Started by Glyph, November 25, 2020, 09:27:22 AM

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My first Obit!

A nod to my other PCs that didnt get one but maybe should have: (V4: Manyfaces, Jen'isand Rul, Bidithak Ishthix, Eniash Diskanya,)  ( V5: Kowl Rhavan, Druss Irontone, Bruhklan Gearshatter, Ahm Lobhadh. )

Bad Tom was born to the Clan  Lochlan in the Highlands of Ring 94. Given to constant drinking and fighitng in his youth, the clan elders dubbed him with his namesake moniker. He had served Lord Glitt before, working under William Coldshanks of Findlay's Glen, but was forcibly retired when he got on the bad side of Steward Skudge. Upon hearing the Steward had finally been ousted, and finding his supply of drinking coin drastically low, Bad Tom decided it was time re join the Noble and Aulde House of Glitt.

Soon after he arrived he met Valatina of Glitt, Blessed of the Waters, who converted him to her faith. Skeptical though he was of faith in general, upon her death attemptng to lift a curse from Dorian Raventree he pledged to carry her faith onward when he returned her legendary sword to The Waters.

He was then witness to the death of the first Moonspear Champion, and the taking of Isabela as the new Champion.

He did some things. Tried to help out in the Tourney. Watched Gawen die and more...One of which was stumble upon a battle between Eupraxia and the God of the Renunciation. The Razor Web. No pics sry ;)

He also.... earned a KILT.

Bought a weapon for a rediculous price that definitely did not turn out to be a cursed item cherished by a certain sleepy god.

Did his best to make big daddy Bernard proud.

And died alongside allies with his weapon in hand... which was all he truly wanted in life.


Nadine had barely got to know him before that last fateful fight.

He was a fun and engaging character that only once struck her with a definately-not-cursed Greataxe.


I'm gonna miss Bad Tom. Despite his moniker, he was a good egg.
[url=]Moises Moraeta[/url]'s [url=][Metal-clasped Journal][/url]


Pure class Glyph!
I enjoyed our shenanigans together on various PCs :)


An iconic character. Hat low. Very, very low.
[url=]Find custom lore for Yemani characters here.[/url]


Before him joining Glitt the only experiance i had with the faction are not be pleasing from a player point of view, i did not had much Love for glitt players , Tom not only was a realy good char but was also Glitt at his finest, and i will remember him for it

Like a weavers sed once...

Praise the waters motherfuker!