Alaric Hardigan, Dungeoneer

Started by LoveLess, January 05, 2021, 02:12:00 AM

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Not much to say that Alaric didn't already screech about.

Started off with another Rogue with the loose concept that he wanted to explore the city of rings and add to his extensive list of places he had found, explored, and pillaged. Or in a better term that doesn't sound so simple, 'Dungeoneered.'

The first step of the journey was meeting Zelia N'Dare and being hired to find one of her missing friends deep within the seams. This was quite literally his first day being awoken and it was quite the experience to do an event of such a scale with a level 4 Rogue. It became a defining moment for the character, as he became infatuated with Zelia ever since, but never did end up meeting her again afterwards... His paramour escaped him!

Not long after he met Elfio, Elf Slayer, and became employed for his services. This is when he began to run the rings and explore lost ruins, working on the translations for some time to come. This was probably some of the most exciting times on Alaric, as everytime I logged in there was someone asking for his help with something. It was a complete blast and just running around offering his services for a quick buck was fantastic. Exploring the newly released zones that were made by Abala/Hound and just gorging all of it as quickly as I could was a mistake I think, but still enjoyed it.

A lull between jobs, after Elfio retired on his riches and fame... It was around then that Alaric became friends with a certain zealous priestess and helped her with wand tutelage. This small arrangement lead them to become regular business partners in the trading of some divine goods... And help with a task or two. Alaric had always found himself lurking behind the ear of many influential figures throughout his lifespan. Brokering information and rendering physical assistance, in exchange for some sort of deal. Such as fighting a literal dragon and crawling away from that the best he could, after having watched House Nephezar fall.



I had begun to give my first attempt at writing some IC books and theories, to varying degrees of self-satisfaction. Of course, what LoveLess PC didn't merchant as well. Alaric eventually offered counsel for House Haremarch, in exchange they would assist him with something... Guess we will never get to find out what that was!

Over the next few days, I'll go through and pick out some screenshots.

Until then, enjoy the loot in order of acquisition:

[hide]Thank you Hound!


[hide]My first PrC! Dungeoneering has it's perks...

Until it doesn't.......


[hide]Thanks Akke!


[hide]Thanks YMD!


[hide]Thanks YMD*2!

These were acquired from the Pale Necropolis event... I sadly only get to use each of their effects once before the end...


And his final form, birthed from a fallen corpse...


Had a great time with Alaric on Sigebert and Huckleberry. He would have been such a different character if I sold you that helmet you so wanted...


A very cool take on the re-vamped PrC, good job


What in god's name are those saves?

Nice character btw, I am just baffled by those saves.

Mushroom Mushroom

Harper Scout as a PrC gets stupid saves. ;)


I've updated the OP with more details and pictures!

And hey, he had some pretty good saves unbuffed before Harper too!



So sad to hear the Dungeoneer is gone!

Did good lad, Boic will miss you.


Really cool and sad to see you go!  Nice work man

Don Nadie

Another real cool character lost to Harad's party. Always fun to interact! Taught Toten all she knows about war-profiteering!  :'(


I liked Alaric. Didn't have much to do with him in my previous characters, but I'd say he was one of Boppi's first friends. :( ripperino.