
Started by Listen in Silence, February 22, 2009, 02:41:32 AM

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Listen in Silence

Kavotiin Morningblood of Athkatla, also known as Kavotiin Artuile'agar and for a short period as Elvith'ruin Artuile'agar, is dead.

This character was created on Monday, September 22nd at 02:10:43 PM.
Since creation, this character has logged on and off 281 times.
The character has spent 12 days, 22 hours, 2 minutes, and 23 seconds online.

He spent all of his days as the badass minion, and most likely nearing two thousand gold on dyes for his various outfits. He was the first character in EFU:A to reach lvl 9, and the first character in EFU:A to relevel his 9th lvl. He fugued only once before his perma, and he was not a very nice person.

Kudos to Krunto the Dread Master, The Peeper, iBard, Equinox, Yalta, Canzah, ShiftingAllegiances, Nihm, Akke, Disco... And a bunch of people that're so unimportant I forget them.

I have screenshots. You may view them.

One of my first actual RP conversations with Morningblood. It might be difficult to follow, but you could atleast try.

After being beaten by the totally derelict wilderness PC faction of that time, look, there's hardly anyone there!

Burying the corpse of the person who scythe critted him, and meant his first defeat on the island. Shameful.

He could be really condescending.

He sometimes slept.

He was badass by popular demand.

He had an awesome item. And it wasn't DM made.

These were his stats about two months ago.

I invite anyone who screenied his death to post it... I personally thought it was pretty awesome.

Oskar Maxon

I think LiS deserves an applause for managing to perma two of his lvl 9's within an hour of eachother!


A shame he disappeared after Ortred outlawed him, was looking forward to the rumble.

Jayde Moon

Look at Fipya TOWERING over him!  She pwnd his ass.


Kavotiin stole Tornincasa's pipe. I will never forgive you for that. Still, a fine character anyhow.

I can has fun?

I remember when he fugued. He fugued in a place he should not have fugued in.

Cool death, I don't often get to see those.


So long, Poweringquest. The shining example of "you should have killed me when you had the chance". Never expected him to die to an NPC, but it was an epic punch-up.


fun times. i missed his death though :(


"So what else is on your mind besides 100 proof women, 90 proof whisky, and 14 karat gold?"
"Amigo, you just wrote my epitaph."

"Maybe there's just one revolution.  The good guys against the bad guys.  The question is, who are the good guys?"

~The Professionals


I will miss him solo'ing Vrazdn whilst everyone is being pwned by the traps on the side wall >_>

Was a fun character! Really! Scary, though >_>

Oskar Maxon

Ok, the screenie sucks, but as requested.