
Started by manythings, November 27, 2017, 04:05:47 PM

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Hey, thought I'd introduce myself.

I played Hilinar Rumnahek, a Dwarven Cleric of Clangeddin on the server a while ago but RL got in the way and haven't been able to play consistently for a while. I'm back living in my home country now for the next year or so and will be active on the server at least for the next little while. I'm currently playing Rondo Gundernottle.

Hope to see all you IG!


Welcome back manythings, good to have you.  But playing a gnome is never a good call. (kidding!)



Hi, I am also a newbie. How are you all?


Welcome margaret, glad to have you.  Hope you enjoy yourself.


Welcome to all you new faces!

If you have any questions about anything hit me up on IRC I'm always happy to lend a hand
<elmo>: i have to say for me your glory days have been on EFUR RagingPurpleGiant1


Blood for the blood god!

(But seriously, welcome!)