That Sweet Scent, No More [Rani Danode'for]

Started by LoveLess, October 28, 2018, 05:45:20 PM

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Rani started out as just another RSD that wanted nothing to do with your silly magic and died the same way. The general idea for her backstory was just that she LOATHED her elf-blood for various reasons. Then there is the fact she was a hard-headed twit with ten wisdom and just said the dumbest things. She was also my first character to reach level nine! I would have felt better about the accomplishment if it wasn't the fugue!

This is actually the only front facing picture I seem to have collected. Just squint.

Then there was the first time I experienced how silly Improved Expertise can be. Two of us went into Spider Caves and ended up getting poisoned into a crawl, twice because of RSD Restore, then having my teammate run to find help mid-fight. Despite all the fortitude and AC I had! I It was overall such a silly event but I will not forget it.

Watching the most... interesting method of thrall detection.

While her life was short, she was a blast! Getting awkward flowers from elves, chasing Dingleberry around several times... Though it was mostly getting into several fights she couldn't lose, or win, much to the frustration of everyone there.


You did quite well in your final fight considering it ended up being 4-on-1.   >:(
"So what else is on your mind besides 100 proof women, 90 proof whisky, and 14 karat gold?"
"Amigo, you just wrote my epitaph."

"Maybe there's just one revolution.  The good guys against the bad guys.  The question is, who are the good guys?"

~The Professionals


Rest in a slightly grumpy peace Rani...Vala will miss her friend dearly and is way to weak to avenge her, but will hold on to memories like getting stuck in the spider caves and showering her with small trinkets that she thought Rani would find useful.

zDark Shadowz


A pleasure to play cat-and-mouse with you around Sanctuary.


The most aggravating person to fight in the world!  Neat character though, was that really Stygian Armada kit?


Yeah it was Stygian Armada armor. I don't even know about them! Ha.