"Buff" Ward Area

Started by SwiftRed, April 08, 2019, 08:06:35 PM

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An odd fit for the suggestion forum, as it's not a change to mechanics but behavior. As it stands every use of this spell I've heard of and witnessed has been instantly dispelled by a DM. It's already a very situational spell, allowing it to have an unseen foe wave it away like a puff of smoke makes it entirely useless.

Dispelling Ward Area isn't so bad, but not at no risk. Should only be dispelled by something with a line of effect.


Wait, a DM simply dispelling it? Doesnt that kinda defeat the purpose of having the spell in the game in the first place?


This should go without saying but any such dispel is something to react to in character, not an arbitrary thing.

I can name at least one major NPC with a vested interest in scrying.


Well as long as it gives a clear indication its been dispelled its fine, that kinda gives away someone is watching, and that its probably a good idea to stop talking.