Remove the PvP change to Peerage Ward or move the sendings

Started by Pandip, February 21, 2020, 01:55:45 AM

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I have been subdued three times immediately after walking out of the doorkeeper from someone in invisibility in the last week. Twice I was attacked as I loaded in. No DM was online in any of the circumstances.

This is a bit silly.


Alternatively- make the "no mans land"/path from doorkeeper to gate a bit further.

OR make the doorkeeper in the commons the only place sendings are possible for more commons shenanigans. No more sendings from ticker or the Peerage.


Allow me to clarify:

I find it silly that there is a ten foot stretch where people can be ambushed immediately upon transitioning, purposefully, by people who are typically fully enspelled and attacking from invisibility.

The doorkeeper should be a relatively safe in the hubs. Otherwise, what is the point? It is meant to be a way to communicate with the rest of the server and should not be used as a place to abduct vulnerable PCs, as it has been used frequently.

This is a characteristic of the doorkeeper in Peerage Ward exclusively and is not shared by Ticker Square, which is a frustrating discrepancy.

It would be different if the only available doorkeeper was in no-man's land of the Commons and therefore subject to this sort of thing. I don't think that should be the case, personally.

But it seems absurd to me that members of Peerage houses can be attacked, abducted, and ferried away under the eyes of NPCs in what should be a comparatively safe place - especially considering how frequently I've been absolutely stomped by Open Door NPCs.


I like the idea of the sendings only being out in the commons if you wanna play big boy game, you gotta take the risks of no man's land.


Just throwing it out there that ponds PC's don't have access to a door keeper and they can be attacked pretty much anywhere in their main hub. If you are expecting trouble, invest in see invis potions and bring a friend along and turn it on its head. If you keep getting invis ganked then you really should consider this. If someone is transition attacking you though, that is just lame.


I'm going to echo the concern that you compare it to Ticker Square and no mention of the Ponds who have it 10x worst. Although I've always thought the ponds should have their own doorkeeper so they can actually make sendings from their hub.


I enjoy it all the way it is. All of this should not be changed.

About being ambushed as you load in :
In my months on EfU I have come to learn and accept that nearly everything is handled ICly.
I had a server-wide nemesis get away during a chase only due to loading screens cockblocking me in this decade old game, experienced skimming first hand and was told to handle it ICly and everyone harpers on and on about how PvP karma exists and that people will simply remember who you are and what you did and then pay it back (which is totally not metagaming and letting your opinion of someone OOCly influence your in character actions).
So in the spirit of EfU : If someone has to REALLY abuse the fact that you just load in from a loading screen to beat you then remember who they are and just pay it back to them later. Invisganks are hailed as something normal I learned and yanking someone's pack with 0 contribution to a fight is also something that can be done.

So don't give the Peerage Ward a super exclusive Doorkeeper. Have the Ponds people struggle to just send a message out. Have Ticker Square get that super exclusive right to a Doorkeeper in a safe location.

I love cats

The thing is when the area was first made DMS intended a person to need a DM to ambush a person what is now a no man's land. It makes sense to move the Doorkeeper to inside the Peerage ward.


perhaps swap the abandoned/haunted tower and doorkeeper out? Assuming it doesnt ruin lore.

I love cats

Considering when the server first began you needed a DM for NPC in that area so that the guard could respond/do nothing.  It is kinda absurd that Ticker Square has a doorkeeper people can just walk to and the Peerage doesen't I say either move the Doorkeeper to inside the Peerage ward or make the area as it used to be.

Knight Of Pentacles

Move the Ticker Square Doorkeeper node to a PVP area. ;]


What if there was only one doorkeeper and it was just the one in the commons that was moved to be more central?


Quote from: Sem on February 27, 2020, 08:57:12 AM
What if there was only one doorkeeper and it was just the one in the commons that was moved to be more central?

That would ruin sending wars..