The Tickertown Patriots

Started by Electrohydra, October 06, 2020, 02:36:39 AM

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QuoteI knew a man once, before zhe var. It feels like forever now, but has it really been zhat long? A pause, with the sound of smoke behind inhaled then released again. He had a dream ya. Of a Ticker Square zhat respected it's people. A Ticker Square zhat people could feel vell in. Safe in. For everyone. It vas a different time zhen, a different context. But I zhink his dream still applies. Ticker Square can be zhis dream. And so I vill carry it on. Me, and any other zhat call zhis Square not just a market, but a home. I call for zhe rebirth of zhe Tickertown Patriots. In zhese uncertain times, ve have nobody but eachother. If you care for zhe Square, be you varrior, scholar, merchant - find me for a drink in zhe Door. Zhere is room for everyone, if you vant to make zhis square not vhat it vas. Not vhat it is. But vhat it could be. This vas Katarina, ya.


A fledgling group cut down during the Torc War, the Tickertown Patriots are rising again by the efforts of veteran Katarina Alkovich. A group of citizens from all walks of life, the Patriots seek more autonomy and protection for the people of the Square, both from the powerful Guildmasters that prey on them for groats and the new Peerage Lords who would do the same. Aiming to be a more de-centralized group with a large variety of members, their methods can vary widely, welcoming members that want to focus on more politics, games of shadows and intrigue or more direct, violent action. If you ever wanted to play a Ticker PC that had convictions other then "More groats" and that sees the Square as just a convenient place to find quests, this is the group for you.

Races : Non-Recondite, Non-Mongrel.
Classes : Any
Alignment : Any, but strong non-evil tenancies. Evil PCs should be subtle about their evilness.

How to join : Contact me by PM, Discord (Electrohydra) or find Katarina or any other Patriot in-game. See you soon!