugly rumors of the Spellguard's abuses into his ears, opening his eyes to the unseen menaces of Sanctuary. He spent his time assisting Michael Galeno and Patrice Vermand with an endeavor to open a hospital in the in-between ruins.

Tobit, without ring and now wary of the Spellguard, moved to Lower Sanctuary, and befriended many of its residents, including Jarik Blake.  He had a cordial relationship with Atto Proverson and his band of mercenaries.  

When Slyd Radke was captured, Tobit was called to stand witness at the trial.  He attempted to sway the people in favor of mercy for the man that had both assailed him and saved him, but his words fell on deaf ears.  Tobit's ring was returned to him.  He continued to call Lower his home.

Soon after, Alexei Antonov and Toigan Strongstrata abandoned their positions as Spellguard Auxiliaries, and took cover in Lower.  When approached by Alexei for assistance, Tobit quickly consented.  They told the old man tales of the Spellguard that turned his blood cold. Weeks later they were gone, never to be heard from again, victims of the organization they once served.  Tobit sank into depression, and isolated himself in his attic.

With many of the residents of Lower dead or missing, and the furor over the Spellguard defectors quieted, Tobit decided to step out of his attic and risk walking the streets of Upper.  He conducted business, assisted with tasks, and made new friends.  Upon returning to the attic from one of these visits, Seldin began to act very strange.  He upended a crate in the corner, and revealed a gaudy golden crown with a large rat adorned on the top.  And thus, the rat king was born.

Tobit grappled with the influence of the Crown, which was driving him to obsession with rats on a schedule much shorter than expected.  Spellguard Agent Martulio Paub detained the old man and conducted experiments;  He demanded that Tobit cease all efforts to be rid of the Crown, and consripted him in order to utilize his communal influence with rats to gather intelligence on Sewertown.

At around this time, Tobit met "Boss" Ahlgan, who offered his services as bodyguard.  Tobit, having been recently assailed by mercenaries, accepted.

On one fateful dark, Tobit attended the trial of Prefect Liruwen Annuiel.  He was warned in advance of trouble to come by one of his contacts in the Lower.  Tobit was disgusted by the trial, and insulted by the accepted sentence of death by burning in Freedom Square.  When the rebels revealed themselves, Tobit summoned a cloud of darkness over the prefect's pyre, and attempted to free her. He was assailed by a member of the Society, and forced to retreat.  While fleeing, he spotted Prefect Sinclair laying siege to an enchanted Sigvar Fordmund.  He attempted to give aid, but gave it too late.  He continued his retreat to Lower.

Days later, Tobit's name appeared on Martulio' Paub's list of the condemned.  However, Tobit's new exile was nothing like his previous self-imposed exile.  The rebellion had brough much new blood to Lower, and Tobit lived quite happily among his fellow exiles.  However, the Rat Crown's influence became worse.  Tobit's friends of the Brotherhood of the Ascension intervened, giving him one last opportunity to be rid of the Crown.  He accepted, and beseeched the Ascended One to destroy the Crown, despite the fact that his very being screamed at him to keep it.

Shortly after, Thomas Mis-born inducted Tobit into the Brotherhood.  Tobit involved himself with the effort of turning Lower into a more liveable environment for its residents, enjoying his new role immensly.

Then, one dark, the old man walked out of his room, wizard stick in hand, and departed the Pissing Crone together with Seldin, never to be seen again.  Some say the Pissrats of Lower nabbed him after a recent business deal gone sour.  Some say the Spellguard abducted him, and kept his rat-crown-addled brain in a research lab.  But none seem to know for sure what happened to the kindly gentleman, who taught many of the Crone's orphans to read.

As for Seldin.....


[hide="Ladocicea Loot"]


[hide="Exploring the Dunwarren with Elven Allies"]


[hide="Deaths that Shook Tobit"]
Stein Woodsman



[hide="Nathanya Teaches Tobit to Guard his Mind"]


[hide="Business with Dragons"]


[hide="A Walk with a Trollblood"]


[hide="Courted by a God"]
To give blood, or not to give blood

Shoulda given blood...

Where am I?

A proper introduction


[hide="Assisting a Rebel in Need"]
"Wires", Cuthbert, Tobit and Seldin finish exploring the submerged machine

I thought that was you...

Alexei intrudes when Tobit meets with Nathanya and and Shakti.  He's such a

The last supper


[hide="Two old men have a fireside chat"]


[hide="The Rat King"]

Tobit shows off his fashionable new Crown in Freedom Square

Paub's Research

The destruction of a piece of history


[hide="A New Family"]


Shocking Outburst

Nice story. 'RIP' old man.


I greatly enjoyed our mischief on the plot of the Rat King. You have no idea how much I wanted to turn him into some crazed, slovenly, rat-loving monster of an alchemist who would prey upon any who desecrated his sewers haha.

It was great though to see him struggle through the times and redeem himself in a new light.

Every apocalypse needs it's kindly old Merlins.
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips


Alexei and Tobit, Two mad men against the world.
There was a Toigan in there somewhere.. maybe.. [Shifty eyes.]


I'm sorry that I won't get the chance to know Tobit any better than I did. What really stood out to him for me is that I'm used to dealing with cowardly mages, people who see their hitpoints and hesitate about taking a risk. Tobit continually surprised me by never backing down or away, putting his life on the line for his friends without any thought for his own. If I had to guess, I'd suspect that has something to do with his death.

Great job, goate, looking forward to seeing your next one.


Tobit will be sorely missed. He's been a fixture in Lower, and as a kindly, eccentric alchemist he was a great foil to the domineering spellguard. I'm just sorry I didn't get to see more of the rat crown shenanigans.

Looking forward to your next!


Tobit was definitely one of the characters I've enjoyed interacting with the most on Irith. Their friendship started, I think, as one of necessity due to their common foes and grew to be something more.

He'll be missed.

RIP Old fellow.


Miranda Ninetails: *glares*
Shakti Athes: "Stop telling him all our secrets, Nathanya" and "(...), you need to bring the Old Man to the Court!"

Damn, goate! Tobit was so interesting. And not old as a character, old at the point of meeting three of my PCs, all hating him somehow <3


Nooo :(

I'm gonna miss Tobit and his familiar Seldin (or was it the other way around?)
Jarik was really fond of them. Long talks into the night, getting in shitty situations but just rolling with them and bitching about the spellguards.

Tobit was also really fun to quest with, and every battle turned into chaos whenever Seldin was involved. They both were Jarik best (and oldest) friends and they'll be missed.

Neutral team forever!


Tobit was truly a fascinating and 'alive' character.
Really, really good..


Before in game events prevented it, I always enjoying going down to the crone and visiting old man tobit in his home. He'll be missed :(

Bouquet of Roses

Tobit will be dearly missed.
I much enjoyed our interactions, and while they all seemed rather alike, they were remarkably different each time.
Best of luck with Krelgen, Tobit's a tought act to follow.


A great character, good work Gracken.


well played.

He had become a staple of life in and around the Crone.



Ah I remember him from when he first came through the portal. It is nice seeing the progression of long lasting characters. He certainly was interesting.