Sergeant Roginald Maccay of the Watchers and Warders

Started by Roginald, June 03, 2018, 01:33:49 AM

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For all of those who don't know it, it was me, WUNDY!!! After playing a bunch of awful PCs I decided to go back to my roots; SPELLGUARD AUXILIARY CAPTAIN(never going to get 3rd rank) 2.0. And it was fun. I had a blast. He was meant to bring back 'honor' to the Watch, and it seems he did, in his own way...

Anyway, a bit of backstory. Roginald was actually an escaped slave of the Long March, who had fought since the beginning of the Darkening and the Dread Empire invasion. Having spent several years tackling the Dread, he had grown to become afraid of actually facing the Dread. Less than fearing his own god, but still, the Dread were something that he wanted to stay far, far away from. And he found that in the Watchers and Warders when he arrived in Sanctuary. I can beat up whoever I want, as long as I adhere to orders? Check. I can spread the dogma of Bane? Check. I don't need to fight the Dread?! Check!!!

So he went on, doing grunt work, fighting for scraps... He was a real underdog for the first few days of creation; I believe I lost every single PVP in the first week I made my pc. But patience and endurance made me grow, and I think it culminated to a point where I was one of the most feared / respected characters on the server.

Anyway, here's some screens...


[hide=Average Questing Experience with Mekuria]

[hide= First and only Allies...]

[hide= Me and my friend Statues...]

(it was three days after we had this talk that Isaebel Fassaud was returned to the Order. Praise Bane!!!)

[hide=Papa Maccay!!!]

A different occurrence...




That's it from HOT ROG, hope to see you guys on the next!!!


Great character, one that I alternated between hating and respecting, before eventually growing to adore him.

It's been both an honour and a pleasure to serve underneath him. Despite the bruises.

See ya later Bane-dad.


You can really tell a good character by the amount of "splash" they create on the story and how memorable their interactions are, whether antagonistic or otherwise.

Maccay was a pretty ruthless fellow and you managed to capture that aspect well. He was antagonistic and compelling all at the same time; a great villain.  Krod always held a healthy respect for the man.

I look forward to whatever you put your mind to next;



Roginald was up there among your best characters, along with Oliver "Moral" Orrell.  Very awesome.  I can't wait to see what you play next!


Unflinching, ironic considering his resolve was from avoiding the Dread.

Awesome stuff.



Really great character and arguably one of the best Banites we've seen on EFU:R. He was terrifying but easy to like and difficult to not respect all at the same time. It was great to see him consistently abuse his subordinates but then always be the first to step in to protect them from outside threats, which made it hard to just outright hate him.


Ciorbă de Burtă

Such a great PC, and one of whom Alice Fairclow lived in CONSTANT TERROR, only barely mitigated by actually joining his side in the end.

I cannot stress enough how horrifying it was to be on the "enemy side" of Roginald Maccay. The only times you ever saw of or heard of Maccay was when he was butchering your friends, rampaging through the city in a red haze, or threatening to disembowel you on the steps of your own home. >____> Maccay was ... what you scared your children with to make them stay inside.

Too much of a nice guy to be a Banite, though >____>

Will miss!
The princes applaud with a furious joy;
And the king seiz'd the flambeau, with zeal to destroy.

Ciorbă de Burtă

PS, I looked through the screenshots properly now -- dang, Maccay and Claire were a great villainous duo! And Statues ... such great stuff, makes me nostalgic.
The princes applaud with a furious joy;
And the king seiz'd the flambeau, with zeal to destroy.

The Tailor




Very cool PC with a very big reputation/level of infamy.