Best Moments & Lines of EFU

Started by Howlando, January 17, 2018, 08:36:15 PM

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I have a small project in mind, and I'd like to start collecting anecdotes about your favorite/most amusing/most epic/most well written lines and moments of EFU.

Not interested in screenshots in this thread, but feel free to check old screenshots for examples.

If something comes to mind from the past feel free to post it here, or alternatively as new great moments come along feel free to add.

Short, specific quotes with some small amount of context as needed is what I'm after.


[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips

zDark Shadowz

Agent Vyrgil and Agent Thynne arguing and throwing things at each other over a table, with Warder-Adept Shard sees this all awkwardly and remaining quiet. If it were a family dynamic it'd be exactly like two parents arguing in front of a child.

Battle of Mutulakt, one boat nearly had all it's survivors die, Karaz Etherion and Sterr Noros being the last two on the boat and somehow fighting their way to the ports. Glancing to his right, Karaz saw Kingsley duking it out with Idraen Markem on a nearby boat, and began hooking her with tanglefoot bags...

Caraz (the Blue) Rasharn taking out the Crypt Lair of the Etorix Cult, stealing away with the journal they left in the chest and handing it over to Erron Vastiir(?)


My favorite moment from Efu: M, when I had just started, was dueling some perfectly equally matched dude to the death inside a massive gelatinous cube, our health slowly ticking away...

More recently, Ayes discovering Kaim was a thrall and before the Mayor and council going "This is how we deal with thralls..." beheading him, and then simply walking away.


"Evocation was my favourite school of magic... but I had trouble making friends... so I switched before the end of my apprenticeship. Transmuters are /far/ more popular, you know." - Red Mantled Scholar


Bahgtry " - godush
Let's move, swyft like" - Cassius swyft
Anything said by Chang
Get ready for bloody

I'll find some decent ones later


When a group of criminals were captured and sentenced to play orcs in a re-enactment of Red Eleint at the Old Port Arena clad only in loincloths, charging at a group of fully armed and armored PCs playing the part of the heroic Stygians cutting down the orcish horde.


scumbar mudfury's bridge duel

"im asasin"


the praxate cycle


In the old Gobsquat arena, before a Stygian advancement trial, Mort put a goblin up against a Cave Bear just to pass the time before the real fun started.

Gobbo: "Ok.  Is no like you.  You no like is."
"So what else is on your mind besides 100 proof women, 90 proof whisky, and 14 karat gold?"
"Amigo, you just wrote my epitaph."

"Maybe there's just one revolution.  The good guys against the bad guys.  The question is, who are the good guys?"

~The Professionals


I wanted to post a quote where Radvul "Redhands" Stragat insinuates the, uh, oral faculties of various ne'er-do-wells

But I couldn't pick between all twenty.


"It's a fucking spider, private." - Cail Durris to another Watcher, on the approach to Tobias Breen's mutated mega-spider.

This one time when the aasimar/paladin/seeker Shane and crew fought some Dark Moon monks in the... Lost Shop I think it was called?  They lost, and the monks ripped out Shane's eyes.  Unable to see, he felt someone take his hand to lead him out, and called out for his friend, "Ruby, is that you?"  Instead the Dark Moon monk answered "Perhaps now you'll see clearly."

Also everything Mbizi ever said.


My bandit pc Aracknar Blackgem went to rob the old Helmite shrine randomly with Vlaid's bounty hunter pc. During the robbery (thanks to the dm who decided to play along), Aracknar kept trying to lower Vlaid's PC's split of the gold we were trying to steal. Vlaid ended up trying to betray me and we had this epic battle with Vlaid spamming OP paralyze throwables.

Kidnapping Director Abala and Falconer in the same week. And them both scamming their ways to freedom.

Griff discovering Quildae's tomb with a shovel and me and him plundering the tomb of Quildae's epic treasure. First time realizing there were cool things hidden in the module.

PS. This is my 1000th post


Here's a blast from the past - some lengthy logs for the lore fanatics among you.

Towards the end of EFU:M the Court of the freshly crowned King Owain participated in an expedition in which a staff was found that could cause a mighty eruption. A river of lava was flowing across the Island, destroying Withered Forests but also threatening to destroy the Order's sacred lake.

(Incidentally, the mission was somewhat sabotaged to cause an early and uncontrolled eruption, but I don't think anyone ever discovered out the PC that was responsible)

Anyway, the Court of King Owain gathered around to discuss their plans to defeat H'bala. It was really a fun scene and I saved the logs at the time, and recently stumbled upon them while poking around in some old files. So I will post them here.

Quote[2013-06-19 15:00:44 (6h 12m 33.56s)] Owain Aberdenn<possessed by Howlando [DM]> (Isla...r Level) [TK]: Yes, very good, so we have you to thank for half the realm in fire and ash....
[2013-06-19 15:00:59 (6h 12m 49.34s)] Owain Aberdenn<possessed by Howlando [DM]> (Isla...r Level) [TK]: ... thankfully it is the half claimed by our Enemy.
[2013-06-19 15:00:59 (6h 12m 49.34s)] Amirah Zaahara (Isla...r Level) [TK]: [Glances to Crozier, and then to the throne. A quizzical glance]
[2013-06-19 15:01:14 (6h 13m 4.35s)] Emlyn ap Taliesin (Isla...r Level) [TK]: [bids his head] Indeed. It could not have been done without him
[2013-06-19 15:01:59 (6h 13m 50.38s)] Garret Crazybones Highhill.  (Isla...r Level) [TK]: It is an honor to be of service.
[2013-06-19 15:01:59 (6h 13m 50.38s)] Owain Aberdenn<possessed by Howlando [DM]> (Isla...r Level) [TK]: ... tell us, Emlyn, tell us true.... when you struck at this, ah, Enzeltehm.... who was responsible for smashing his devices, who decided to break the chains that bound the volcano?
[2013-06-19 15:02:30 (6h 14m 20.235s)] Amirah Zaahara (Isla...r Level) [TK]: [She folds her hands at the small of her back]
[2013-06-19 15:02:30 (6h 14m 20.235s)] Owain Aberdenn<possessed by Howlando [DM]> (Isla...r Level) [TK]: Did you not plan to keep it in its slumber, until the time was right?
[2013-06-19 15:02:30 (6h 14m 20.235s)] Sigfried Strømme (Isla...r Level) [TK]: Hrm..
[2013-06-19 15:02:45 (6h 14m 35.248s)] Emlyn ap Taliesin (Isla...r Level) [TK]: I had, My King...
[2013-06-19 15:02:45 (6h 14m 35.248s)] Sigvar Fjordmund (Isla...r Level) [TK]: [folds his arms, a dissapointed glance towards Emlyn]
[2013-06-19 15:03:14 (6h 15m 6.60s)] Francois Crozier (Isla...r Level) [TK]: Emlyn's instructions were quite clear that we should assault the head. Some of our party lacked discipline, it seems.
[2013-06-19 15:03:44 (6h 15m 36.86s)] Emlyn ap Taliesin (Isla...r Level) [TK]: There were many, many things crucial to that very end. However, no one is more to blame than I. I see the fateful day of Hammer 23rd approaching - and acted in all too much haste towards entering Entelzehm's realm. Many were merely too ill informed...
[2013-06-19 15:04:14 (6h 16m 7.78s)] Owain Aberdenn<possessed by Howlando [DM]> (Isla...r Level) [TK]: Ill informed. Or well informed. One or the other. A question to ponder. Come, come ....
[2013-06-19 15:04:44 (6h 16m 37.84s)] Owain Aberdenn<possessed by Howlando [DM]> (Isla...r Level) [TK]: *Takes his sack, carefully setting it to the side, and sits himself*
[2013-06-19 15:04:44 (6h 16m 37.84s)] Emlyn ap Taliesin (Isla...r Level) [TK]: [moves to his own seat, settling down comfortably]
[2013-06-19 15:04:59 (6h 16m 53.49s)] Owain Aberdenn<possessed by Howlando [DM]> (Isla...r Level) [TK]: First -
[2013-06-19 15:05:44 (6h 17m 38.136s)] Owain Aberdenn<possessed by Howlando [DM]> (Isla...r Level) [TK]: I wish to welcome you all. During these.... these trying times, it is good indeed to have loyal and wise counselors.
[2013-06-19 15:05:59 (6h 17m 54.84s)] Owain Aberdenn<possessed by Howlando [DM]> (Isla...r Level) [TK]: I have oft been peering into the Mists, as of late, and seen many strange and uncertain things.
[2013-06-19 15:06:14 (6h 18m 9.86s)] Owain Aberdenn<possessed by Howlando [DM]> (Isla...r Level) [TK]: Your advice is necessary, I think, to interpret what must be done.
[2013-06-19 15:06:44 (6h 18m 39.89s)] Owain Aberdenn<possessed by Howlando [DM]> (Isla...r Level) [TK]: If there is any - any minor business, I will hear it, before turning to the first of two Great Matters which is the question of the Lichess.
[2013-06-19 15:07:14 (6h 19m 10.100s)] Sigvar Fjordmund (Isla...r Level) [TK]: [he dips his chin] Then minor business it shall be. Swiftly -
[2013-06-19 15:07:29 (6h 19m 25.127s)] Sigvar Fjordmund (Isla...r Level) [TK]: Mistfarer Shawn and Mistfarer Clara have greatly aided in recuperating the Harp of Rani, as per your will.
[2013-06-19 15:07:59 (6h 19m 56.96s)] Sigvar Fjordmund (Isla...r Level) [TK]: Thus, the Court humbly asks that their exile be lifted for service rendered to the Ymphian Kingdom.
[2013-06-19 15:07:59 (6h 19m 56.96s)] Sigfried Strømme (Isla...r Level) [TK]: *He glances at Sigvar a moment, before grunting and taking a seat*
[2013-06-19 15:07:59 (6h 19m 56.96s)] Francois Crozier (Isla...r Level) [TK]: Agreed.
[2013-06-19 15:08:14 (6h 20m 11.116s)] Owain Aberdenn<possessed by Howlando [DM]> (Isla...r Level) [TK]: You all agree, to let these fey-touched, back to Mistlocke?
[2013-06-19 15:08:29 (6h 20m 26.121s)] Sigfried Strømme (Isla...r Level) [TK]: I don't.
[2013-06-19 15:08:44 (6h 20m 41.135s)] Owain Aberdenn<possessed by Howlando [DM]> (Isla...r Level) [TK]: Oh?
[2013-06-19 15:08:44 (6h 20m 41.135s)] Sigvar Fjordmund (Isla...r Level) [TK]: [he exhales deeply]
[2013-06-19 15:08:44 (6h 20m 41.135s)] Garret Crazybones Highhill.  (Isla...r Level) [TK]: I agree to allow Clara Smogson to return, I am unconvinced of Shawn.
[2013-06-19 15:08:59 (6h 20m 57.97s)] Sigfried Strømme (Isla...r Level) [TK]: They are nothing but opportunists. Playing games and mocking.
[2013-06-19 15:09:29 (6h 21m 27.104s)] Sigvar Fjordmund (Isla...r Level) [TK]: Shawn was on the forefront of the hunt for the Harp - it was his arrows that were decisive in the battle that led the party to claim it back.
[2013-06-19 15:09:44 (6h 21m 42.128s)] Amirah Zaahara (Isla...r Level) [TK]: Watcher Shawn risked everything to recover the Harp. There was never any doubt in his voice of his willingness to sacrifice himself for its recovery.
[2013-06-19 15:09:44 (6h 21m 42.128s)] Francois Crozier (Isla...r Level) [TK]: Shawn has been nothing if not loyal to you, my King. And he was instrumental to recovering the Harp. I believe his intentions are true and pure, though his mind is addled by fey tricks.
[2013-06-19 15:09:59 (6h 21m 58.112s)] Owain Aberdenn<possessed by Howlando [DM]> (Isla...r Level) [TK]: I dislike these fey. They are soon.... they are warring. Their war must not spill into Mistlocke.
[2013-06-19 15:10:14 (6h 22m 13.114s)] Sigfried Strømme (Isla...r Level) [TK]: Pfah, do you not see the confliction in your words? They serve a prince.
[2013-06-19 15:10:29 (6h 22m 28.142s)] Emlyn ap Taliesin (Isla...r Level) [TK]: I have my own misgivings over allowing both Winter and Summer back into these mists. Their very nature compels conflict, violence and plotting.
[2013-06-19 15:10:44 (6h 22m 43.153s)] Emlyn ap Taliesin (Isla...r Level) [TK]: However...
[2013-06-19 15:10:44 (6h 22m 43.153s)] Sigfried Strømme (Isla...r Level) [TK]: Imogen once told me she cannot act against her Duchess.
[2013-06-19 15:10:59 (6h 22m 59.119s)] Sigfried Strømme (Isla...r Level) [TK]: Some spell or some such..
[2013-06-19 15:10:59 (6h 22m 59.119s)] Emlyn ap Taliesin (Isla...r Level) [TK]: Both Courts have been eager, and have done much to please and aid. Your display of power has certainly shown them the cost of overstepping. Let Mistlocke stand as some peaceful meeting ground in this isle which is their battleground-
[2013-06-19 15:11:14 (6h 23m 14.151s)] Emlyn ap Taliesin (Isla...r Level) [TK]: And let them know the terrible cost of breaking such peace.
[2013-06-19 15:11:29 (6h 23m 29.160s)] Francois Crozier (Isla...r Level) [TK]: Speaking frankly, I doubt Shawn holds great love for the Summer Court. He always introduces himself as "Arrow of the King," not, say, "the Prince," or "Duchess," as Miss Wolf often does.
[2013-06-19 15:11:44 (6h 23m 44.172s)] Sigfried Strømme (Isla...r Level) [TK]: Love or not, he is bound.
[2013-06-19 15:11:44 (6h 23m 44.172s)] Owain Aberdenn<possessed by Howlando [DM]> (Isla...r Level) [TK]: Tell these ones that as a token of regard for service they shall be permitted to enter into Mistlocke for the purposes of trade or other reasonable business, yet they shall NOT dwell among us.
[2013-06-19 15:11:44 (6h 23m 44.172s)] Francois Crozier (Isla...r Level) [TK]: Some of the fey touched are not precisely willing components of their war.
[2013-06-19 15:11:59 (6h 24m 0.135s)] Owain Aberdenn<possessed by Howlando [DM]> (Isla...r Level) [TK]: Let my will be done.
[2013-06-19 15:11:59 (6h 24m 0.135s)] Francois Crozier (Isla...r Level) [TK]: As you wish, my King.
[2013-06-19 15:12:14 (6h 24m 15.136s)] Sigvar Fjordmund (Isla...r Level) [TK]: Your will be done, my King.
[2013-06-19 15:12:14 (6h 24m 15.136s)] Owain Aberdenn<possessed by Howlando [DM]> (Isla...r Level) [TK]: Other minor business?
[2013-06-19 15:12:44 (6h 24m 45.139s)] Francois Crozier (Isla...r Level) [TK]: Nothing more than taxes, which I have well in hand. *He grunts.*
[2013-06-19 15:12:44 (6h 24m 45.139s)] Sigvar Fjordmund (Isla...r Level) [TK]: [glances at the others]
[2013-06-19 15:12:44 (6h 24m 45.139s)] Emlyn ap Taliesin (Isla...r Level) [TK]: [gives them all a brief, appraising glance] ...None. These are not the times for minor business, in any case. Let us thrust to the matter of the Witch, My King.
[2013-06-19 15:12:59 (6h 25m 1.137s)] Francois Crozier (Isla...r Level) [TK]: Indeed.
[2013-06-19 15:13:14 (6h 25m 16.150s)] Owain Aberdenn<possessed by Howlando [DM]> (Isla...r Level) [TK]: Indeed. I wish to hear of your plans, how we might.... how we might defeat her.
[2013-06-19 15:13:29 (6h 25m 31.159s)] Francois Crozier (Isla...r Level) [TK]: *He glances to Emlyn, at that.*
[2013-06-19 15:13:59 (6h 26m 2.140s)] Emlyn ap Taliesin (Isla...r Level) [TK]: [he himself meets the glance, before studying each present -]
[2013-06-19 15:14:59 (7h 0m 3.152s)] Amirah Zaahara (Isla...r Level) [TK]: [Her gaze remains neutral]
[2013-06-19 15:14:59 (7h 0m 3.152s)] Emlyn ap Taliesin (Isla...r Level) [TK]: Since my first days on this isle I have seen, and dreamed, of a path to Her destruction. I have met with much success in the great organization and preperation for this thing. The tumtult at the volcano was not planned - but we are still very close indeed.
[2013-06-19 15:15:14 (7h 0m 18.165s)] Sigvar Fjordmund (Isla...r Level) [TK]: [his gaze is expectant]
[2013-06-19 15:16:14 (7h 1m 19.162s)] Ramar Dundsley (Isla... Canopy) [TK]: /c recall
[2013-06-19 15:16:45 (7h 1m 49.353s)] Emlyn ap Taliesin (Isla...r Level) [TK]: She believes herself both immortal and invulnerable - and, at present, she is. Force of arms shall never defeat her. Nor shall it purify this isle. We of the Druid Order have our ways, however. I wish not to thrust to detail and specifics... -
[2013-06-19 15:17:44 (7h 2m 50.177s)] Emlyn ap Taliesin (Isla...r Level) [TK]: But I suspect when the Lake of Mist is touched by the flames, it will be our opportunity to strike.
[2013-06-19 15:18:14 (7h 3m 21.180s)] Francois Crozier (Isla...r Level) [TK]: *He quirks a brow at that.*
[2013-06-19 15:18:30 (7h 3m 36.194s)] Ramar Dundsley (Isla...astated) [TK]: We will check the Scars, Brother. Perhaps we shall find a Steward.
[2013-06-19 15:18:30 (7h 3m 36.194s)] Sigvar Fjordmund (Isla...r Level) [TK]: [follows françois facial gesture]
[2013-06-19 15:18:45 (7h 3m 51.198s)] Ramar Dundsley (Isla...astated) [TK]: Run!
[2013-06-19 15:19:00 (7h 4m 7.189s)] Owain Aberdenn<possessed by Howlando [DM]> (Isla...r Level) [TK]: Details and specifics... Emlyn, oh Emlyn. *steeples his fingers* Break her corporeal shell, and drive this 'Stake' of yours into her heart before the animating spark of a soul can flee back to its phylactery.
[2013-06-19 15:19:15 (7h 4m 22.189s)] Sigvar Fjordmund (Isla...r Level) [TK]: Emlyn, would you trust us - for once - with your plans ? It is difficult for the Court to aid in such shrouded circumstances.
[2013-06-19 15:19:15 (7h 4m 22.189s)] Owain Aberdenn<possessed by Howlando [DM]> (Isla...r Level) [TK]: You are right. It -can- be done.
[2013-06-19 15:19:30 (7h 4m 37.193s)] Emlyn ap Taliesin (Isla...r Level) [TK]: [he quirks a brow at this] You have seen much indeed, My King.
[2013-06-19 15:19:45 (7h 4m 52.251s)] Naberius Vyfesbane (Isla...teriors) [TK]: ...
[[2013-06-19 15:20:00 (7h 5m 8.189s)] Amirah Zaahara (Isla...r Level) [TK]: [Dips her chin in thought at Owain's words]
[2013-06-19 15:20:00 (7h 5m 8.189s)] Owain Aberdenn<possessed by Howlando [DM]> (Isla...r Level) [TK]: I have. I have seen this, and I have also seen your failure, your Withering. I have seen YOU, Great Druid Emlyn, shambling towards Mistlocke with eyes all aburn of green flame....
[2013-06-19 15:20:15 (7h 5m 23.281s)] Owain Aberdenn<possessed by Howlando [DM]> (Isla...r Level) [TK]: What I am unsure of is WHICH shall come to pass.
[2013-06-19 15:20:30 (7h 5m 38.292s)] Owain Aberdenn<possessed by Howlando [DM]> (Isla...r Level) [TK]: Or perhaps neither.
[2013-06-19 15:20:45 (7h 5m 53.310s)] Lilaena Eneyldir (Isla...teriors) [TK]: [She lays her head down on the table, looking unhappy and anoyed.]
[2013-06-19 15:21:00 (7h 6m 9.203s)] Naberius Vyfesbane (Isla...teriors) [TK]: Your not to happy.
[2013-06-19 15:21:00 (7h 6m 9.203s)] Naberius Vyfesbane (Isla...teriors) [TK]: Alls well?
[2013-06-19 15:21:15 (7h 6m 24.217s)] Francois Crozier (Isla...r Level) [TK]: *He glances in some discomfort at Emlyn, saying nothing.*
[2013-06-19 15:21:15 (7h 6m 24.217s)] Emlyn ap Taliesin (Isla...r Level) [TK]: I am sure and certain in the path I have put before me, My King. It may be some of both come to pass though.
[2013-06-19 15:21:30 (7h 6m 39.219s)] Lilaena Eneyldir (Isla...teriors) [TK]: No.. [She says without elaborating much. Seeming sunken in a thought of anoyance.]
[2013-06-19 15:21:45 (7h 6m 54.237s)] Emlyn ap Taliesin (Isla...r Level) [TK]: But i am ready and content should it be so.
[2013-06-19 15:21:45 (7h 6m 54.237s)] Francois Crozier (Isla...r Level) [TK]: I would know more of this plan of yours, then.
[2013-06-19 15:22:00 (7h 7m 10.310s)] Owain Aberdenn<possessed by Howlando [DM]> (Isla...r Level) [TK]: Your intention and hope, then, is to strike upon her shoulder she ever remove herself from this.... from this Tower?
[2013-06-19 15:22:00 (7h 7m 10.310s)] Owain Aberdenn<possessed by Howlando [DM]> (Isla...r Level) [TK]: *should
[2013-06-19 15:22:30 (7h 7m 40.327s)] Emlyn ap Taliesin (Isla...r Level) [TK]: No, My King. I am no fool. She is -
[2013-06-19 15:23:15 (7h 8m 26.353s)] Emlyn ap Taliesin (Isla...r Level) [TK]: Strong beyond all measure. Magic old and more powerful than any might now comprehend. I do not mean to strike at her, so empowered as she is. There is a thing in that Tower which I believe is much precious to her however.
[2013-06-19 15:23:45 (7h 8m 56.373s)] Owain Aberdenn<possessed by Howlando [DM]> (Isla...r Level) [TK]: *Peers out, and half lifts a hand...*
[2013-06-19 15:24:00 (7h 9m 12.345s)] Emlyn ap Taliesin (Isla...r Level) [TK]: If she can be removed from this, perhaps, coming to gloat and partake of the destruction of Blackhearth - we might have a chance to strike at what she leaves behind.
[2013-06-19 15:24:15 (7h 9m 27.356s)] Francois Crozier (Isla...r Level) [TK]: You mean to sacrifice the Order?
[2013-06-19 15:24:30 (7h 9m 42.364s)] Francois Crozier (Isla...r Level) [TK]: *His tone wavers with disbelief.*
[2013-06-19 15:24:30 (7h 9m 42.364s)] Sigvar Fjordmund (Isla...r Level) [TK]: When the lava reaches the lake of Mist, François...
[2013-06-19 15:25:15 (7h 10m 28.386s)] Emlyn ap Taliesin (Isla...r Level) [TK]: There is no saving them. Only profiting from there End. Though this is conjecture still. I do not, in truth, 'know' what will happen when the lake is set aflame. Something monumental, certainly...
[2013-06-19 15:25:30 (7h 10m 43.395s)] Owain Aberdenn<possessed by Howlando [DM]> (Isla...r Level) [TK]: *Mutters to himself* It has grown, from since when Leged opened her prison. From seed to sapling to something much more, now.
[2013-06-19 15:25:45 (7h 10m 58.406s)] Emlyn ap Taliesin (Isla...r Level) [TK]: Such lakes so not become sacred without good cause and reason. Nor do castles stand against such sieges without some sort of aid...
[2013-06-19 15:26:45 (7h 11m 59.373s)] Emlyn ap Taliesin (Isla...r Level) [TK]: [once more he turns his gaze back to Owain] Has it truly? Grown fat and gluttenous from the corruption it pumps and recieves in turn, I suppose.
[2013-06-19 15:27:15 (7h 12m 30.402s)] Owain Aberdenn<possessed by Howlando [DM]> (Isla...r Level) [TK]: I offer warning, Druid. The Doom Tree will surely have to be deal with... but its destruction will not weaken HER.
[2013-06-19 15:27:15 (7h 12m 30.402s)] Owain Aberdenn<possessed by Howlando [DM]> (Isla...r Level) [TK]: *Dealt
[2013-06-19 15:27:45 (7h 13m 0.512s)] Francois Crozier (Isla...r Level) [TK]: *He blinks, glancing between both of them as they speak in turn. Clearly this is all news to him.*
[2013-06-19 15:28:15 (7h 13m 31.406s)] Emlyn ap Taliesin (Isla...r Level) [TK]: So it may. I believe part of Her essence is within though. I believe we can draw it out. Draw it out, and compel her to come and fight us to claim it back. We could never hope to defeat her in Her place of power. But here? In a battleground of our choosing? Perhaps.
[2013-06-19 15:28:15 (7h 13m 31.406s)] Amirah Zaahara (Isla...r Level) [TK]: [Her eyes widens in surprise at the words exchanged, but she says nothing]
[2013-06-19 15:28:30 (7h 13m 46.410s)] Owain Aberdenn<possessed by Howlando [DM]> (Isla...r Level) [TK]: The Tree is -in- her place of power, Druid.
[2013-06-19 15:29:15 (7h 14m 32.428s)] Owain Aberdenn<possessed by Howlando [DM]> (Isla...r Level) [TK]: *Rises abruptly*
[2013-06-19 15:29:15 (7h 14m 32.428s)] Ramar Dundsley (Isla...astated) [TK]: Greet-
[2013-06-19 15:29:15 (7h 14m 32.428s)] Emlyn ap Taliesin (Isla...r Level) [TK]: But she shall not be, My King. I am certain there will be dangers -
[2013-06-19 15:29:30 (7h 14m 47.439s)] Emlyn ap Taliesin (Isla...r Level) [TK]: They more than her might be overcome though
[2013-06-19 15:29:30 (7h 14m 47.439s)] Sigvar Fjordmund (Isla...r Level) [TK]: Best we confront her outside her tower.
[2013-06-19 15:29:45 (7h 15m 2.446s)] Owain Aberdenn<possessed by Howlando [DM]> (Isla...r Level) [TK]: My Court, we speak of things perhaps you do not understand.
[2013-06-19 15:30:00 (7h 15m 18.418s)] Owain Aberdenn<possessed by Howlando [DM]> (Isla...r Level) [TK]: The Stewards have ever been quick to obscure their knowledge.
[2013-06-19 15:30:15 (7h 15m 33.434s)] Owain Aberdenn<possessed by Howlando [DM]> (Isla...r Level) [TK]: *Sits back down, fidgeting*
[2013-06-19 15:30:15 (7h 15m 33.434s)] Francois Crozier (Isla...r Level) [TK]: *Crozier folds his arms.*
[2013-06-19 15:30:30 (7h 15m 48.449s)] Francois Crozier (Isla...r Level) [TK]: Mayhap for all our sakes you might educate us, Emlyn.
[2013-06-19 15:30:30 (7h 15m 48.449s)] Emlyn ap Taliesin (Isla...r Level) [TK]: Rightly so! I have kept these confidences for long and close. We have known what it is to see our secrets perverted...
[2013-06-19 15:31:15 (7h 16m 34.456s)] Emlyn ap Taliesin (Isla...r Level) [TK]: [he draws a deep breath, before bidding his head] However, perhaps the King is right.
[2013-06-19 15:31:30 (7h 16m 49.459s)] Owain Aberdenn<possessed by Howlando [DM]> (Isla...r Level) [TK]: Driven into the underdark for thousands of years, because of her. And then a return, and scarce two years later and she is released by one of your number....
[2013-06-19 15:31:45 (7h 17m 4.460s)] Owain Aberdenn<possessed by Howlando [DM]> (Isla...r Level) [TK]: An unfortunate legacy.
[2013-06-19 15:32:15 (7h 17m 35.463s)] Emlyn ap Taliesin (Isla...r Level) [TK]: It was wrong to flee her so long ago. It was perhaps wrong to release her - though I understand the wisdom of the time. But what I know to be right, My King, is what I have planned.
[2013-06-19 15:33:45 (7h 19m 6.528s)] Emlyn ap Taliesin (Isla...r Level) [TK]: [he sweeps his gaze back to the gathered] A long time ago...
[2013-06-19 15:33:45 (7h 19m 6.528s)] Lilaena Eneyldir (Isla...teriors) [TK]: ... And I wasn't even allowed to see the harp I worked so hard for to retrieve.
[2013-06-19 15:34:00 (7h 19m 22.494s)] Emlyn ap Taliesin (Isla...r Level) [TK]: When the Steps of Sanq were in their infancy, I came upon some old lore of my Circle.
[2013-06-19 15:34:30 (7h 19m 52.502s)] Emlyn ap Taliesin (Isla...r Level) [TK]: It bespoke of an ancient secret and ritual held and occasionally undertaken by a Grove and Circle deep in the underdark.
[2013-06-19 15:36:00 (7h 21m 24.511s)] Emlyn ap Taliesin (Isla...r Level) [TK]: At the time, Samson's export was arranging a trip to the underdark. I took this chance to go below and claim all that was needed to undertake this ritual. In doing this, I debased myself in aiding those I deplore and hate.
[2013-06-19 15:37:00 (7h 22m 25.524s)] Emlyn ap Taliesin (Isla...r Level) [TK]: But we met with success. The spore of a Keeper Mushroom, along with an enchanted Stake, was claimed from these depths. Together, these artefacts hold an unusual power.
[2013-06-19 15:37:15 (7h 22m 40.656s)] Owain Aberdenn<possessed by Howlando [DM]> (Isla...r Level) [TK]: *The youth fidgets in his chair*.... the haflling wonders of what transpires below, he does, yes.....
[2013-06-19 15:37:45 (7h 23m 10.689s)] Amirah Zaahara (Isla...r Level) [TK]: [Idly shifts her weight from one foot to the other]
[2013-06-19 15:38:00 (7h 23m 26.532s)] Emlyn ap Taliesin (Isla...r Level) [TK]: The mushrooms, when fully grown, are truly indestructable. There is not a force in this world that c - [he pauses as the king rambles, before contining* can destroy them. However, before they reach this stage...
[2013-06-19 15:39:15 (7h 24m 42.550s)] Emlyn ap Taliesin (Isla...r Level) [TK]: It is possible, through a costly and taxing ritual, to implant within them one of these enchanted Keeper Stakes. These Stakes themselves have the immense power to draw out and trap the essence of any thing. Its soul.
[2013-06-19 15:39:45 (7h 25m 12.565s)] Emlyn ap Taliesin (Isla...r Level) [TK]: A stake, so implanted, will soon itself be beyond reach within the mushroom when it is fully matured. As would the essence held within it.
[2013-06-19 15:40:00 (7h 25m 28.556s)] Emlyn ap Taliesin (Isla...r Level) [TK]: This -
[2013-06-19 15:40:15 (7h 25m 43.570s)] Owain Aberdenn<possessed by Howlando [DM]> (Isla...r Level) [TK]: *Mutters* And so did the Druids of old long ago dispose of their enmies.
[2013-06-19 15:41:00 (7h 26m 29.567s)] Emlyn ap Taliesin (Isla...r Level) [TK]: [he leans back slightly] is what I plan for H'bala. She was released these two years ago because we feared it was only a matter of time before another did so, with her compulsions and promises. If we can so trap her in this prison...
[2013-06-19 15:41:15 (7h 26m 44.576s)] Emlyn ap Taliesin (Isla...r Level) [TK]: There is no possibility of escape. No chance of salvation. No promise nor vision she can send. She will truly be undone.
[2013-06-19 15:41:45 (8h 0m 14.591s)] Amirah Zaahara (Isla...r Level) [TK]: [Very discreetly raises her hand]
[2013-06-19 15:41:45 (8h 0m 14.591s)] Owain Aberdenn<possessed by Howlando [DM]> (Isla...r Level) [TK]: Speak, Chronicler.
[2013-06-19 15:42:30 (8h 1m 0.600s)] Amirah Zaahara (Isla...r Level) [TK]: I understand that a lich is a creature that has removed its essence into a storage, a phylactery. How can you store H'bala's essence in these Stakes- or Mushrooms, when she...does not have one. Do we know where her Phylactery is?
[2013-06-19 15:43:00 (8h 1m 31.843s)] Emlyn ap Taliesin (Isla...r Level) [TK]: We do. Or, we believe we do. Many of you shall have heard...
[2013-06-19 15:43:45 (8h 2m 16.866s)] Owain Aberdenn<possessed by Howlando [DM]> (Isla...r Level) [TK]: *sighs and leans back, fidgeting* But you are wrong.
[2013-06-19 15:44:00 (8h 2m 32.927s)] Emlyn ap Taliesin (Isla...r Level) [TK]: Or perhaps not, as I think on it! Well, long ago there was a Stargazer hero who was responsible for trapping H'bala in the Noor Tower which would become her -
[2013-06-19 15:44:00 (8h 2m 32.927s)] Emlyn ap Taliesin (Isla...r Level) [TK]: What do you mean, My King?
[2013-06-19 15:44:30 (8h 3m 2.941s)] Francois Crozier (Isla...r Level) [TK]: *Crozier's very silent, his eyes flicking between the speakers, his withered visage betraying little emotion.*
[2013-06-19 15:44:30 (8h 3m 2.941s)] Owain Aberdenn<possessed by Howlando [DM]> (Isla...r Level) [TK]: I told you. Drive the stake into her form before the soul can flee back into the phylactery. And you shall have caught her.
[2013-06-19 15:44:45 (8h 3m 17.955s)] Emlyn ap Taliesin (Isla...r Level) [TK]: It is not-
[2013-06-19 15:45:15 (8h 3m 49.139s)] Emlyn ap Taliesin (Isla...r Level) [TK]: In the tree? Not fuelling this blight and corruption, as I have long suspected?
[2013-06-19 15:45:30 (8h 4m 4.147s)] Owain Aberdenn<possessed by Howlando [DM]> (Isla...r Level) [TK]: No, Druid.... *his fists tighten*.... you have only half the story.
[2013-06-19 15:46:15 (8h 4m 50.159s)] Owain Aberdenn<possessed by Howlando [DM]> (Isla...r Level) [TK]: It is true that the Stargazer Hero entered into the Prison Tower of the Noor with the intent to lure her into a trap, and sacrificed himself in so doing.
[2013-06-19 15:46:30 (8h 5m 5.169s)] Owain Aberdenn<possessed by Howlando [DM]> (Isla...r Level) [TK]: It is true that she chased him because he truly had the one she coveted above nearly all else.
[2013-06-19 15:47:00 (8h 5m 36.167s)] Emlyn ap Taliesin (Isla...r Level) [TK]: And the thing he took with him, to compel him to chase her - Her phylactery, yes? The seed?
[2013-06-19 15:47:00 (8h 5m 36.167s)] Owain Aberdenn<possessed by Howlando [DM]> (Isla...r Level) [TK]: But it was not... was not her SOUL, she would not let such a thing, it was no phylactery....
[2013-06-19 15:47:15 (8h 5m 51.170s)] Owain Aberdenn<possessed by Howlando [DM]> (Isla...r Level) [TK]: It was the WITHERING.
[2013-06-19 15:47:15 (8h 5m 51.170s)] Owain Aberdenn<possessed by Howlando [DM]> (Isla...r Level) [TK]: The Doom Tree!
[2013-06-19 15:47:30 (8h 6m 6.177s)] Owain Aberdenn<possessed by Howlando [DM]> (Isla...r Level) [TK]: The secret... the secret to her must burning desire.
[2013-06-19 15:47:46 (8h 6m 21.190s)] Sigvar Fjordmund (Isla...r Level) [TK]: [his face becomes pale]
[2013-06-19 15:48:00 (8h 6m 37.181s)] Amirah Zaahara (Isla...r Level) [TK]: [Frowns in thought at the story]
[2013-06-19 15:48:16 (8h 6m 52.234s)] Emlyn ap Taliesin (Isla...r Level) [TK]: [Emlyn bows his head deeply at this, concealing some expression] I see...
[2013-06-19 15:48:16 (8h 6m 52.234s)] Owain Aberdenn<possessed by Howlando [DM]> (Isla...r Level) [TK]: The Tree in the Tower is the source of this.... this CURSE.... but it is not the key to defeat HER.
[2013-06-19 15:49:01 (8h 7m 38.238s)] Emlyn ap Taliesin (Isla...r Level) [TK]: This -
[2013-06-19 15:49:16 (8h 7m 53.241s)] Owain Aberdenn<possessed by Howlando [DM]> (Isla...r Level) [TK]: *He fidgets once more* Defeat her, steal away the soul with this Stake.... and THEN if you would save the Isle you must deal with the Doom Tree.
[2013-06-19 15:49:16 (8h 7m 53.241s)] Owain Aberdenn<possessed by Howlando [DM]> (Isla...r Level) [TK]: And perhaps break the Withering curse, once and for all. Perhaps.
[2013-06-19 15:49:46 (8h 8m 23.259s)] Emlyn ap Taliesin (Isla...r Level) [TK]: The Doom Tree you think more difficult to assail now than Her? It has grown so strong?
[2013-06-19 15:49:46 (8h 8m 23.259s)] Owain Aberdenn<possessed by Howlando [DM]> (Isla...r Level) [TK]: I do not say that.
[2013-06-19 15:50:16 (8h 8m 54.284s)] Owain Aberdenn<possessed by Howlando [DM]> (Isla...r Level) [TK]: But she is its champion.
[2013-06-19 15:50:31 (8h 9m 9.293s)] Owain Aberdenn<possessed by Howlando [DM]> (Isla...r Level) [TK]: If you attack it, she will defend it.
[2013-06-19 15:51:01 (8h 9m 40.260s)] Owain Aberdenn<possessed by Howlando [DM]> (Isla...r Level) [TK]: In the place of her power.... surrounded by all her most powerful servants....
[2013-06-19 15:51:31 (8h 10m 10.291s)] Sigvar Fjordmund (Isla...r Level) [TK]: [frowns deeply] Best we drive this stake into her heart away from her tower, Greenseer. On a battleground that is of our choosing.
[2013-06-19 15:51:31 (8h 10m 10.291s)] Owain Aberdenn<possessed by Howlando [DM]> (Isla...r Level) [TK]: .... easier to destroy IT, when SHE is gone!
[2013-06-19 15:52:01 (8h 10m 41.268s)] Garret Crazybones Highhill.  (Isla...r Level) [TK]: Will the tree not just raise a new champion, your Majesty?
[2013-06-19 15:52:16 (8h 10m 56.277s)] Emlyn ap Taliesin (Isla...r Level) [TK]: [bobs his head slowly] Old Netherese wizards do not grow on -
[2013-06-19 15:52:31 (8h 11m 11.325s)] Emlyn ap Taliesin (Isla...r Level) [TK]: [he pauses, and raises his head at last] This changes much
[2013-06-19 15:52:46 (8h 11m 26.438s)] Owain Aberdenn<possessed by Howlando [DM]> (Isla...r Level) [TK]: *Peers keenly to Garret* Do trees often raise champions? It is a source of.... this curse. This evil. But I do not know if it can do anything else at all.....
[2013-06-19 15:53:01 (8h 11m 42.281s)] Francois Crozier (Isla...r Level) [TK]: It's a tool to be used, I would suppose...
[2013-06-19 15:53:01 (8h 11m 42.281s)] Owain Aberdenn<possessed by Howlando [DM]> (Isla...r Level) [TK]: .... She nurtured it. She grew it. I do not know from whence it came.
[2013-06-19 15:53:01 (8h 11m 42.281s)] Francois Crozier (Isla...r Level) [TK]: A seductive one, for those evil...
[2013-06-19 15:53:16 (8h 11m 57.294s)] Owain Aberdenn<possessed by Howlando [DM]> (Isla...r Level) [TK]: Destroy the gardener and the garden is far more vulnerable.
[2013-06-19 15:53:16 (8h 11m 57.294s)] Garret Crazybones Highhill.  (Isla...r Level) [TK]: Forgive my ignorance, I do not understand if Hbala had created this tree.. but you say she is its champion... It makes me wonder whom the master is..
[2013-06-19 15:53:16 (8h 11m 57.294s)] Sigvar Fjordmund (Isla...r Level) [TK]: We've another netherese Arch-Völun on the loose, let us hope it doesn't take Shylae's place would she fall to the stake.
[2013-06-19 15:53:46 (8h 12m 27.308s)] Francois Crozier (Isla...r Level) [TK]: Does the plan change overly much, Emlyn? We still need to draw H'bala out. Will she go to Blackhearth, as you expect?
[2013-06-19 15:53:46 (8h 12m 27.308s)] Francois Crozier (Isla...r Level) [TK]: Can we face her there?
[2013-06-19 15:54:01 (8h 12m 43.305s)] Emlyn ap Taliesin (Isla...r Level) [TK]: The prospect of breaking her old bones and trapping her spirit is not an enticing one. Her power is immense. Beyond anything. In her Tower, it is surely impossible. Perhaps if we can draw her away, and the King's Mist weaken her...
[2013-06-19 15:54:16 (8h 12m 58.322s)] Garret Crazybones Highhill.  (Isla...r Level) [TK]: [He looks troubled]
[2013-06-19 15:54:16 (8h 12m 58.322s)] Sigvar Fjordmund (Isla...r Level) [TK]: We need allies, François - I've spelled it out in my map - but it is still far from done.
[2013-06-19 15:54:31 (8h 13m 13.354s)] Emlyn ap Taliesin (Isla...r Level) [TK]: But the where and the how is all the more difficult, I fear.
[2013-06-19 15:54:46 (8h 13m 28.387s)] Sigvar Fjordmund (Isla...r Level) [TK]: Many remain to be rallied to our cause, to form a true army for our Warlord to lead.
[2013-06-19 15:54:46 (8h 13m 28.387s)] Owain Aberdenn<possessed by Howlando [DM]> (Isla...r Level) [TK]: How to defeat her... how to defeat her... that is the question.....
[2013-06-19 15:55:16 (8h 13m 59.292s)] Sigvar Fjordmund (Isla...r Level) [TK]: We have a weapon for the purpose of dealing the killing blow - but how to get there... this is what we must solve, together.
[2013-06-19 15:55:31 (8h 14m 14.327s)] Owain Aberdenn<possessed by Howlando [DM]> (Isla...r Level) [TK]: .... I fear it can not be done by scurrying about and looking for trees, no.... must fight her... in a place of choosing. Must.... *mutters, peering dubiously at the sack he brought into the chamber*
[2013-06-19 15:55:46 (8h 14m 29.328s)] Francois Crozier (Isla...r Level) [TK]: *Crozier's eyes flick to the thing.*
[2013-06-19 15:56:01 (8h 14m 45.316s)] Francois Crozier (Isla...r Level) [TK]: *Then, to the room;* Do we expect the Order to survive much longer?
[2013-06-19 15:56:31 (8h 15m 15.340s)] Francois Crozier (Isla...r Level) [TK]: They've made an art of withstanding her forces, so I daresay we might need their help, much as I loathe to say it.
[2013-06-19 15:56:31 (8h 15m 15.340s)] Sigvar Fjordmund (Isla...r Level) [TK]: When the lava reaches the lake, François - I suspect the dreamer, and his communion will be interrupted - weakening the wards of Blackhearth, and rendering their faith, well... useless.
[2013-06-19 15:56:46 (8h 15m 30.435s)] Sigvar Fjordmund (Isla...r Level) [TK]: These are all conjectures, and perhaps our King may shed light on this matter.
[2013-06-19 15:57:01 (8h 15m 46.478s)] Garret Crazybones Highhill.  (Isla...r Level) [TK]: I have heard rumor a dragon sleeps within the lake..
[2013-06-19 15:57:01 (8h 15m 46.478s)] Francois Crozier (Isla...r Level) [TK]: Yes. That's my suspicion as well.
[2013-06-19 15:57:16 (8h 16m 1.500s)] Francois Crozier (Isla...r Level) [TK]: Rabannatha, perhaps? I'm not sure.
[2013-06-19 15:57:31 (8h 16m 16.513s)] Emlyn ap Taliesin (Isla...r Level) [TK]: I do not know. But when they do, my Underwood will be teeming with thousands of Her creations before the next moon. And to fight her there is folly. With five thousand of Her creatures to surround and protect her.
[2013-06-19 15:58:01 (8h 16m 47.536s)] Owain Aberdenn<possessed by Howlando [DM]> (Isla...r Level) [TK]: *Merely fidgets*
[2013-06-19 15:58:01 (8h 16m 47.536s)] Emlyn ap Taliesin (Isla...r Level) [TK]: We couldn't muster even a tenth of that to match such an army.
[2013-06-19 15:58:16 (8h 17m 2.544s)] Amirah Zaahara (Isla...r Level) [TK]: They call themselves "The Dead" [murmurs]
[2013-06-19 15:58:31 (8h 17m 17.553s)] Owain Aberdenn<possessed by Howlando [DM]> (Isla...r Level) [TK]: .... you have burned many of them, Emlyn, I will tell you that. Your volcano....
[2013-06-19 15:58:46 (8h 17m 32.583s)] Francois Crozier (Isla...r Level) [TK]: Then should we not try to arrest the progress of this lava flow? Throw up earth works, help the Order?
[2013-06-19 15:59:16 (8h 18m 3.538s)] Owain Aberdenn<possessed by Howlando [DM]> (Isla...r Level) [TK]: She is not pleased. She is angry, enraged. For many of her creatures are now ash...
[2013-06-19 15:59:31 (8h 18m 18.573s)] Emlyn ap Taliesin (Isla...r Level) [TK]: Many of her forests also. Those twisted things which she, in her malign sight, considered so beautiful.
[2013-06-19 15:59:46 (8h 18m 33.583s)] Emlyn ap Taliesin (Isla...r Level) [TK]: Entelzehm -
[2013-06-19 15:59:46 (8h 18m 33.583s)] Emlyn ap Taliesin (Isla...r Level) [TK]: Promised she would take this slight personally.
[2013-06-19 16:00:01 (8h 18m 49.531s)] Owain Aberdenn<possessed by Howlando [DM]> (Isla...r Level) [TK]: She has. *Fidgets* She loves this island dearly, in her own way.....
[2013-06-19 16:00:46 (8h 19m 34.548s)] Sigvar Fjordmund (Isla...r Level) [TK]: Can we truly stop the flow of Lava to the lake of Mist ? if it is the Court's will, I perhaps have a way.
[2013-06-19 16:01:01 (8h 19m 50.540s)] Sigvar Fjordmund (Isla...r Level) [TK]: But it shall come at great cost.
[2013-06-19 16:01:31 (8h 20m 20.747s)] Owain Aberdenn<possessed by Howlando [DM]> (Isla...r Level) [TK]: Speak your way.
[2013-06-19 16:04:16 (8h 23m 8.694s)] Shawn Fletcher (Isla...stlocke) [TK]: [murmurs]
[2013-06-19 16:04:31 (8h 23m 23.728s)] Sigvar Fjordmund (Isla...r Level) [TK]: Aegir, my King - he is the God of protection against the fury, against the storms - against fiery fires. The Runefathers of my Ffölks held secret an ancient ritual to call the soothings winds, and the mighty tide of the Storm-Warden. But... it comes at great cost, and I am unsure... despite all the favors I have gathered, that I can master it.
[2013-06-19 16:05:16 (8h 24m 9.583s)] Sigvar Fjordmund (Isla...r Level) [TK]: My life will end, this is sure - and much more will be required to call forth such miracle of the Divine.
[2013-06-19 16:05:16 (8h 24m 9.583s)] Owain Aberdenn<possessed by Howlando [DM]> (Isla...r Level) [TK]: .... there is a long trail of dead men before us who thought to look to the gods for their salvation, Sigvar....
[2013-06-19 16:05:31 (8h 24m 24.598s)] Francois Crozier (Isla...r Level) [TK]: I must agree. Can we truly depend on the Gods for help here?
[2013-06-19 16:05:46 (8h 24m 39.600s)] Owain Aberdenn<possessed by Howlando [DM]> (Isla...r Level) [TK]: The Order have their muttering priests. They have thrown up earth, they have slowed the flow, but it shall keep coming.
[2013-06-19 16:06:01 (8h 24m 55.586s)] Owain Aberdenn<possessed by Howlando [DM]> (Isla...r Level) [TK]: Count on it.
[2013-06-19 16:06:01 (8h 24m 55.586s)] Amirah Zaahara (Isla...r Level) [TK]: Was there not a staff that could control the flow of the lava?[2013-06-19 16:06:16 (8h 25m 10.591s)] Francois Crozier (Isla...r Level) [TK]: And its wielder is dead.
[2013-06-19 16:06:16 (8h 25m 10.591s)] Francois Crozier (Isla...r Level) [TK]: Its... true wielder, at least.
[2013-06-19 16:06:31 (8h 25m 25.599s)] Garret Crazybones Highhill.  (Isla...r Level) [TK]: And the stave stolen.
[2013-06-19 16:06:31 (8h 25m 25.599s)] Amirah Zaahara (Isla...r Level) [TK]: At the staff impotent?
[2013-06-19 16:06:31 (8h 25m 25.599s)] Emlyn ap Taliesin (Isla...r Level) [TK]: King Owain ap Arthur puts no stock in foreign Gods, as you well know. He is Ymph's Champion. As for the staff...
[2013-06-19 16:06:31 (8h 25m 25.599s)] Francois Crozier (Isla...r Level) [TK]: My -treacherous- former associate has it, somewhere in the Bogs, damn his eyes.
[2013-06-19 16:07:01 (8h 25m 56.591s)] Emlyn ap Taliesin (Isla...r Level) [TK]: Not nearly powerful enough in this regard, I don't believe.
[2013-06-19 16:07:16 (8h 26m 11.596s)] Emlyn ap Taliesin (Isla...r Level) [TK]: No. This thing is fated. It is folly to interfere with that.
[2013-06-19 16:07:31 (8h 26m 26.612s)] Francois Crozier (Isla...r Level) [TK]: Well. I can only hope the Order survives past it.
[2013-06-19 16:08:01 (8h 26m 57.601s)] Sigvar Fjordmund (Isla...r Level) [TK]: If this staff can redirect the flow of Lava... it is worth pursuing it.
[2013-06-19 16:08:01 (8h 26m 57.601s)] Owain Aberdenn<possessed by Howlando [DM]> (Isla...r Level) [TK]: Find it if you can.
[2013-06-19 16:08:16 (9h 0m 12.608s)] Francois Crozier (Isla...r Level) [TK]: It shall be done, my lord.
[2013-06-19 16:08:46 (9h 0m 42.791s)] Emlyn ap Taliesin (Isla...r Level) [TK]: Our only thought should be to having wisdom enough to extract the greatest benefit from this calamity. Though we do not know as yet for certain what will come of it.
[2013-06-19 16:09:31 (9h 1m 28.658s)] Owain Aberdenn<possessed by Howlando [DM]> (Isla...r Level) [TK]: *He stretches, ill at ease upon the chair* You all must think well of how this Lichess will be defeated, I think, now that the secret of the stake has been revealed by my dear First Advisor....
[2013-06-19 16:09:31 (9h 1m 28.658s)] Owain Aberdenn<possessed by Howlando [DM]> (Isla...r Level) [TK]: But perhaps now we might turn to the second Great Question?
[2013-06-19 16:09:46 (9h 1m 43.660s)] Sigvar Fjordmund (Isla...r Level) [TK]: Let us pray whatever wakes from the lake of Mist shall carry its righteous vengeance against the Maiden, for the curse it suffered long ago.
[2013-06-19 16:09:46 (9h 1m 43.660s)] Emlyn ap Taliesin (Isla...r Level) [TK]: As you wish, My King.
[2013-06-19 16:10:01 (9h 1m 59.627s)] Owain Aberdenn<possessed by Howlando [DM]> (Isla...r Level) [TK]: *His voice adopts a tone of great solemnity*
[2013-06-19 16:10:16 (9h 2m 14.627s)] Owain Aberdenn<possessed by Howlando [DM]> (Isla...r Level) [TK]: There is indeed a very important question that this Court has not fully and duly considered....
[2013-06-19 16:10:31 (9h 2m 29.642s)] Owain Aberdenn<possessed by Howlando [DM]> (Isla...r Level) [TK]: A question of great importance to the future of the realm.
[2013-06-19 16:11:16 (9h 3m 15.665s)] Owain Aberdenn<possessed by Howlando [DM]> (Isla...r Level) [TK]: It is the question of what is to be done with my predecessor in this seat.. I speak of Gadyw Aberdenn.
[2013-06-19 16:11:31 (9h 3m 30.763s)] Francois Crozier (Isla...r Level) [TK]: *Crozier clears his throat.*
[2013-06-19 16:11:31 (9h 3m 30.763s)] Francois Crozier (Isla...r Level) [TK]: *... though says nothing, yet.*
[2013-06-19 16:12:01 (9h 4m 1.657s)] Owain Aberdenn<possessed by Howlando [DM]> (Isla...r Level) [TK]: Yes, Crozier, I am aware that your Clan wishes to see justice for the death of Menaster....
[2013-06-19 16:12:16 (9h 4m 16.658s)] Owain Aberdenn<possessed by Howlando [DM]> (Isla...r Level) [TK]: However, I have decided mercy. *looks about, to check reactions*
[2013-06-19 16:12:16 (9h 4m 16.658s)] Francois Crozier (Isla...r Level) [TK]: Emphatically so.
[2013-06-19 16:12:31 (9h 4m 31.671s)] Francois Crozier (Isla...r Level) [TK]: *He blinks.* The treaty...
[2013-06-19 16:12:31 (9h 4m 31.671s)] Francois Crozier (Isla...r Level) [TK]: What?
[2013-06-19 16:12:46 (9h 4m 46.673s)] Emlyn ap Taliesin (Isla...r Level) [TK]: It is a dark thing for any,, even a King, to have to pronounce against kin. This is so throughout all the realms of men and beyond.
[2013-06-19 16:12:46 (9h 4m 46.673s)] Francois Crozier (Isla...r Level) [TK]: What would you have for him, then?
[2013-06-19 16:12:46 (9h 4m 46.673s)] Sigvar Fjordmund (Isla...r Level) [TK]: [he frowns]
[2013-06-19 16:13:01 (9h 5m 2.657s)] Owain Aberdenn<possessed by Howlando [DM]> (Isla...r Level) [TK]: Dear Uncle Gadyw is to be raised to a position of prestige upon the Court.
[2013-06-19 16:13:01 (9h 5m 2.657s)] Emlyn ap Taliesin (Isla...r Level) [TK]: However...-
[2013-06-19 16:13:16 (9h 5m 17.669s)] Owain Aberdenn<possessed by Howlando [DM]> (Isla...r Level) [TK]: In fact, I have already done it.
[2013-06-19 16:13:16 (9h 5m 17.669s)] Emlyn ap Taliesin (Isla...r Level) [TK]: [he pauses at that] He is, my King?
[2013-06-19 16:13:16 (9h 5m 17.669s)] Emlyn ap Taliesin (Isla...r Level) [TK]: Ah...
[2013-06-19 16:13:16 (9h 5m 17.669s)] Owain Aberdenn<possessed by Howlando [DM]> (Isla...r Level) [TK]: *Takes up the sack, and opens it....*
[2013-06-19 16:13:16 (9h 5m 17.669s)] Emlyn ap Taliesin (Isla...r Level) [TK]: [he nods his head slowly]
[2013-06-19 16:13:31 (9h 5m 32.760s)] Francois Crozier (Isla...r Level) [TK]: I must protest. He brought nothing but ruin to this village in pursuit of his vengeance.
[2013-06-19 16:13:31 (9h 5m 32.760s)] Sigvar Fjordmund (Isla...r Level) [TK]: [the old, battered northerner is bewildered]
[2013-06-19 16:13:46 (9h 5m 47.773s)] Owain Aberdenn<possessed by Howlando [DM]> (Isla...r Level) [TK]: *He lovingly takes out the head of Gadyw Aberdenn....*
[2013-06-19 16:13:46 (9h 5m 47.773s)] Francois Crozier (Isla...r Level) [TK]: ...
[2013-06-19 16:14:01 (9h 6m 3.671s)] Francois Crozier (Isla...r Level) [TK]: *His mouth falls open.*
[2013-06-19 16:14:01 (9h 6m 3.671s)] Owain Aberdenn<possessed by Howlando [DM]> (Isla...r Level) [TK]: *And carefully puts the severed head on an arm rest of the throne*
[2013-06-19 16:14:01 (9h 6m 3.671s)] Amirah Zaahara (Isla...r Level) [TK]: [Blinks owlishly at the head]
[2013-06-19 16:14:16 (9h 6m 18.671s)] Owain Aberdenn<possessed by Howlando [DM]> (Isla...r Level) [TK]: He shall sit at my right hand, I think.
[2013-06-19 16:14:16 (9h 6m 18.671s)] Garret Crazybones Highhill.  (Isla...r Level) [TK]: [He covers his mouth for a moment as his face turns a little green and he swallows hard]
[2013-06-19 16:14:16 (9h 6m 18.671s)] Emlyn ap Taliesin (Isla...r Level) [TK]: Is that...
[2013-06-19 16:14:16 (9h 6m 18.671s)] Owain Aberdenn<possessed by Howlando [DM]> (Isla...r Level) [TK]: *Caresses his bloody head*
[2013-06-19 16:14:16 (9h 6m 18.671s)] Naberius Vyfesbane (Isla...teriors) [TK]: Great.
[2013-06-19 16:14:31 (9h 6m 33.681s)] Francois Crozier (Isla...r Level) [TK]: *A shiver quite visibly travels through Crozier's entire body at the sight.*
[2013-06-19 16:14:46 (9h 6m 48.689s)] Emlyn ap Taliesin (Isla...r Level) [TK]: Wise, My King? If justice is done over this - it is wiser to let people see it is so.
[2013-06-19 16:14:46 (9h 6m 48.689s)] Sigvar Fjordmund (Isla...r Level) [TK]: [he remains silent, his eyes wide open]
[2013-06-19 16:15:01 (9h 7m 4.684s)] Emlyn ap Taliesin (Isla...r Level) [TK]: Take him and put it on a pike at the gates. It will do much to mollify people over this tax nonsense
[2013-06-19 16:15:16 (9h 7m 19.702s)] Owain Aberdenn<possessed by Howlando [DM]> (Isla...r Level) [TK]: Certainly not!
[2013-06-19 16:15:16 (9h 7m 19.702s)] Francois Crozier (Isla...r Level) [TK]: Or give it to Caermyn. *Crozier growls, coming to his senses.*
[2013-06-19 16:15:31 (9h 7m 34.713s)] Owain Aberdenn<possessed by Howlando [DM]> (Isla...r Level) [TK]: He shall sit upon my Council. We must look to him for his... his experienced council....
[2013-06-19 16:15:46 (9h 7m 49.720s)] Owain Aberdenn<possessed by Howlando [DM]> (Isla...r Level) [TK]: *picks up the bloody, grotesque thing and peers earnestly into its lifeless one eye*
[2013-06-19 16:15:46 (9h 7m 49.720s)] Francois Crozier (Isla...r Level) [TK]: *Crozier looks between the other councilors, his expression nakedly fearful all of a sudden.*
[2013-06-19 16:16:01 (9h 8m 5.685s)] Owain Aberdenn<possessed by Howlando [DM]> (Isla...r Level) [TK]: I shall trust in my Court to accept my decision. *pauses* My will be done.
[2013-06-19 16:16:16 (9h 8m 20.692s)] Emlyn ap Taliesin (Isla...r Level) [TK]: [purses his lips in some consideration, before adopting a most diplomatic tone] My King...I think perhaps you are growing weary again.
[2013-06-19 16:16:31 (9h 8m 35.696s)] Owain Aberdenn<possessed by Howlando [DM]> (Isla...r Level) [TK]: Yes, I am weary, Great Druid.
[2013-06-19 16:16:46 (9h 8m 50.723s)] Owain Aberdenn<possessed by Howlando [DM]> (Isla...r Level) [TK]: And soon I and dear Uncle Gadyw will go to bed.
[2013-06-19 16:17:01 (9h 9m 6.722s)] Francois Crozier (Isla...r Level) [WH]: Oh gods...
[2013-06-19 16:17:16 (9h 9m 21.737s)] Amirah Zaahara (Isla...r Level) [TK]: [Watches on in tight-lipped silence]
[2013-06-19 16:17:16 (9h 9m 21.737s)] Sigvar Fjordmund (Isla...r Level) [TK]: With all royal respects ... due... you speak of him as an.. advisor - but, does he... still speak to you ? in his, current state.
[2013-06-19 16:17:16 (9h 9m 21.737s)] Owain Aberdenn<possessed by Howlando [DM]> (Isla...r Level) [TK]: But first I will hear from my advisors... the acceptance of Uncle Gadyw upon the Court?
[2013-06-19 16:17:46 (9h 9m 51.752s)] Owain Aberdenn<possessed by Howlando [DM]> (Isla...r Level) [TK]: *snaps* Of course he speaks to me, are you daft? He is wise and learned.... I will not be deprived of his experience.
[2013-06-19 16:18:01 (9h 10m 7.706s)] Sigvar Fjordmund (Isla...r Level) [TK]: [A bewildered nod]
[2013-06-19 16:18:16 (9h 10m 22.713s)] Francois Crozier (Isla...r Level) [TK]: ... My liege... with every due respect, I... don't... think the people would... accept his counsel. *He seems to struggle for the right words.* Considering his... er... excesses visited upon the people before your Reign.
[2013-06-19 16:18:31 (9h 10m 37.724s)] Emlyn ap Taliesin (Isla...r Level) [TK]: Certainly not, My King. Even still - it seems you have advisors enough. I should hate to see wise counsel drowned out for want of so many voices. Your Uncle has never been a man for words anyway. Is it not, ill suiting fit?
[2013-06-19 16:18:46 (9h 10m 52.725s)] Emlyn ap Taliesin (Isla...r Level) [TK]: I am certain he might be better placed - elsewhere.
[2013-06-19 16:19:01 (9h 11m 8.713s)] Owain Aberdenn<possessed by Howlando [DM]> (Isla...r Level) [TK]: *As he speaks with sudden anger, curious mists begin to fill the chamber....*
[2013-06-19 16:19:01 (9h 11m 8.713s)] Francois Crozier (Isla...r Level) [TK]: Yes...
[2013-06-19 16:19:01 (9h 11m 8.713s)] Owain Aberdenn<possessed by Howlando [DM]> (Isla...r Level) [TK]: No.
[2013-06-19 16:19:01 (9h 11m 8.713s)] Owain Aberdenn<possessed by Howlando [DM]> (Isla...r Level) [TK]: NO.
[2013-06-19 16:19:16 (9h 11m 23.720s)] Amirah Zaahara (Isla...r Level) [TK]: [Glances at her feet]
[2013-06-19 16:19:16 (9h 11m 23.720s)] Howlando [DM] (Isla...r Level) [SH+]: Abruptly, wafts of angry, threatening Mists begin to fill Mistlocke.....
[2013-06-19 16:19:16 (9h 11m 23.720s)] Garret Crazybones Highhill.  (Isla...r Level) [TK]: [He looks ill and covers his mouth] By your will...
[2013-06-19 16:19:16 (9h 11m 23.720s)] Sigvar Fjordmund (Isla...r Level) [TK]: [he shivers]
[2013-06-19 16:19:47 (9h 11m 38.730s)] Owain Aberdenn (Isla...r Level) [TK]: He shall serve upon the Court, is -it agreed-?
[2013-06-19 16:19:47 (9h 11m 38.730s)] Garret Crazybones Highhill.  (Isla...r Level) [TK]: [Nods]
[2013-06-19 16:19:47 (9h 11m 38.730s)] Francois Crozier (Isla...r Level) [TK]: *Crozier abruptly nods, babbling out reassurances.* Yes, yes, agreed! Your will be done.
[2013-06-19 16:20:02 (9h 11m 53.742s)] Sigvar Fjordmund (Isla...r Level) [TK]: [he clears his throat, glancing at the others]
[2013-06-19 16:20:02 (9h 11m 53.742s)] Mist (Isla...r Level) [TK]: ... agreed ...
[2013-06-19 16:20:17 (9h 12m 9.732s)] Mist (Isla...r Level) [TK]: ... my will be done ...
[2013-06-19 16:20:32 (9h 12m 24.743s)] Mist (Isla...r Level) [TK]: ... done, done ...
[2013-06-19 16:20:47 (9h 12m 39.754s)] Owain Aberdenn (Isla...r Level) [TK]: *Looks freezingly upon the others, who remained silent* ..... -agreed-??
[2013-06-19 16:21:02 (9h 12m 54.770s)] Francois Crozier (Isla...r Level) [TK]: *Glancing between the others, nodding his head near constantly like a metronome.*
[2013-06-19 16:21:17 (9h 13m 10.736s)] Emlyn ap Taliesin (Isla...r Level) [TK]: [peers with some great malice into the gathering mists] I see you there... - [then, at last, he turns to bid his head reluctantly at Owain] agreed.

[2013-06-19 16:21:47 (9h 13m 40.769s)] Sigfried Strømme (Isla...r Level) [TK]: You are King. *He grunts, grasping on the arms of the chair*
[2013-06-19 16:21:47 (9h 13m 40.769s)] Amirah Zaahara (Isla...r Level) [TK]: ...yes [Faintly]
[2013-06-19 16:21:47 (9h 13m 40.769s)] Sigvar Fjordmund (Isla...r Level) [TK]: Your Majesty - your people crave for justice, and... is it not the mark of a - [he glances at the mist, weary - before pausing his speech] Hmpf - yes. Agreed.
[2013-06-19 16:21:47 (9h 13m 40.769s)] Howlando [DM] (Isla...r Level) [SH+]: And the threatening mists disappear as swiftly as they came.

[2013-06-19 16:22:17 (9h 14m 11.746s)] Francois Crozier (Isla...r Level) [TK]: *Crozier sags as if some great weight has fallen from him.*

[2013-06-19 16:22:17 (9h 14m 11.746s)] Howlando [DM] (Isla...r Level) [TK+]: /v 1 *Relaxes, weary* Good... yes, of course, it is a minor matter.... very unimportant, in the scheme of things... the Campaign against the Maiden is of the utmost importance. Please ponder well... what alternatives we have.
[2013-06-19 16:22:17 (9h 14m 11.746s)] Owain Aberdenn (Isla...r Level) [TK]: *Relaxes, weary* Good... yes, of course, it is a minor matter.... very unimportant, in the scheme of things... the Campaign against the Maiden is of the utmost importance. Please ponder well... what alternatives we have.
[2013-06-19 16:22:32 (9h 14m 26.763s)] Howlando [DM] (Isla...r Level) [TK+]: /v 1 I shall look to you all for your good advice.
[2013-06-19 16:22:32 (9h 14m 26.763s)] Owain Aberdenn (Isla...r Level) [TK]: I shall look to you all for your good advice.
[2013-06-19 16:22:47 (9h 14m 41.775s)] Francois Crozier (Isla...r Level) [TK]: *He seems to visibly gather himself.*
[2013-06-19 16:22:47 (9h 14m 41.775s)] Howlando [DM] (Isla...r Level) [DM+]: Unsure
[2013-06-19 16:23:02 (9h 14m 56.804s)] Howlando [DM] (Isla...r Level) [TK+]: /v 1 *He gathers up the head, and rises*
[2013-06-19 16:23:02 (9h 14m 56.804s)] Owain Aberdenn (Isla...r Level) [TK]: *He gathers up the head, and rises*
[2013-06-19 16:23:02 (9h 14m 56.804s)] Sigvar Fjordmund (Isla...r Level) [TK]: And ponder we shall, my King.
[2013-06-19 16:23:02 (9h 14m 56.804s)] Owain Aberdenn<possessed by Howlando [DM]> (Isla...r Level) [TK]: I shall return to my rest.
[2013-06-19 16:23:02 (9h 14m 56.804s)] Emlyn ap Taliesin (Isla...r Level) [TK]: As we will look to you for strength when the time finally comes, my King
[2013-06-19 16:23:02 (9h 14m 56.804s)] Owain Aberdenn<possessed by Howlando [DM]> (Isla...r Level) [TK]: Thank you all for your excellent council, as usual.
[2013-06-19 16:23:17 (9h 15m 12.750s)] Sigvar Fjordmund (Isla...r Level) [TK]: Battleplans will be drawn.
[2013-06-19 16:23:17 (9h 15m 12.750s)] Emlyn ap Taliesin (Isla...r Level) [TK]: So rest well.
[2013-06-19 16:23:17 (9h 15m 12.750s)] Lilaena Eneyldir (Isla...r Level) [TK]: No.
[2013-06-19 16:23:17 (9h 15m 12.750s)] Amirah Zaahara (Isla...r Level) [TK]: Rest well, your Majesty
[2013-06-19 16:23:17 (9h 15m 12.750s)] Edwain Pratton (Isla...stlocke) [TK]: That is what it looked like.
[2013-06-19 16:23:17 (9h 15m 12.750s)] Garret Crazybones Highhill.  (Isla...r Level) [TK]: Rest well..
[2013-06-19 16:23:17 (9h 15m 12.750s)] Owain Aberdenn<possessed by Howlando [DM]> (Isla...r Level) [TK]: *A kingly, kind nod*
[2013-06-19 16:23:17 (9h 15m 12.750s)] Emlyn ap Taliesin (Isla...r Level) [TK]: [rises as the King does, and bids his head respectfully]
[2013-06-19 16:23:17 (9h 15m 12.750s)] Francois Crozier (Isla...r Level) [TK]: Yes... be well, my King.
[2013-06-19 16:23:32 (9h 15m 27.750s)] Sigvar Fjordmund (Isla...r Level) [TK]: Be well.
[2013-06-19 16:23:32 (9h 15m 27.750s)] Edwain Pratton (Isla...stlocke) [TK]: I'm sorry?
[2013-06-19 16:23:32 (9h 15m 27.750s)] Owain Aberdenn<possessed by Howlando [DM]> (Isla...r Level) [TK]: *Kisses Gadyw on the crown of his bloody head*
[2013-06-19 16:23:47 (9h 15m 42.751s)] Francois Crozier (Isla...r Level) [TK]: *He stares in mute shock at the others, afraid to speak.*
[2013-06-19 16:23:47 (9h 15m 42.751s)] Sigfried Strømme (Isla...r Level) [TK]: *He glances towards Emlyn, for a moment*
[2013-06-19 16:23:47 (9h 15m 42.751s)] Amirah Zaahara (Isla...r Level) [TK]: I suppose [draws a breath] it needs not be said.
[2013-06-19 16:24:02 (9h 15m 57.754s)] Mist (Isla...r Level) [TK]: [The mists thin out again]
[2013-06-19 16:24:02 (9h 15m 57.754s)] Emlyn ap Taliesin (Isla...r Level) [TK]: Not -
[2013-06-19 16:24:02 (9h 15m 57.754s)] Francois Crozier (Isla...r Level) [TK]: Shut up.
[2013-06-19 16:24:02 (9h 15m 57.754s)] Amirah Zaahara (Isla...r Level) [TK]: ...what we all think.

[2013-06-19 16:24:02 (9h 15m 57.754s)] Francois Crozier (Isla...r Level) [TK]: Not a word.
[2013-06-19 16:24:02 (9h 15m 57.754s)] Emlyn ap Taliesin (Isla...r Level) [TK]: A word. A single word. You will speak to none of this


It's not as epic as the above scene, but one of my absolute favorites was a confrontation of personal significance between Hadley Ableton, an insecure Watch Sergeant, and Seeker Gray, who Hadley just discovered was involved in the murder of Warder Visara, the mentor who had helped guide Hadley to some degree of success within the Watcher ranks.  Also relevant is that Seeker Gray and Warder Visara had common history as Ascensionists.

Brenna Gray: I told him that it could all be made right.  I told that we could still liberate the caged city ... To seek with me once more.  To return and fulfill what needed done.

Hadley Ableton: [She can only muster one meek word] Why?  [It seems that since she heard who killed him, she has heard little else.]

Brenna Gray: He looked at me and instead of vengeance chose rage.

Brenna Gray: You say there was no rage in him, but you are wrong.  Within the Source, before he was torn into this world to fulfill his promises...

Hadley Ableton:  There's plenty of rage in me right now.

Brenna Gray: He told me to tell you "Goodbye" and that he is sorry for not having walked Final Sanctuary with you.

Brenna Gray: Visara's dream cannot end.  You cannot forget, Sergeant.

Hadley Ableton: You think I ever will?  Who else but Hadley Ableton has to lose a father twice?

Brenna Gray: [She looks to the hilt of Hadley's sword]  You wanted, you could draw that sword and gut me, Sergeant.  You know that I cannot stand to you.

Hadley Ableton: And you know I'm not going to do it.

Hadley Ableton: But just so we're clear ... I really want to.

Brenna Gray: If your father is dead then do not bring hate upon your sister.

Hadley Ableton: You're not my sister.  Take off that fucking helmet.  [Doffs her own]

Hadley Ableton: /c subdual full

Brenna Gray: [Lifts the helmet overhead]

Hadley Ableton:  [Strides closer]

Hadley Ableton: [And throws a single punch, hard]