Dual-Wielder perk

Started by Ernesto, March 26, 2021, 10:30:55 AM

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After experimenting with this perk for the first time, found one or two small bugs.

The daily fighter buff doesn't apply the +2 deflection AC on double weapons. That might be intended.

The +2 bonus AB on offhand doesn't stack with magic weapon.    (Edit for clarification) Without magic weapon you get a +2 AB to off hand. With Magic weapon, you get +1 AB to off hand. (On sheet and on the combat rolls).  I have yet to try to GMW.

(Edit2) Just checked. GMW and the bonus simply don't stack at all. It's as if your off-hand is always on GMW for AB.

The Crimson Magician

hi there

I've also noticed that when receiving weapon buffs from another player (magic weapon, flame weapon, etc.), it isn't copied to my off-hand weapon.

Quote from: EFU WikiDual-Wield & Two-Weapon Fighting - The effects of Magic Weapon, Flame Weapon, Darkfire, Poison and Alchemist's Fire duplicated to off-hand weapon when cast on your main weapon.