Inform users with cooldown abilities when the cooldown is up

Started by Grouch, May 17, 2019, 05:36:04 AM

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Its cool that abilities like Barbarian Rage and Monk Stances have cool downs, I think it would be a good improvement if when any cooldown ability finishes 'cooling down' that you get a message in your log that the ability is ready to be used again in order to remove guesswork on the part of the user.

I should be able to KNOW that I am ready to have a burst of energy again, have rested enough to resume my special monk stance etc.

Not a super critical request of course, quality of life as usual from me~

Little things add up to making the world more enjoyable.
Things will never be the same (I've applied too much ketchup to this hamburger)


Would gladly add quality of life stuff, but not entirely sure it's possible with how it's set up. Will take a look...