Fire domain turn: Wildfire

Started by sankarul, November 16, 2020, 10:43:40 PM

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Wildfire: Nearby enemies in a colossal radius are lit aflame for 1dCHA fire damage a round for three rounds. On the third round, they make a reflex save VS DC 10 + 2*CHA. Upon failure, they and all nearby enemies in a huge radius to them around them take an additional 1dCHA fire damage.

It claims, on the third round, to do an AOE that, if the reflex fails, targets all nearby enemies in a huge radius. It hit myself too, and I imagine it might hit other allies to myself. It also hit the rats I grilled, so it's not that the wording is wonky - it hit allies and enemies.

Is it a bug, or is the wiki perhaps wrong? Whichever it is, it would be good to know! I almost blew myself up on these 5 rats when they blew up on the 3rd round!



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