Move the Ticker Doorkeeper out of the Square

Started by Sankis, March 12, 2020, 05:44:53 AM

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Currently, it is too easy and safe for someone to sit in the square making sendings all day.

Peerage folk need to walk across a no man's land.
Pondfolk need to leave 98 and go to the commons.
Even PCs basedin the sewers need to walk a bit to make a whisper.
Tickers only need to go the very back of their hub to make sendings.

My suggestion is this: The ticker square doorkeeper goes down for repair or something. Tickers need to now leave the Open Door and use a sending machine just inside the Commons.

This removes any perception of safety for Ticker residents making sendings while also evening things out a bit.


To be honest I would be totally down for removing all  sendings except those in the commons, rifts, rings etc

I think it's pretty harsh pondsfolk have to deal with that while the rest of us have a cake walk


This would be an overkill for encumbered merchants.

Mushroom Mushroom

Merchants already get a server-wide rumor when opening their stall. It also goes to discord.


Quote from: Eraamion on March 13, 2020, 08:19:47 PM
I recall the original COR design was supposed to cater to three different playerbases and there is a reason why Ticker is designed as the safest place. I do not see how being able to safely make sendings all day adversely affects the game balance. After all, if you want to assassinate or kidnap a PC, you can also do it in Ticker square. I myself saw  Ikodo kidnapping Marcille once, in broad daylight, at the merchant stalls at the square.

If you attack someone making sendings in Ticker Square you will get hit by NPCs.


I tried to make a sending with a low level character today in the Peerage, just to get some people together to run drips or something. Peerage is very low pop atm, and very decentralised, so it's the only real effective way to get people together to do stuff.

Anyway, ambushed and robbed on the way out, on transition. Considering Ticker has the advantage of being a lot more centralised and easy to gather groups for, I'd go a step further and suggest the ticker doorkeeper is moved out of the square and the Peerage doorkeeper is moved into the Peerage.

After all, the ticker Square doorkeeper is used mostly for plot antagonism, but the Peerage doorkeeper sees more use for basic quest logistics. Not that it isn't also used for antagonism, but there's definitely proportionally a difference.
