Looting: How do you do it?

Started by Cruzel, July 24, 2019, 07:44:05 PM

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Just a random point of curiosity for my EFU Brethren.

When you subdue another PC and it becomes a situation where you're taking their stuff..   How do you personally decide what to take, and/or how much to take? What do you consider before you do so?

Personally, I try and think about three big things

  • Intensity of the fight.  Was it close? Did we both use lots of supplies? If I completely dunk someone in a round or two, I never feel justified in taking a shitload from a person. Same if we both end up using a ton of supplies.

  • Do I even know the other PC?  Is it someone I've played with/against with my current PC?  If it's some total rando I've never seen before, I might take some gold and tell them to scram.

  • How much does the other person have when I /c search them?   If a PC is absolutely poor, has no gold and none of the 'good' potions, I feel like taking anything at all is just a dick move.   On the other hand, if they have dozens of each 'pvp potions' like haste and trinity, I feel like taking all of them is still a dick move.   As a general rule, if someone is loaded, I'll personally just ask them for half of their potion stack if I say *Rummages through the pack and takes some haste potions*   

But I do always wonder,  "did I take too much? Not enough?"   I try to never put someone in a position where they can't quest and get their shit back because I took all their supplies they need to survive and keep their levels.

What about you guys, what's your thought process when it comes to this?

Scumlord Spiffy

I generally take a look at their supplies and decide from there. If they are sitting on thousands of coin but have no healing, I take everything but 500 coins. If they beg mercy and shit, I take less.

If I subdued them for a specific item, I only take that item- unless I am feeling douchey.

I dunno, it's super situational.


If I'm the attacker, I already know what I'm looking for going into it, and take what I need to achieve it. Gold, infamy (building up a rep), or something to spark a grudge.

If I'm the defender, I would typically take something to offset what I've used during the pvp.

The exceptions to these is for mass pvp/subduals, as the combination of shit-talk, gloating and looting is rarely handled well or enjoyable.


Not that the situation comes up often for me but when it has I typically take maybe half gold pending on the amount and maybe one or two healing trinkets if they look like they have the supply to spare it.
Feed me my kid cuisine meal, or I will say the F word.

if she's your girl then why does her leitmotif appear in my battle theme bro  :/

Easy To Remember

I'm a weak soft baby when it comes to things like this. If I were intent on taking something from the beginning, it'd be only that. Otherwise, unless it was retaliation for a theft in turn, I'd aim to take only enough to prove whatever point I was trying to make, and aim for it to spark a grudge without actually harming their supply.

If I'm really miserable on supply myself at the time, I might be capable of taking more. But, again, weak soft baby.

cool jewelz

I always try to leave enough gold/supply for them to sustain their PC. Ideally we're trying to groom a good story and nurture meaningful conflict. Full-looting can absolutely cripple someone, especially if they are higher level and have less means to resupply and build back up. Being courteous to your opponent (and yourself) is sometimes divided by a very blurry line. In doubt, always vote for your enemy coming out better. PVP karma is real.

With that said, I usually replace what was spent unless both parties exhausted a lot of supplies. At that point, victory alone is always enough.


I almost always take something, because putting forward effort to PVP someone in the first place is a cost of my own supplies. Could be a couple hundred to couple thousand gold, could be a few vials. Could be their lives. Just depends on the situation and how my character would act upon it.



I don't really enjoy the fact that banditry is so very much more lucrative than anything else in EfU. The gap is massive.
That said, unless you're specifically looking for supply of your own I'd favour unorthodox solutions. Poison their entire haste stack and then put it back in their pack, curse one of the rings they like to wear, something like that. Then let 'em be and maybe charge a few hundred for the 'service'.


If they are fairly fresh I take nothing.

If they are long lived I will take 75% of the good potions that I need from them and half their gold, I don't really look at their equipment and trinkets, bags etc.

If they are my mortal enemy I will kill them and take everything.
Things will never be the same (I've applied too much ketchup to this hamburger)

The Crimson Magician

like in all things in EFU just do what your character would do with a little ooc courtesy if its reciprocated but dont sacrifice your roleplay

otherwise it could feel like we play on wow rp lite server by how boringly OOC and mundane/meaningless and 'social' things become under the guise of casual RP

paladins might take a vow of amnesty or some shit while bandits are more likely to take significantly and leave you (and for some players your PC) angry at the outcome, but remember that fear and fear of death is a natural reaction in sane beings

I would imagine most of your characters would have some sense of dread but also count their blessings when they come out alive in a bandit situation instead of banking on OOC solutions like first encounter FD protection or OOC DM intervention


In the very many (nearly all) years I've played on EfU I've only played two bandits.  I've played other aggressive chars but not "bandits".  Those evil chars really didn't give a shit about your money or gear, as they were usually pretty well kitted-out.  With "bandits" I would take all the gold and any useful potions (they are bandits, after all), but never any gear.  On the defensive side I usually took the same but would take a nice item as additional punishment for dare attacking me.  Pup don't play dat.
"So what else is on your mind besides 100 proof women, 90 proof whisky, and 14 karat gold?"
"Amigo, you just wrote my epitaph."

"Maybe there's just one revolution.  The good guys against the bad guys.  The question is, who are the good guys?"

~The Professionals


Real men take nothing. That way you own them twice and it's classy.

Unless they're one of those obvious powergaming players who just rushed to 8 and have pages of potions, in which case take all you want (even life if you feel like it)


(5) All players must behave towards each other in an OOC (out of character) respectful manner. Insulting tells are forbidden. OOC disrespect is completely unacceptable, IC disrespect and conflict is fully encouraged. Players should not confuse the two.

Please dont FD people or treat them differently because OOCly you know they play more than you and can do more quests than average.

Edit: Also don't FD someone just because they said a mean thing to you on Discord or for some other OOC contrivance.
Things will never be the same (I've applied too much ketchup to this hamburger)

el groso

Quote from: Damien on July 26, 2019, 01:24:07 PM
Unless they're one of those obvious powergaming players who just rushed to 8 and have pages of potions, in which case take all you want (even life if you feel like it)

I really like this exception.  :)