Frobo Sappel; Cleric of Yondalla, Hinfolk Defender and Lightwarden

Started by Jagged, March 07, 2021, 12:43:00 AM

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It was a blast playing  Frobo. He began extremely generic, created just to play with my RL brother (who played Cade Highhill), but was shaped into so much more with the help of the friends and enemies he made along the way. Honestly,  it was  an emotional rollercoaster (in a good way!) playing Frobo, and every time he lost a friend along the way, I was actually a little heartbroken myself during the funerals. Thank you to everyone he interacted with and also thank you to those who appreciated this character! Your kudos mean a lot to me. Great job, all!

Now... To the screenshots. He had no custom loot so there's nothing interesting to show there.

His stats without items. Saves were his forte.

Now his screenshots in chronological order:

Frobo witnesses his first duello in this strange new place in which he has awakened.

He witnessed William Powell and Artegal Haremarch give themselves over to the Fey in exchange for bountiful crops during the coming Winter, and the ensuing battle against the Retainers.

Enjoying a rare moment of quiet out by the Ponds.

Frobo witnesses a strange changeling ritual, and is nearly consumed by an incomprehensible entity.

He partook in the failed defense of the Steadings against House Ghyll.

Say my name!

He saw the Changeling attack on the Peerage, but did not partake in it's defense this time.

The Fellowship of the Cornucopia scolds Muningo for his maniacal behavior, with Emmet having assumed responsibility over the increasingly Fey crazed halfling.

Halfling Power!

Frobo and Emmet desecrates a hidden goblin shrine, destroying it, causing absolute chaos and an outbreak of goblin herpes! This is when Gorneval first became a rival, after being refused  Goblin Fertility Idols that the halflings were intent on destroying.

As an apology for the goblin herpes outbreak, The Fellowship of the Cornucopia set out a banquet in Little Ticker. Turns out Muningo had poisoned the food and drinks! Thankfully, all of the items had mysteriously disappeared when Frobo went to make a sending about it.

The last time the Fellowship of the Cornucopia marched together... Boy, did they look good as a group.

Thanks in great part to Frobo's hubris, their party is defeated on a quest by Sibilants out in the Swamps. Cade gives himself over in order to save his friends, being tortured, executed and turned into small sized Sibilant. There might have been hope to save him, but Matteo Giovanni was among the rescue party, and he decided to kill lizard Cade while everyone else was busy with the Warlord instead. This  began the story between the two.

A touching funeral is held for Cade Highhill. One of Giovanni's Retainers happens upon it and makes an ignorant remark about the remains, which Malcolm reacts to by punching him in the face. This prompts a duel between the two. Malcolm faced defeat against Jakoby, and Frobo interfered in an attempt to keep his friend from being slain. He is promptly beat down and fined over three thousand groats by Matteo Giovanni, which only further cements his contempt for the man.

Frobo gets a little giddy when he meets female halflings.

He helped secure the Count's Drill for the second time.

With the Fellowship of the Cornucopia gone, Frobo continues his quest for the search for the Portal to the Green Fields, and so he attempts to join a fledgling Ringrunning group. Alas, it was not meant to be. Shortly after he becomes embroiled in the conflict with Giovanni's Men and the Harvesters.

He witnesses Gorneval publically confessing who he really  served and exposes his him over the sendings. This eventualy prompted The Nurser to begin demanding of his blood, to feed the Blighted Willow, or his shield-arm to be taken from him to be turned into mulch.

Frobo helps fight against the Ghyl once more, this time trying to stop a dark ritual out in the distant farmlands within the Weald.

A couple weeks later  Gorneval happens upon Frobo alone out in the Rings, and having denied him his blood a second time, Matteo Giovanni leaps out from invisibility and attacks him alongside the harvester, but Frobo is able to flee and return to the Ward to tell all of what transpired. The ex-Knave proclaims that he shall kill Frobo upon the end of his exile, and thus he begins to gather allies to face Giovanni and the harvesters in open battle out in the King's Commons in order to prevent their absolution and subsequent return to the Ward.

Frobo and his allies, along with the unexpected help of House Orza, prove too numerous  for Giovanni and the Harvesters, and they fall against this coalition. Frank escapes and challenges Frobo to single combat. Forced to accept the duello, or suffer permanent exile, the halfling champion faces his last battle, falling to the wrath of the last living Giovanni Retainer and harvester, Frank Bigby.

Link to the video of the death duel:


Frobo was awesome and really capture the spirit of the fearless hin serving his Goddess. Well done!


Great story man, Glad I got to even see him perhaps find his final rest with Yondalla.


Loved him! Hin shenanigans have been some of my favorite moments on Huck.



Frobo was definately my favorite "little buddy". He was amazing!
Discord - Howlando: UnholyWon, an Elder Thing that has crawled from the depths of Chapter 1, many a nature-pc and adventurer played in the past... a rare sighting IG in recent chapters, but perhaps less rare than we realize. Beware his professional insight into the minds of the mentally disturbed.


Bit sad that I only met him the one time IC before the mass melee and his duel with Frank afterwards.
[url=]Moises Moraeta[/url]'s [url=][Metal-clasped Journal][/url]



It was a brief friendship but one that set the tone to Catherine as a character for some time to come.

Good hustle champ.