Change exploreables

Started by One_With_Nature, February 05, 2019, 01:44:37 PM

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So I was thinking about this for a while - and it's really annoying to go exploring only to find 10/10 exploreables you find have already been done by somebody else. Also there doesn't appear to be like there was in the last chapter any XP reward for a lot of them for reaching the end. So my proposal is thus (one or more of these combinations):

- Have hostiles re-spawn in certain exploreables where appropriate (maybe 1 guaranteed hero spawn?)
- Include more loot placeables that you click for a reward instead of say a lootable chest (I'm not saying change everything to this because there would be a huge supply bloat). Maybe like depending on difficulty you might get one of those gold piles that people can interact with once per reset, or maybe have something that drops one random piece of loot for each person that clicks it from the appropriate loot table.
- Include a small XP bonus for reaching the end of an exploreable

Something like the above wouldn't allow someone to repeat an exploreable more then once per reset, or if that was considered an issue with killing mobs over and over, just set a script at the end of the exploreable so someone can't enter it again after they've reached the end.

I don't know if its just me that finds this frustrating - but I think this could be a good solution moving forward.