Dunwarren Access Error

Started by djspectre, December 20, 2013, 12:03:31 AM

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In the section called Dunwarren Access, when you click on certain doors, the following message appears in the Combat Log:

"Jlabyrinth error: subject transition is not in jlabyrinth data"

The door will open, but nothing happens.

There are two doors that have this issue, but since they change locations, I can't tell you which doors specifically cause it.


Can confirm this regularly happens, and there are at least three doors that do it. I've even gone out a door, and then been unable to return through it due to this error.

The doors that do this change places, as well.

... If you spend time figuring out the pattern you can still explore the whole maze, but I believe it's made some of the Dunwarren - Travelling sections inaccessible.

... It's also nearly killed me a few times, when attempting to escape from horned animatrons and the like.

Not a huge deal, nor a deal breaker. Just a little annoying.


We are aware, but not a huge priority as it is. Unfortunately so, but when it is appropriate, we'll look at it.