Dispensary changes discussion

Started by Pandip, January 28, 2019, 02:23:56 AM

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I love cats

I am all for people going in swooping and taking the goods. However I feel like it should be an action that breaks stealth. As for dispelling buffs? I think that is a terrible idea. I don't see much harm in it breaking stealth it simply makes a stealthy person chose the correct timing and have his thugs/goons pose a distraction. Much like theft RL when you grab an item off a table. I would even go as far as to say that taking items from things like chests,crates,etc should immediatly break stealth.


All I can say is, please let stealth characters have their own chance to try things their own way, even if it's just a chance. Same as it's just a chance that the majority characters who'd rather just beef up and flail away will actually win their combats.

Maybe we could change the dispensary loot to be an on-click loot toggle with less and less reward the more people have clicked it - until you get nothing. Idk. Just brainstorming here.


Personally, I'm all for giving stealthers/thieves a chance to shine. Is the dispensary the best place for that, though? I don't think so.

The design of event, by its nature is meant to start brawls and a conflict over the loot. (I assume.)  The people who take the risk to participate do so with the expectation that performing well in these fights will be rewarding.   So, let's think about that.
This brawl is an event that engages a group of players in a risk vs reward dynamic. The expectation is that if you perform well, you 'win' the reward. A battle is fun for a lot of people, win or lose. The reward is what makes that risk enticing. Players form bonds and enemies, and the server benefits from these conflicts.  In my opinion, only the people taking that risk and engaging their fellow players should have a chance at that reward.

Ninja-Looting is not fun for anyone involved.

If someone completely uninvolved just comes up and ninjaloots, is this fun? Does it promote conflict or engage anyone in interesting interactions, if the reward for this brawl is silently stolen without any indication of a culprit?  How does the server and roleplay environment benefit from it?  If someone stealths up and loots a box, then visibly makes away with the goods, that's not as bad but it's still kind of lame from an OOC standpoint. People in the brawl can find the person, trade, or simply beat him up for being a theif.  But not if they don't know who it is.  All it fosters is an OOC bitterness.

cool jewelz

I am fond of the dispensary dropping a placeable containing the loot that when opened does not only break stealth but also "paints" the character model yellow (it fits thematically with the dispensary and why wouldn't the King want the one who proudly totes his table scraps known?).

This means that melee and mage characters hold a chance at identifying and addressing the thief, and allows the thief to still employ his own craft but in a cunning manner. If the yellow tag on the PCs lasts for awhile, it would also mean that thief type PCs can't simply pluck from the placeable and then hide-in-plain-sight without any meaningful or obvious engagement to the scenario - and I imagine that being the "painted" one, thief or not, may not always be a pleasant experience and may nurture some unease in carelessly participating in the dispensary brawls.


Knave; "Nay, ain't worth a scrap under the King's eye. Just hunt down the Painted, they light up the whole alleyway like a fat pile of groat."

Peer; "I'll pay five hundred groat to the man who drags the Painted to me! I don't take insults upon my House by bloody thieves lightly!"


While we're on the dispensary subject, can we minimize the amount of VFX/sparkles?
It's a major FPS eater ..


Dear god please I've been enhanced so many times by those vfx even when I'm just passing by


Any chud can take an invis potion, but actually investing in a stealth-based concept should be rewarded. Perhaps a short delayed message indicating that the goods have been taken, allowing a stealth character the benefit of their investments while also giving the brawlers the opportunity to search out the area for their competitor.


Siding with RWG on this one. Bring your own sparks of revelation, or a VERY high listen/ms PC "guard". Even dedicated stealthers struggle to hit values higher than 30 (and that's with feats, equipment, spells) which is very easily countered by something like a cleric and clairvoyance.

Additionally, it's horribly risky. You could technically steal the entire thing, but if you are caught there are very good chances to be FD'd over what's in the end a bunch of scraps.
[6:49 PM] HikoSashiri: you are the rude


- Set the dispensary drop to appear in one of three drop zones set back a bit from the monolith in one of three corners of that area
- Have the dispensary drop randomly between 1-3 bags in the 3 zones at each dispensary (I've only seen a few but doesn't seem like this would be over powered given the number of players getting involved)
- Change the drop to a clickable placeable that takes 1 round to "collect up" putting your character in a prone position and emotes "Collects up the royal treasure" (or whatever). This action should also dispel invis and remove stealth
- Remove the current Invisibility removal / stealth removal.

With three potentially opposing big hubs (possibly smaller factions too) this would also allow for some politics/opportunity to be greedy and try and claim the whole dispensary drops or keep to your own territories etc.