Add new low level Ponds Quest

Started by d1n4l9q7, June 17, 2020, 12:33:40 AM

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I suggest another low level Ponds Quest is added, perhaps lvl 4-5, and only can be taken by Ponds residents.

As the third hub there's not a lot to do there for a character starting out. Specifically for an outcast or outlaw who would rather avoid Ticker and Peerage who's not a changling.

I'm not a big fan of doing the rounds through all the hubs so Ponds exclusive, and there is plenty of quests already for starting Ticker.

If DMs like the idea I would be interested in making a quest for consideration.

Mushroom Mushroom

Some pond exclusive quests would be pretty nice given all the other hubs have those- though you could say at night the elf is one.