Adventure Time, Come on grab your friends...

Started by Random_White_Guy, October 11, 2017, 11:14:00 PM

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"With Intar the Box and Den the Human..."

Denorai of Akanax was created with six intentions in mind

- To create a non-traditional Tempurran priest. On EFU the tendency is to see Tempus followers as big, bold warriors with fullplate and divine power and stomping in arenas

- To create a new take on Tempus' faith. Coupled with above usually tempus' dogma is reduced to "RAGH FIGHT ME BUT I AM NOT GARAGOS". So the hope with Denorai was to create a more embodiment of the idea of chaotic tempus. Victory for the worthy, not picking sides based on judgements of who I would like to win. This lead to a lot of shifting and shaping and pushing efforts up and down the block on both sides. Cultivating criminals and lawmen alike, villains and heroes alike, and similar.

- To see more of EFU. I've been fortunate with this PC to hugely satisfy this goal. Wandering off on crazy adventures with PCs up and down, left and right, DM events to other planes and similar. I was able to travel to a great many dangerous places on the server I had never ventured before which was both terrifying, resulting in a lot of near deaths, and really cool to see some of the super fringe areas of EFU

- To ry and embody that old school adventurer feel. I often get pigeon holed into playing factions or trying to swirl up the drama or wave the banner screaming only to get kicked around or killed. So with Denorai the intention was to play outsider, witnessing much but doing little himself to fully get involved.

- To never spurn a PERMADEATH QUEST. Two embarked on, two completed. (One permadeath arena and one permadeath quest to thwart Dendar's claim of Akadi)

- Rather than being old and infirm shitting himself in bed as he decayed and perished, his goal was to "To die with his boots on, to go down swinging, somewhere he shouldn't be, fighting something far stronger than him" I both was able to tell a few PCS that IG and managed to go down swinging on a DM spiced surface venture, so the only real regret was it couldn't be done on the Black Dragon quest (Or after)!

It was a fun ride, it was crazy, and most importantly it was an ADVENTURE. The emphasis was to fully highlight his Chaos Domain by sowing conflict and supporting villains with the hopes that heroes would rise to challenge them, and the Protection domain in empowering the common man to protect themselves and strike out on adventures to earn their fame and glory without the requirement of Sanctuary's government. Go go Adventuring Caste.

These are probably two of my single favorite screenshots I've ever taken on EFU just for the sheer magnitude of what they represented, and one bantering with Elmo, but attached are 50 crazy moments from wild adventures.

Divine Judgement

Nothing like after a long adventure a nice warm meal and resting your boots

Mission accomplished.

[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips

Silvermoon Dervish

Damn it. I had an idea for a Garagosian dick head to make your PC's life miserable. And then you went and died to NPCs.


I'll write something about your cool character later. For now here's a picture of Denorai forcibly consecrating Sunshine Village to Cyric at sword point.


zDark Shadowz

Denorai should be added to the list of possible Einherjar names I think :)

It's Raining Money!

Had a lot of fun with all our plotting, a truly outrageous old man! ;)

The Dawn's Early Light

I loved Denorai so much. So did Shakti. She didn't *trust* him but she did love him. He made everything unpredictable. :)


Awesome. Enjoyed every minute of Denorai.


Awesome PC, man. Really embodied Chaos to the fullest, much to the endless frustration of my PC and my own endless entertainment. Truly enjoyable take on Tempus. Strong character, great roleplaying, and truly enjoyed all of the genuine adventure and adrenaline with you and Denorai.

Good riddance, old man.

Good Djinntentions

Men of conviction are always delight, and Denorai was nothing if not commited to his view of Tempus! I admired the way you always gave into the flow of combat, and never held himself back because of who was involved. Even when his sides shifted, it always felt natural. Very well done, my friend!



A pleasure to follow from afar.


RIP sassy old Tempuran. Maldwyn had a lot of respect for Denorai, even if he constantly pissed him off.

You actually managed to make me feel a bit like crap OOCly when they bare-fist brawled in the Grotto, haha. Kinda had to take a minute and think "Wow, my character just beat up an old dude. Scum."

At least he died doing what he loved: fighting!


<SkillFocuspwn> no property developers among men only brothers


Fantastic character.


Great rabblerouser RDubG.  I much enjoyed him.
