Possible Once A Week Online Campaign?

Started by Scumlord Spiffy, August 24, 2019, 11:43:28 PM

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Scumlord Spiffy

Hey, I might run weekly NwN D&D style sessions where I tell a story with players as characters. These sessions would be done Saturday around 6:00pm EST (sorry Euro Crowd) or Sunday around 1:00pm EST.

Your character would be a local villager, trainee priest, apprenticed wizard, militia student, or etc... as appropriate for your class. Goblins got near your village and you need to clear them out.

I imagine a classical pnp style D&D campaign from levels 3-20 with largely using base NwN assets and my own [terrible] building skills.

If you're interested, I'll begin building for it, but please keep in mind, I want a reliable, and consistent group of people. I will also be running individual stuff as appropriate in 'off' or 'singular' sessions.

So, thoughts?


i am a god


If you do it on sundays I think I can do it. I'll have to let my wife know so she doesn't get mad at me but I think it should be fine.

I am interested.
"Proving concerned parents from the 80's wrong, just in time for them to be dead. "


Although I don't have time to get involved, I'm curious why you choose NWN over something like Roll20 for this kind of thing?