Worshipful Guild of Fishmongers/The Fishmonger Gang/The Mongers of Lowtowne

Started by Hierophant, November 21, 2020, 02:44:27 PM

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Quote"If you find yourself alone in the tight corridors of the under square, Priscilla Klink's stoney gaze upon you- the dark at your back. Know that when the Lighthouse rings its tolls and its bells and you hear that the Mongers are coming, that your coin purse ought to be lightened for the priviledge of a fine trout and filet."

Ticker Square has been liberated by the draconic iron of Lord Tchamorrar. The hold of the Blackjacks are broken - but this is not news to those who work the inner sanctity of the Square they were born and raised in, for the Blackjacks never cared for much, anyway- and a purse or two could tighten their lips with ease. But this is a different story. This is the story of a family, not bound by blood but by the high canal waters, by the light of the Deep One we pay homage to, and the masks we wear of the cat fish and its rustic whiskers and beady eyes.

In the absence of infamous organizations such as the Krown, the Stonebuilders, the Weavers and even the long-held monopoly of Kur Uld's Cheese Forge and his many thugs, it falls to new visions of Ticker's grand future. A place free of order, free of the stain of the Peerage and Dorvant's descendants; free of all, but for one's soul. In a place where every man is his own, and every man must fend for himself, lest we band together in union. The Worshipful Guild of Fishmongers is an auld Ticker guild focused upon the docks that operates in fishery, gutting, wholesale, mercenary work (up and down the canal) and brimming with criminal elements taking advantage of Ticker Square's vulnerable laws.

Under the foundational hand of the Orcan blood Crarr Daggersail and his half-brother Cor Daggersail, it is the hope that the Fishmongers will become the most influential and enterprising business/guild in Tchamorrar's new domain and be the law of the land or at least the most respected (either from fear or from earnest admiration).

This will change over time, see IC and OOC tidbit below

Become the owners of the tavern in the Ticker Docks;
Bolster the ranks of the guild to at least five (5) guildmembers (currently two);
Earn the favour of Lord Tchamorrar;
Get rich;
Stir Ticker up and create interesting dynamics!


The recommended alignment would likely be neutral, evil or chaotic for the most part. Lawful Good would not flow so well, but Chaotic Good/Neutral Good might fair better. But at the end of the day these are just recommended alignments and I encourage any kind of PC if they see themselves fitting into the vision of the Mongers to find us IG and join up! It is my hope that with each addition to the Fishmongers, their goals/vision will shift and shape its future. It is something I'll stress that while it's fine if you want to join and just be a henchman/casual addition, that you are encouraged to treat the Fishmongers as your own concept and take it where ever you like/influence it anyway you like. Even if it means you want to take over leadership (and whatever that means for my PC). It will be a grand adventure/chronicle of tension, struggle, conflicting alignments and goals between each member and another prime narrative of my own PC is the tension between two brothers who have different visions for the guild.


The Guild of Fishmongers

Recommended Alignments; Evil, Neutral, Chaotic (Good PCs still encouraged, see above)

Base of Operations; Phanax Merchant Stall at Ticker Docks

Recommended Race; Any

How long, Catiline, will you continue to abuse our patience?


Concept Ideas;

A Rogue who acts as the Guild's Quartermaster of sorts, can take over the Phanax stall and sell our goods.

A Cleric of the Deep One, a sea-beast of the canals some sailors pay homage to (and my PC Crarr does as well), or any water-associated deity

A power-hungry wizard seeking the title of Lord-Mayor of Ticker in the name of the Fishmongers (or his own gain, using the Fishmongers as a pedestal)

A mercenary Fighter who wishes to lead gang efforts/contracts along the canal for protection, or set up a toll at the docks. Be the guild's sort of 'enforcer'.

Open to many different concepts, just send me a PM and we can talk about it if you like!
How long, Catiline, will you continue to abuse our patience?