Tribal Shaman tracking

Started by wundyweiss, December 04, 2013, 08:03:27 PM

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Hello, been playing a tribal shaman recently, and part of the perks that you get with being a tribal shaman is the tracking ability. However when I try to use this IG through the /c tracking command, all I get is 'This ability is only available to rangers or druids of the proper level.' and it does not work for me. I would like to see this get fixed, or at least changed to something different as at its current incarnation does not work for tribal shamans.

Thanks. The PC's name is Halrast, account wundy.


Do you have any search/spot? I do not even know if this is really bugged, but I know that some things may not work at all if you lack skills to support it.

Even so, I suspect it shouldn't say that message.


I haven't put skill points into search or spot, but I get bonuses from the perk itself into spot iirc. Do I have to invest points to be able to use it correctly? If so, my mistake.


Rangers without spot and search can still track. (they can still try anyway)


Fixed for next reset.