PVP Rules Update

Started by derfo, May 11, 2018, 01:02:49 AM

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Some may have noticed some "gray NPCs" with disclaimers regarding PVP. These NPCs are considered ones that can be one where PVP can occur in its vicnity without DM confirmation (though of course you must still alert the DM channel). Provided all NPCs in the vicinity have this disclaimer, you can initiate PVP with confirmation. DM supervision is required to continue PVP should NPCs without the disclaimer enter the vicinity of the PVP event. 

PVP rules in general have not been updated - however, please consider the below a condensed overview of the PVP rules in current times (outside of a comprehensive overview of specific ability and skill caveats) that we expect players to know and abide.

Ultimately the gray NPCs should be considered to have the following going forward:

"Normally Dungeon Master (DM) supervision is needed to enter player versus player (PvP) combat around Non-Player Characters (NPCs), because the NPCs might react to the combat. This NPC has a grey name because you are allowed to ignore it for the purposes of PvP combat. IF THERE ARE NO NPCS NEARBY THAT REQUIRE YOU TO CONTACT A DM, YOU CAN INITIATE PVP WITHOUT DM SUPERVISION."

QuoteQuick PVP Primer

"Player Versus Player conflict" (PVP) is defined as intentional hostile action from one player character towards another player character. This includes but is not limited to things such as attempting to pickpocket another player, casting a hostile spell, yanking their pack, and/or throwing rotten fruit at them. If in doubt as to what constitutes PVP or any of the rules, please contact a dungeon master (DM) for clarification. Another player character can be engaged in PVP for any in-character (IC) reason, though bear in mind that your IC actions have IC consequences, and an out-of-character (OOC) inability to follow the rules will have OOC consequences.

PVP modes:

Subdual Mode (activated via "/c subdual subdual"): In subdual mode, when a player character is reduced to zero health points, they will instead be beaten to the ground and stay at one health point, unable to perform actions for a time. If you are subdued in PVP (indicated by a red [Subdued] appearing above your character) then you should stay down/inactive (consider using the "/e fall" command to fall over) until given OOC permission to act IC by the subduing party or a DM. Subdual mode should be the most common mode used in PVP for engaging player characters in conflict and furthering stories.

Blackout Mode (activated via "/c subdual blackout"): In blackout mode, when a player character is reduced to zero health points, they are knocked unconscious and transported to a "blackout" area to represent this. A placable/item is then spawned to represent a corpse which is able to be awoken/moved by the party that knocked the player unconscious (or perhaps other parties). If you are knocked unconscious in PVP (indicated by a red [Unconscious] appearing above your character) then you should stay down (consider using the "/e fall" command to fall over) until given OOC permission to act by the subduing party or a DM. Blackout mode should generally only be used to support an IC need such as kidnapping or moving a subdued player character.

Full Damage Mode (activated via "/c subdual full") In full damage mode, when a player character is reduced to negative ten hit points, they die. This is the same as a death to general dangers, though with the exception that you cannot respawn from a PVP death. It is possible to prevent a player character from being raised or resurrected as well with further action. Full damage mode should be reserved for when you intend to kill a deserving player character in a significant point in their story. This mode should almost always be after repeated conflict or a significant story event, though can be for something else, such as killing a monster or egregious actions as well.

Initiating PVP

It is the responsibility of the initiating party to do the following:

- If intending to damage or use a hostile effect on another player character (the significant majority of effects besides pickpocketing or throwing rotten fruit), it is required to "dislike" a player character and those not allied with you in the vicinity, which sets them as a hostile creature. This is possible using a number of methods, though using the command "/c hostile --help" and "/c setally --help" is recommended to find the most efficient way to do so.
- Send a notice to the DM channel alerting your intention to PVP. This is required regardless of circumstances or how "minor" an action may be. It gives the DM team the best possibility of dropping what they're doing and overseeing the PVP event, ensuring that it can be mediated if necessary. An easy way to do this is to use the command "/c pvp", which will send a message quickly to the DM channel notifying your intention to PVP (however a more in-depth explanation for certain situations is welcome).
- Confirm DM presence if in a NPC populated area. A DM is required to PVP in the vicinity of the majority of NPCs (with some exceptions listed in the section below). A confirmed DM presence is not necessary provided there are no NPCs present, or present in the vicinity of only NPCs you are specifically allowed permission to PVP in the vicinity of (see exceptions). Note that if a PVP event spills into a NPC populated area, it is still the initiator's responsibility to ensure a DM is supervising in order to continue the PVP event.
- If in doubt it is OOCly acceptable to initiate, confer with a DM.

Responding to PVP

If PVP is initiated upon your player character, you are allowed to use whatever IC response you deem appropriate, provided the OOC rules are followed. It is not your responsibility to seek out a DM (though you are welcome to attempt to do this if you deem it necessary, use best judgement).


- Some areas are designated to use the spar mode for friendly sparring, which are generally exempt from worrying too much about the rules above. Use best judgement or confer with a DM.

- Some player characters with an authoritative position in certain NPC areas are allowed to initiate PVP without the step of confirming DM presence, provided the other rules are followed. They must bear the consequences of failure without NPC support should they be defeated. They do not have an OOC authority to let other player characters initiate on their own. See respective faction forums for details.

- Intentionally targeting non-monstrous player characters that are obviously very new or low level, while merited in certain situations depending on a number of factors, is not allowed. Again, use best judgement or confer with a DM.

Thanks for playing fair. This may be subject to further updates - if you have questions, let me know.


Just a reminder of some things I thought were obvious, but I suppose need to be said after the recent incident:

Just because you believe someone else broke PVP rules does not give you permission to break PVP rules yourself.

Keep the DM channel appraised of your intention to attack neutral NPCs and wait for confirmation, regardless of the situation. Failure to do this before attacking, requiring us to quickly adjust, then protesting that an encounter is unfairly tuned - is not acceptable, and an awful experience for both players and DMs.