Please remove the RNG elements from ring running 92 and beyond

Started by Anonymous Lemur, November 16, 2019, 04:31:57 AM

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Nothing OOCly, has influenced this group I am a part of. Hell, we probably get in to more disagreements ICly than I'd care to at times simply because we try to limit it.

Trust me, I 100% understand your frustration at the RNG, however, at the same time it makes it worth it in a way.

Just set an OOC time that your group can get together and leave everything else IC. :) I find that even if you can't progress, it gives a really good dungeoncrawler feeling and reminds me of when I first ever played PnP.


sorry, i was quite drunk when i wrote that, maybe that's why i was so confrontational when i decided to write that post


The RNG aspect of this challenge is considerably less than it used to be, it's really not so bad now.